Human Development (HDE) College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

HDE 012 — Human Sexuality (3 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Vocabulary, structure/function of reproductive system; sexual response; pre-natal development; pregnancy and childbirth; development of sexuality; rape and sexual assault; birth control; sexually transmitted diseases; homosexuality; establishing/maintaining intimacy; sexual dysfunctions; communication; enhancing sexual interaction, cultural differences in attitudes towards sexuality. May be taught abroad.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • HDE 012 — Human Sexuality (3 units)
  • Course Description: Vocabulary, structure/function of reproductive system; sexual response; pre-natal development; pregnancy and childbirth; development of sexuality; rape and sexual assault; birth control; sexually transmitted diseases; homosexuality; establishing/maintaining intimacy; sexual dysfunctions; communication; enhancing sexual interaction, cultural differences in attitudes towards sexuality.
  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HDE 092 — Internship (1-12 units)

Course Description: Supervised internship, off campus and on campus, in community and institutional setting. Involves progressively greater (supervised) participation in program delivery or assessment.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; field work experience or at least one course related to fieldwork assignment (e.g. HDE 100A, HDE 100B, HDE 140 or HDE 140L).

  • Learning Activities: Internship 3-36 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 12 unit(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 098 — Directed Group Study for Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study for undergraduates.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 099 — Special Study for Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Special study for undergraduates.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 100A — Infancy & Early Childhood (4 units)

Course Description: Biological, social, and cultural influences in the psychological growth and development of children, prenatal through age six. Two observations of preschool children required.

Prerequisite(s): (PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V); (BIS 002A or BIS 010 or BIS 001A or BIS 010V) or MCB 010 or NPB 010 or NPB 012 or MIC 010.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 100AV — Infancy & Early Childhood (4 units)

Course Description: Biological, social, and cultural influences in the psychological growth and development of children, prenatal through age six. Two observations of preschool children required.

Prerequisite(s): (PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V); (BIS 002A or BIS 010 or BIS 001A or BIS 010V or MCB 010 or NPB 010 or NPB 012 or MIC 010).

  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 100B — Middle Childhood & Adolescence (4 units)

Course Description: Interplay of biological and social-cultural factors in the emotional, cognitive and social development from middle childhood through adolescence.

Prerequisite(s): (HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or PSC 140 or PSC 140Y or PSC 140V); (PSC 001 or PSC 001Y).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 100C — Adulthood & Aging (4 units)

Course Description: Development during early, middle, and late adulthood; biological, cognitive, and psycho-social aspects of adult development. Emphasis on normative patterns of development which characterize "successful aging."

Prerequisite(s): PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 101 — Cognitive Development (4 units)

Course Description: Theories, methods, evidence, and debates in the field of cognitive development, such as nature/nurture, constraints on learning, and the role of plasticity. Topics include attention, memory, concepts about the physical and social world, and language.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or PSC 140 or PSC 140Y or PSC 140V.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken PSC 141.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 102 — Social & Personality Development (4 units)

Course Description: Social and personality development of children, infancy through adolescence. Topics include the development of personality, achievement motivation, self-understanding, sex-role identity, and antisocial behavior. Emphasis on the interface between biological and social factors.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One open to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 104 — Children in Families, Schools, Communities (4 units)

Course Description: Children's social contexts (e.g., family, peers, school, neighborhood, community culture), development, and environmental challenges (e.g., poverty, maltreatment) from birth through adolescence.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or PSC 140 or PSC 140Y or PSC 140V.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to HDE majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 110 — Families in Communities (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Family member's roles, interactions, and development, and how families are impacted by the larger community and society in which they live. Relevant topics/issues include: gender, race/ethnicity, parenting, marriage, grandparents, divorce, acculturation, migration, and policies relevant to family well-being.

