History (HIS) College of Letters & Science

HIS 001 — Introduction to History (2 units)

Course Description: Introduction to history, its key methodologies, writing tasks, and research practices. Examination of the development of history as an academic discipline; ethics in historical research. Topical focus changes regularly.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 1 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 002 — Introduction to the History of Science & Technology (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to topics and methods of the history of science and technology. Emphasis on understanding the role of science and technology in the modern world through a long-term historical perspective.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: STS 002.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Scientific Literacy (SL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 002Y — Introduction to the History of Science & Technology (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to topics and methods of the history of science and technology. Emphasis on understanding the role of science and technology in the modern world through a long-term historical perspective.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s); Discussion 1 hour(s); Web Virtual Lecture 1 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HIS 002 or STS 002.
  • Cross Listing: STS 002Y.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Scientific Literacy (SL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 003 — Cities: A Survey of World Cultures (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of urban world cultures, focusing on up to ten cities selected by the instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Lecture/Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 004A — History of Western Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Growth of western civilization from late antiquity to the Renaissance.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 004B — History of Western Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: History of western civilization from the Renaissance to the 18th century.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 004C — History of Western Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Development of Western Civilization from the 18th century to the present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 005 — Modernist Culture (2 units)

Course Description: Modernist culture in global perspective. Introduction to early 20th-century innovations in visual arts, music, literature, film, and architecture in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 2 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 006 — Introduction to the Middle East (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Survey of the major social, economic, political and cultural transformations in the Middle East from the rise of Islam (c.600A.D.) to the present, emphasizing themes in religion and culture, politics and society.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
  • HIS 006 — Introduction to the Middle East (4 units)
  • Course Description: Survey of the major social, economic, political and cultural transformations in the Middle East from the rise of Islam (c.600A.D.) to the present, emphasizing themes in religion and culture, politics and society.
  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Summer Session 1 2025.

HIS 007A — History of Latin America to 1700 (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the history of Spanish and Portuguese America from the late pre-Columbian period through the initial phase and consolidation of a colonial regime (circa 1700). Topics include conquest, colonialism, racial mixture, gender, and labor systems.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 007B — History of Latin America, 1700-1900 (4 units)

Course Description: Latin America from colony to republic. The nature of Iberian colonialism, the causes for independence, the creation of nation states, the difficulties in consolidating these nations, and the rise of Liberalism and export economies in the 19th century.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 007C — History of Latin America 1900-present (4 units)

Course Description: Latin America since the beginning of the 20th century. Themes include export economies, oligarchic rule, crises of depression and war, corporatism, populism, revolution and reform movements, cultural and ethnic issues, U.S.-Latin American relations, neo-liberal restructuring.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 008 — History of Indian Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of Indian civilization from the rise of cities (ca. 2000 B.C.) to the present, emphasizing themes in religion, social and political organization, and art and literature that reflect cultural interaction and change.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 009A — History of East Asian Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Surveys traditional Chinese civilization and its modern transformation. Emphasis is on thought and religion, political and social life, art and literature. Perspectives on contemporary China are provided.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 009B — History of East Asian Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Surveys traditional Japanese civilization and its modern transformation. Emphasis is on thought and religion, political and social life, art and literature. Perspectives on contemporary Japan are provided.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 009C — Korean Culture & Society: From Ancient Three Kingdoms to the Global K-Pop (4 units)

Course Description: Evolution of Korean society from Three Kingdoms period (B.C.E 57 to C.E. 676) to the contemporary era emphasizing the perseverance and transformations of traditional social and cultural patterns.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: EAS 088.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 010A — World History to 1350 (4 units)

Course Description: Historical examination of the changing relationship of human societies to one another and to their natural settings through the year 1350, with particular attention to long-term trends and to periodic crises that reshaped the links of culture and nature on a global scale.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 010B — World History, c. 1350-1850 (4 units)

Course Description: Major topics in world history from the 14th century to the beginning of the 19th century. Topics will vary but may include: oceans as systems of human communication and conflict; the global consequences of "industrious revolutions" in Europe and Asia, etc.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 010C — World History III (4 units)

Course Description: Major topics from world history of the 19th and 20th centuries, emphasizing the rise and fall of Western colonial empires; Cold War and the superpowers; the spread of the nation-states; and process of globalization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 011 — History of the Jewish People in the Modern World (4 units)

Course Description: Histories and cultures of the Jews since 1492. Topics include: the making of Jewish diasporas, roots of antisemitism, the Holocaust in images and texts, changing ideas of the self, Jews in America, contemporary visions of the Jewish past.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 012 — Food & History (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the ways humans have fed themselves from the dawn of humanity to the present. Transformation of plants and animals into food, cooking into cuisine, and ceremony into etiquette.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 013 — Global Sexualities (4 units)

