Student Conduct & Responsibilities

Office of Student Support & Judicial Affairs, 530-752-1128

The Office of Student Support & Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) supports the University's educational mission by assisting students in need, promoting student development, and upholding standards of academic honesty and responsible behavior.

Student Responsibilities

UC Davis policies serve to:

  • Support the safety and security of all members of our community.
  • Promote responsible and engaged involvement in the campus community.
  • Uphold the University's standards of excellence in education.
  • Promote the ethical, intellectual, and emotional growth and development of students involved in the disciplinary process.
  • Ensure compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Students are responsible for complying with the announcements and regulations in this catalog and with all policies of the university and this campus. The student conduct staff in OSSJA uphold campus standards of academic honesty and student conduct by resolving alleged violations of university policies. The Code of Academic Conduct and other policies related to student conduct may be found on the Policies page at the Office of Student Support & Judicial Affairs. Students must meet all university obligations in order to register for courses or receive transcripts of record and diplomas.

We work to educate students on these policies and support them in their efforts to ensure that their academic work aligns with them. As some policies are not intuitive, please review the Code of Academic Conduct and our Suggestions for Avoiding Academic Misconduct to ensure that you are fully aware of expectations and can take proactive steps to avoid being suspected of misconduct. 

Finally, we recognize that being a student can be very stressful and, when people are feeling overwhelmed, it can be harder to make good decisions. Students who are pressed for time or trying to cope with significant stress can be more likely to succumb to the temptation to cheat. Strive to start studying and working on assignments early and attend to your stressors. Get help from the many UC Davis resources as soon as you notice that you're having difficulty.