Prerequisite(s): PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V or CRD 001 or CRD 002 or SOC 001 or SOC 002.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to HDE students.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HDE 110V.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • HDE 110 — Families in Communities (4 units)
  • Course Description: Family member's roles, interactions, and development, and how families are impacted by the larger community and society in which they live. Relevant topics/issues include: gender, race/ethnicity, parenting, marriage, grandparents, divorce, acculturation, migration, and policies relevant to family well-being.
  • Prerequisite(s): PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V or CRD 001 or CRD 002 or SOC 001 or SOC 001V or SOC 002.
  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to HDE students.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HDE 110V.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.
  • HDE 110 — Families in Communities (4 units)
  • Course Description: Family member's roles, interactions, and development, and how families are impacted by the larger community and society in which they live. Relevant topics/issues include: gender, race/ethnicity, parenting, marriage, grandparents, divorce, acculturation, migration, and policies relevant to family well-being.
  • Prerequisite(s): PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V or CRD 001 or CRD 002 or SOC 001 or SOC 001V or SOC 002 or SOC 002V.
  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to HDE students.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HDE 110V.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Summer Session 1 2025.

HDE 110V — Families in Communities (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Family members' roles, interactions, and development, and how families are impacted by the larger community and society in which they live. Relevant topics/issues include gender, race/ethnicity, parenting, marriage, grandparents, divorce, acculturation, migration, and policies relevant to family well-being.

Prerequisite(s): CRD 001 or CRD 002 or PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V or SOC 001 or SOC 002.

  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HDE 110.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • HDE 110V — Families in Communities (4 units)
  • Course Description: Family members' roles, interactions, and development, and how families are impacted by the larger community and society in which they live. Relevant topics/issues include gender, race/ethnicity, parenting, marriage, grandparents, divorce, acculturation, migration, and policies relevant to family well-being.
  • Prerequisite(s): CRD 001 or CRD 002 or PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V or SOC 001 or SOC 001V or SOC 002.
  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restrictions: Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HDE 110.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.
  • HDE 110V — Families in Communities (4 units)
  • Course Description: Family members' roles, interactions, and development, and how families are impacted by the larger community and society in which they live. Relevant topics/issues include gender, race/ethnicity, parenting, marriage, grandparents, divorce, acculturation, migration, and policies relevant to family well-being.
  • Prerequisite(s): CRD 001 or CRD 002 or PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V or SOC 001 or SOC 001V or SOC 002 or SOC 002V.
  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restrictions: Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HDE 110.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Summer Session 1 2025.

HDE 111 — Family Stress & Resilience (4 units)

Course Description: Theories and research associated with stressors affecting family functioning throughout the lifespan. Normative transitions and non-normative stressors, family services and family based policies and interventions.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 110 or HDE 110V.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 112 — Social Relationships Across the Lifespan (4 units)

Course Description: Spectrum of relationships across the lifespan; e.g., families, friends, members from the broader social network. Major theories and research among social relationships and development.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS).

HDE 117 — Longevity (4 units)

Course Description: Nature, origin, determinants, and limits of longevity with particular reference to humans; emphasis on implications of findings from non-human model systems including natural history, ecology and evolution of life span; description of basic demographic techniques including life table methods.

Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper 1 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: ENT 117.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Science & Engineering (SE); Scientific Literacy (SL); Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 120 — Research Methods in Human Development (5 units)

Course Description: Scientific process, research designs, and experimental controls; APA manuscript style and scientific writing; statistical analysis and interpretation of results. Laboratory exercises to collect data, analyze and interpret results, and write scientific papers.

Prerequisite(s): STA 013 or STA 013Y or STA 013V or STA 100 or EDU 114 or PSC 041 or (SOC 046A, SOC 046B).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Laboratory 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Quantitative Literacy (QL); Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 121 — Psychological Assessment (4 units)

Course Description: Current issues and methodology related to the process of psychological assessment with children.

Prerequisite(s): (HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B); (STA 013 or STA 013Y or PSC 041 or (SOC 046A, SOC 046B)).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 130 — Developmental Psychopathology (4 units)

Course Description: Foundational principles and current issues in developmental psychopathology, the study of mental health problems and disorders that originate in childhood and adolescence (e.g., disruptive behavior, mood and anxiety disorders).

Prerequisite(s): (HDE 100A, HDE 100B) or (PSC 140 or PSC 140Y or PSC 140V); consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 131 — Thriving Across the Lifespan (4 units)

Course Description: Positive developmental trajectories from womb to tomb. Developmental process of thriving (e.g., happiness, life satisfaction, wisdom) and the factors that support thriving.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS).