Course Description: Global history of sexualities, including comparative study of gender, marriage, and fertility before 1800, followed by the modern history of sexualities worldwide as it intersects with imperialism, race, population control, law, and globalization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 014 — History of Global Capitalism (4 units)

Course Description: History of institutions, workers, commodity chains, and the social and cultural context of capitalism around the world from 1500-present. Emphasis on transnational and comparative histories of political economies and individual human lives.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Domestic Diversity (DD); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 015A — Africa to 1900 (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to African history to 1900. Origins and impact of early human history, precolonial states and societies, slavery and the slave trade, religious and cultural movements, and the foundations of European colonialism.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 015B — Africa Today (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of major themes in colonial and postcolonial sub-Saharan African history, including colonialism, decolonization, nationalism and politics, economic history and labor, urbanization, popular culture, gender, marriage, and family life.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 016 — Sex, Science, & Society (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the relationship between sex, science, and society in the history of the modern world. Emphasis on the development of scientific ideas about the human body against broader social, cultural, and political trends and from a global viewpoint.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: STS 016.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Scientific Literacy (SL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 017A — History of the United States (4 units)

Course Description: The experience of the American people from the Colonial Era to the Civil War.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 017B — History of the United States (4 units)

Course Description: The experience of the American people from the Civil War to the end of the Cold War.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed HIS 017C.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 018A — Race in America to 1865 (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to history of race and racial formation in the United States to the Civil War through a comparative approach. Examines the experiences of African Americans, Asian Americans, Native American, Mexican Americans and other Latino/a groups.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Only one unit of credit to students who have previously completed HIS 178A.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD).

HIS 018B — Race in the United States Since 1865 (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the history of race and racial formation in America since 1865 though a comparative approach that examines the experiences of African Americans, Asian Americans, Native American and Mexican Americans and other Latino/a groups.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD).

HIS 019 — Migration & Borders in Global History (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Introduction to global migration history from 1800 to the present; labor migration systems; border governance; undocumented migrants; partition, displacement, and refugee regimes; race, class, and gender in migration law.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
  • HIS 019 — Migration & Borders in Global History (4 units)
  • Course Description: Introduction to global migration history from 1800 to the present; labor migration systems; border governance; undocumented migrants; partition, displacement, and refugee regimes; race, class, and gender in migration law.
  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Summer Session 1 2025.

HIS 020 — The Vietnam War (4 units)

Course Description: A history of the Vietnam War, including its origins, fighting, and repercussions.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 072A — Women & Gender in America, to 1865 (4 units)

Course Description: History of women and gender in America through 1865, emphasizing intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality. Topics include interracial marriage, slavery, witchcraft, meanings of motherhood, war, domestic labor, moral reform, women’s rights, migrations, the effects of commercialization and industrialization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 072B — Women & Gender in America, 1865-Present (4 units)

Course Description: History of women and gender in America since 1865, emphasizing intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality. Covers emancipation, migration, immigration, war, media, same-sex and opposite-sex relationships, and the birth control, suffrage, labor, civil rights, feminist, and anti-feminist movements.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 080 — The History of the United States in the Middle East (2 units)

Course Description: History of the United States in the Middle East from 1900 to the present. Examination of U.S. foreign relations toward the Middle East, their regional ramifications and domestic repercussions.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 080W — The History of the United States in the Middle East (2 units)

Course Description: History of the United States in the Middle East from 1900 to the present. Examination of U.S. foreign relations toward the Middle East, their regional ramifications and domestic repercussions with extensive writing.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 1 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Must enroll in HIS 080 concurrently.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 085 — Nature, Man, & the Machine in America (4 units)

Course Description: History of the attitudes and behavior of Americans toward their natural environment and their technology, from colonial times to the present. No final examination.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 4 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 090 — Research in History (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Emphasis on primary sources and archival research.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 092 — Internship in History (1-12 units)

Course Description: Supervised internship and study as a historian, archivist, curator, or an in another history-related capacity, in an approved organization or institution.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Internship 1-12 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 098 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Primarily for lower division students.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 099 — Special Study for Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Special study for undergraduates.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 100 — Selected Topics in History (4 units)

Course Description: Selected Topics in History may be organized around a particular geography (e.g., the Balkans), a chronological framework (e.g., the 1960s around the world) or a thematic approach (e.g., the rise of ethnic or racial identities in a particular region).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 101 — Introduction to Historical Thought & Writing (5 units)

