History & Philosophy of Science, Minor College of Letters & Science

History & Philosophy of Science Minor

The interdisciplinary minor in the History & Philosophy of Science invites students to examine historical and contemporary problems in a variety of scientific disciplines, and to explore concepts and procedures basic to science and how they have evolved. The minor is sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology Studies.

Minor Advisor

Staff advisors are located in Young Hall;  To contact a minor advisor, email stsadvising@ucdavis.edu, schedule an academic advising appointment, or join Drop-In Advising (no appointment needed).

Faculty Advisor

The current Chair of STS (Professor Colin Milburn) is also available for advising by appointment.

History & Philosophy of Science4
Introduction to Philosophy of Science
Choose five courses from those listed below; one course must be from each of three areas:20
(a) History
History of Science to the 18th Century
History of Science, 18th to 20th Centuries
Scientific Revolution
The Rise of the Russian Empire, 1304-1825
Medieval & Renaissance Medicine
Medicine, Society, & Culture in Modern Europe
History of Science in America
History of Technology in America
(b) Philosophy
Philosophy of the Physical Sciences
Philosophy of the Biological Sciences
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Philosophy of Space & Time
(c) Science & Technology Studies
From Natural History to the History of Nature
History of Modern Biology
Gender & Science
Topics in Science & Technology Studies
Total Units24