HDE 131V — Thriving Across the Lifespan (4 units)

Course Description: Positive developmental trajectories from womb to tomb. Developmental process of thriving (e.g., happiness, life satisfaction, wisdom) and the factors that support thriving.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS).

HDE 132 — Individual Differences in Cognition (4 units)

Course Description: Individual differences in cognition, including learning disabilities and giftedness. Education implications and neurodevelopmental substrates of individual differences in cognition.

Prerequisite(s): (PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V); (HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 133 — Stress, Adversity & Resilience (4 units)

Course Description: Short and long term biobehavioral responses to stress and adversity. The biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors of resilience. Interventions promoting resilience. Developmental perspective of stress and resilience across the lifespan.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Devlopement majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 133V — Stress, Adversity & Resilience (4 units)

Course Description: Short and long term biobehavioral responses to stress and adversity. The biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors of resilience. Interventions promoting resilience. Developmental perspective of stress and resilience across the lifespan.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted to Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Diversity Literacy (DL), Social Sciences (SS), Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 134 — Disparities & Inequalities in Health & Wellbeing (4 units)

Course Description: Biological, psychosocial, environmental, historical, and political factors on disparities and inequalities. Individual differences in risk exposures. Developmental and intergenerational processes. Policy applications of disparities research.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One open to HDE majors only.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Only two units of credit for student who have previously taken SPH 113; only two units of credit for student who have previously taken SOC 163.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).

HDE 135 — Health Behaviors Across the Lifespan (4 units)

Course Description: Development of health-related behaviors and physical and mental health outcomes across the lifespan. Coping strategies and behaviors such as nutrition, physical activity, technology, substance use/abuse, and social and cognitive engagement, as related to developmental stage.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS).

HDE 137 — Contextual Determinants of Health (4 units)

Course Description: Community, cultural, political, and physical environment influences on health and well-being. Developmental approach. Unique contextual determinants of health from womb to tomb.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B or HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Pass One restricted with Human Development majors.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD).

HDE 140 — Field Study in Early Childhood (4-6 units)

Course Description: Application of theories of learning and development to interaction with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers at Early Childhood Laboratory School. Applied skills in communication, guidance, and curriculum.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A; consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 2 hour(s), Fieldwork.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Contact the Internship Coordinator in the Department of Human Ecology.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Summer Session 1 2025.

HDE 140L — Laboratory in Early Childhood (4 units)

Starting Summer Session 1 2025, this course is no longer offered.

Course Description: Application of theories of learning and development to interaction with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers at Early Childhood Laboratory. Applied skills in communication, guidance and curriculum.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV; consent of instructor; to enroll, students must contact the Internship Coordinator in 1303 Hart Hall.

  • Learning Activities: Laboratory 7 hour(s), Discussion 2 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 141 — Field Study With Children & Adolescents (4-6 units)

Course Description: Study of children's affective, cognitive and social development within the context of family/school environments, hospitals and foster group homes.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B; and consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 2 hour(s), Fieldwork 6-12 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 12 unit(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 142 — Field Study with Emotionally Distressed Children & Adolescents (4-6 units)

Course Description: Field study with children who are identified as emotionally distressed, including those with internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 130 (can be concurrent); and consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1.50 hour(s), Fieldwork 6-12 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 12 unit(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 143 — Field Studies of the Elderly (4-6 units)

Course Description: Apply theory and research on adult development and aging, work with older adults in a variety of settings, and develop skills relevant to that application. Develop a small research project.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100C or HDE 160 (can be concurrent); and consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 2 hour(s), Fieldwork 6 hour(s), Variable 4-6 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 160 — Social Aspects of Aging (4 units)

Course Description: How the social context affects adult development and aging. Emphasis on demography, social policy, culture, and adaptation. Oral histories as class projects.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 100C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 161 — Technology Use, Health, & Aging (4 units)

Course Description: Principles from gerontology applied to older adults' use of technology to support health and well-being across a variety of domains (e.g., cognitive and physical fitness, social engagement) and contexts (assisted living, aging in place). Cognitive, sensory, and physical changes in later life that impact technology use.