Course Description: Study of the history of historical thought and writing, analysis of critical and speculative philosophies of history and evaluation of modes of organization, interpretation, and style in historical writing.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102A — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Ancient (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Ancient.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102B — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Medieval (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Medieval.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102D — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Modern Europe to 1815 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Modern Europe to 1815.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102E — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Europe Since 1815 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Europe since 1815.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102F — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Russia (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Russia.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102G — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: China to 1800 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. China to 1800.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102H — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: China Since 1800 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. China since 1800.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102I — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Britain (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Britain.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102J — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Latin America Since 1810 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Latin America since 1810.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102K — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: American History to 1787 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. American History to 1787.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102L — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: United States, 1787-1896 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. United States, 1787-1896.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102M — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: United States Since 1896 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. United States since 1896.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102N — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Japan (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Japan.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102O — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Africa (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Africa.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102P — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Christianity & Culture in Europe, 50-1850 (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Christianity and Culture in Europe, 50-1850.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102Q — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: India (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. India.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102R — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Muslim Societies (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Muslim Societies.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102S — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Education Abroad Program (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Education Abroad Program; may be taught abroad.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 102X — Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Comparative History (5 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for history majors. Intensive reading, discussion, research, and writing in selected topics in the various fields of history. Comparative History, selected topics in cultural, political, economic, and social history that deal comparatively with more than one geographic field.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Limited enrollment.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 103 — Topics in Historical Research (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Individual research resulting in a research paper on a specific topic in one of various fields of history. May be taught abroad.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).
  • HIS 103 — Topics in Historical Research (4 units)
  • Course Description: Individual research resulting in a research paper on a specific topic in one of various fields of history.
  • Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
  • Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HIS 104A — Introduction to Historical Research & Interpretation (4 units)

Course Description: Directed reading and research aimed at preparing students to select appropriate topics and methodologies for a senior honors essay and to situate their topics within a meaningful, broad context of historical interpretations.

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into History Department Honors Program.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 104B — Honors Thesis (4 units)

Course Description: Research in preparation of a senior honors thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 104A.

  • Learning Activities: Tutorial 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 104C — Honors Thesis (4 units)

Course Description: Completion of a senior honors thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 104A; HIS 104B.

  • Learning Activities: Tutorial 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 105 — Teaching History (4 units)

Course Description: Teaching of American and world history at the K-12 level. Emphasis on introducing college students to the multiple ways in which history is taught, and on understanding how history education is determined.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 107 — Medicine's Histories: Human & Veterinary Medicine from the Ancient World to One Health (4 units)

Course Description: Global, comparative study of the related histories of human and veterinary medicine from the ancient world to today's interdisciplinary One Health. Emphasis on reintegration of human and veterinary medicine to meet the biggest health challenges today.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Project.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS).

HIS 108 — Global Environmental History (4 units)

Course Description: Global, comparative study of how environmental change, human perceptions of nature, and manipulations of nature have changed over time. Primary focus post-1500, emphasis on critically analyzing many common ideas of environmental change.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Project.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HIS 109A.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS).

HIS 109 — Environmental Change, Disease & Public Health (4 units)

Course Description: Analysis of environmental changes from pre-history to the present and their influence on disease distribution, virulence and public health. Focus on critical study of many human-driven environmental changes and the accelerated transformation/spread of pathogens under globalization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Project.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HIS 109B.
  • Cross Listing: SAS 109.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Science & Engineering (SE) or Social Sciences (SS); Scientific Literacy (SL); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 110 — Themes in World History (4 units)

Course Description: Topics will emphasize the interaction of diverse regions of the world as well as common patterns of historical change.

Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when instructor and/or topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 110A — Colonialism & the Making of the Modern World (4 units)

Course Description: History of the modern world, focusing on struggles between Europeans and colonized peoples; the global formation of capitalism; the creation of nation-states; and the constitution of bourgeois bodies and racial selves in modern societies.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 111A — Ancient History (4 units)

Course Description: History of ancient empires of the Near East and of their historical legacy to the Western world.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 111B — Ancient History (4 units)

Course Description: Political, cultural and intellectual study of the Greek world from Minoan-Mycenaean period to end of Hellenistic Age.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 111C — Ancient History (4 units)

Course Description: Development of Rome from earliest times. Rise and fall of the Roman Republic; the Empire to 476 A.D.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 112A — Topics in Pre-Modern Jewish History (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in the history of Jews from the Biblical era to the eras of Jewish emancipation. Topics can be framed chronologically (eg., medieval Jewry) or thematically (eg., trade and Jewish communities). May be repeated once for credit.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 112B — Topics in Modern Jewish History (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in the history of Jews from the era of Jewish emancipation to the present. Topics can be framed chronologically or thematically (eg. Zionism, assimilation, the post Holocaust Diaspora). May be repeated once for credit.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 112C — History of Jews in the Muslim World (4 units)

Course Description: History of Jewish communities in the lands of Islam from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the present day.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 113 — History of Modern Palestine/Israel (4 units)