Prerequisite(s): (PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V); HDE 100C; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HDE 163 — Cognitive Neuropsychology in Adulthood & Aging (4 units)

Course Description: Theories, methods, and findings concerning the relationship between cognitive processes and brain functioning. Readings, lectures, and in-class discussions cover research on normal younger and older adults, neuropsychological case studies, and selected patient groups (e.g., amnesia, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease).

Prerequisite(s): (PSC 001 or PSC 001Y or PSC 001V); HDE 100C recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 180 — Special Topics in Human Development (4 units)

Course Description: In-depth examination into selected topics in the field of human development (e.g., brain development, parenting, nutrition). Content varies from quarter to quarter.

Prerequisite(s): Four upper division courses in Human Development (HDE).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to HDE students with junior or senior class standing; priority given to students who have not received HDE 180 units previously.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when the topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 190C — Introductory Research Conference (1 unit)

Course Description: Instructors lead discussions with undergraduate students who involve themselves in a research project. Research papers are reviewed and aspects of project proposals developed out of class are presented and evaluated.

Prerequisite(s): Involvement in ongoing research; consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 192 — Internship (1-12 units)

Course Description: Supervised internship off and on campus, in community, and institutional settings.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; upper division standing.

  • Learning Activities: Internship 3-36 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 197T — Peer Tutoring in Human Development (1-5 units)

Course Description: Assist the instructor of a Human Development course by tutoring individual students or small groups of students, leading voluntary discussion groups, or organizing other voluntary activities.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; upper division standing completion of course to be tutored.

  • Learning Activities: Tutorial 3-15 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 10 unit(s) with consent of instructor.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: May be taught abroad.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • HDE 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)
  • Course Description: Directed group study.
  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HDE 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HDE 200A — Early Development (4 units)

Course Description: Theory and research on the biological, social, cognitive, and cultural aspects of development from conception to the age of five years.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; basic biology or physiology; one upper division course in psychology or a related field; one upper division or graduate course in developmental psychology (can be concurrent).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 200B — Middle Childhood & Adolescence (4 units)

Course Description: Theory and research on biological, cognitive, social, and cultural influences on behavioral development from age five years until late adolescence.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; basic biology or physiology, and at least two upper division or graduate level courses in psychology or related fields.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 200C — Development in Adulthood (4 units)

Course Description: Theory and research focusing on social, personality, cognitive, and biological development from early to late adulthood. Emphasis is on theory development and continuity and change.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 203 — Adolescent Behavioral & Emotional Development (4 units)

Course Description: Analysis of recent theories, research methods, and major findings on adolescent behavioral and emotional development, including contextual and genetic influences on adolescence, pubertal transitions, and social/family contexts and processes. Emphasis on multi-level mechanisms underlying adolescent behavioral and emotional development.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 200B.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 204 — Developmental Neuroscience & Adolescent Psychopathology (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to human developmental neuroscience. Understanding of adolescence and its characterization as a time of risky and unhealthy behavior and vulnerability to onset of mental disorder as well as issues around plasticity of the adolescent brain and prevention/intervention.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Human Development, Psychology, Education, Neuroscience or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 205 — Longitudinal Data Analysis (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to longitudinal data manipulation, organization, description, and modeling in the multilevel modeling and structural equation modeling frameworks.

Prerequisite(s): PSC 204B; or equivalent graduate courses in statistics or consent of instructor; familiarity with multiple regression and the basics of matrix algebra.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Open to graduate students only.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 207 — Topics in Technology Use, Health & Aging (4 units)

Course Description: Principles from gerontology applied to older adults' use of technology to support health and well-being across a variety of domains (e.g., cognitive and physical fitness, social engagement) and contexts (assisted living, aging in place). Cognitive, sensory, and physical changes in later life that impact technology use.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in one of the following Graduate Groups: Human Development, Psychology, Communication, Education, and Nursing Science and Healthcare Leadership, or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 208 — Analysis of Intensive Longitudinal Data (4 units)

Course Description: Manipulation, organization, description, and modeling of intensive longitudinal data (ILD), which are repeated measures collected intensively from individuals within a relatively short period of time. Daily diary data, ecological momentary assessments, neuroimaging data, and physiological recordings.

Prerequisite(s): PSC 204B; or equivalent graduate courses in statistics; or consent of instructor; familiarity with multiple regression and the basics of matrix algebra; HDE 205 or PSC 205G strongly recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Open to graduate students only.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.

HDE 210 — Theories of Behavioral Development (3 units)

Course Description: Consideration of enduring issues in theories of behavioral development; analysis of adequacy of major theoretical schools (e.g., social learning, Piagetian) as scientific theories.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in behavioral sciences.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 211 — Physiological Correlates of Behavioral Development (4 units)

Course Description: An overview of mechanisms of organismic development and the implications of developmental biology for the analysis of behavioral ontogeny; consideration of parallels between processes of organismic development and behavioral development in children and infra-human mammals.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 220 — Research Methods in Human Growth & Development (4 units)

Course Description: Overview of qualitative and quantitative approaches to empirical inquiry in the social sciences, with a focus on theory and research methods in biological growth and cognitive and social/emotional development from prenatal period to death.

Prerequisite(s): STA 013 or STA 013Y; or the equivalent and at least two upper division courses in Human Biology or Developmental Psychology.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 232 — Cognition & Aging (3 units)

Course Description: Manner in which cognitive processes are affected by aging as well as an understanding of the changes in the central nervous system occurring with aging.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 200C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 234 — Children's Learning & Thinking (3 units)

Course Description: Analysis of theories, research methods, and major findings of children's higher-order cognition, including origins of knowledge, development of problem-solving skills, reasoning strategies, and scientific concepts, with an emphasis on the underlying mechanism involved in children's thinking and learning processes.

Prerequisite(s): HDE 200A or PSC 212 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 238 — The Context of Individual Development (3 units)

Course Description: Analysis of human development within the context of daily life. Contextualizing theories and methods of developmental psychology will be distinguished from contextual theories and methods. Developmental psychology models will be distinguished from child psychology models.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Human Development, Child Development, Education, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 239 — Developmental Psychopathology (4 units)

Course Description: Theories, current issues, and empirical studies of atypical development from infancy to adulthood that integrate multiple system levels from genes, neurobiology, cognition, emotion, family and peer dynamics to community and cultural contexts.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Human Development, Psychology, Sociology, a related social science, or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion/Laboratory 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 240 — Peer Relationships during Adolescence (4 units)

Course Description: Examines the role of peer relationships in adolescent development including forms and functions at the individual, dyadic and group levels. Ethnicity and cross cultural research will be discussed. Emphasis on methodology, including surveys, peer nominations/sociometrics, experimental, and observational designs.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing in Human Development, Psychology, Education, or consent of instructor.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 250 — Current Research on Family Relationships (4 units)

Course Description: Discussion of theories, methods, and current research on the nature and development of sibling, romantic, and parent-child relationships across the lifespan. Emphasis on interpersonal and family processes examined in ethnic/cultural contexts. Implications for individual development will be addressed.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion/Laboratory 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing in Human Development Graduate Group, Psychology, Sociology, a related social science, or consent of instructor.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 252 — Family Research, Programs & Policy (4 units)

Course Description: Examines the competing interests of research, policy, and service on current issues of family functioning and individual well being. Considers communication barriers between researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing in Human Development, Psychology, Sociology, related social sciences, or consent of instructor.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 290 — Seminar (3 units)

Course Description: Discussion and evaluation of theories, research, and issues in human development. Different topics each quarter.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 290C — Research Conference (1 unit)

Course Description: Supervising instructors lead research discussions with their graduate students. Research papers are reviewed and project proposals are presented and evaluated.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HDE 291 — Research Issues in Human Development (4 units)

Course Description: In-depth presentations of research issues in particular areas of behavioral development.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing in the behavioral sciences.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 4 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 292 — Graduate Internship (1-12 units)

Course Description: Individually designed supervised internship, off campus, in community or institutional setting. Developed with advice of faculty mentor.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of faculty (internship sponsor) and satisfactory completion of placement relevant course work, for example: EDU 213, EDU 216; HDE 222, HDE 242; LAW 272, LAW 273.

  • Learning Activities: Internship 3-36 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 12 unit(s) with justifed skill acqusition and promise of informing evaluation research.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HDE 298 — Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Group study.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HDE 299 — Research (1-12 units)

Course Description: Research.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HDE 396 — Teaching Assistant Training Practicum (1-4 units)

Course Description: Teaching assistant training.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.