Course Description: Cultural, social, and political histories of Palestine and Israel from the Ottoman Empire to the present. Topics include Zionist and Palestinian national movements; colonialism and the British Mandate; immigration, settlement, and refugees; the development of modern Israeli cultures; questions of statehood and multiculturalism; conflict and regional minority populations.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 114 — Histories of 20th Century Partition (4 units)

Course Description: Politics of territorial separation in Ireland; Greece/Turkey; India/Pakistan; Palestine/Israel; the U.S./Mexico border, etc. Partition as a focus area in international governance; on refugee migration; race; problems of national citizenship; and the politics of hard borders.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have previously completed an upper division history course in histories of 20th Century Partition.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 115A — History of West Africa (4 units)

Course Description: West and Central Africa from 1500 to the present. Origins and impact of precolonial states and societies, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, decolonization, nationalism, and changes in religions, politics, economics, gender, and culture.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 015 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 115B — History of East Africa & the Indian Ocean (4 units)

Course Description: Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean world from 1500 to the present. Origins and impact of precolonial states and societies, slavery, trade, colonialism, decolonization, nationalism, and changes in religions, politics, economics, gender, and culture.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 015 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 115C — History of Southern Africa from Exploration to the Rainbow Nation (4 units)

Course Description: Southern Africa from 1500 to the present. Origins and impact of precolonial states and societies, European colonization, industrialization, urbanization, nationalism, apartheid, and changes in religions, politics, economics, gender, and culture.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 015 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 115D — Postcolonial Africa (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of social, political, cultural and economic change in African societies since the ending of European colonial rule in the 20th century. Themes include development, health and medicine, war and conflict, urbanization, global and inter-continental migration, and family and gender.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 015 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 115E — Slavery, Africa, & the Atlantic World (4 units)

Course Description: History of the African Slave trades, from the early Egyptian and Saharan trades in the pre-modern period to the trans-Atlantic trade (15th-19th century) and the contemporary trafficking of humans.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 115F — History of Modern North Africa, 1800 to the Present (4 units)

Course Description: History of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya (the Maghrib), 1800 to the present. Topics include conquest and pacification, reform movements, the rise of nationalism, decolonization, state capitalism, economic liberalization, Islamism, democratization and human rights, the interplay of history and memory.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 116 — African History: Special Themes (4 units)

Course Description: Themes of African history, such as African states and empires, slave trade, relationship of Egypt to rest of Africa, Bantu origins and migrations, and French policy of Assimilation and Association.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 015 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 119 — World War I (4 units)

Course Description: The First World War and the settlement that followed from 1914-1919. Causes, conduct, and consequences of the war including military, political, economic, social, and cultural factors, with special emphasis on connections between the home front and the battlefield.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 120 — World War II (4 units)

Course Description: The Second World War from 1931 to 1945 in all of its theaters. Causes, conduct, and consequences of the war including military, political, economic, social, and cultural factors, with special emphasis on battlefield strategy and mobilization of the home front.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 121A — Medieval History (4 units)

Course Description: European history from "the fall of the Roman Empire" to the 8th century.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 121B — Medieval History (4 units)

Course Description: European history from Charlemagne to the 12th century.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 121C — Medieval History (4 units)

Course Description: European history from the Crusades to the Renaissance.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 122 — Selected Themes in Medieval History (4 units)

Course Description: Each offering will focus on single major theme, such as medieval agrarian history, feudalism, the family, medieval Italy, or the Crusades. Readings include original sources in English translation and modern works. May be repeated for credit.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 125 — Topics in Early Modern European History (4 units)

Course Description: Social and cultural history, 1300-1800. Topics such as medieval and Renaissance Italy, early modern Italy, Ancient Regime France, family and sexuality, and material culture and daily life. May be repeated for credit.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion/Laboratory 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 126Y — The History of Human Rights in Europe (4 units)

Course Description: History of the origins, development, and state of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) in Europe. Emphasis on Enlightenment-era and modern theories of the source, utility, and limits of human rights.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Web Electronic Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: HMR 162Y.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 127A — Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Popular culture in 15th-18th century Europe. Topics may include food and festivals, literacy and religious beliefs, jokes and stereotypes, death and magic, as means of examining social status, gender, race, state power, local and national communities, religious change and conflict.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 130A — Christianity & Culture in Europe: 50-1450 (4 units)

Course Description: History of the ideas and institutions of Christianity and their impact on the late Roman Empire and medieval Europe in terms of outlook on life, art, politics and economics.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 130B — Christianity & Culture in Europe: 1450-1600 (4 units)

Course Description: History of the Lutheran, Zwinglian-Calvinist, Radical, Anglican, and Catholic Reformations as foundation stones of a new culture in Europe, with special attention to the interconnections between the revival of antiquity and the different reform movements.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 130C — Christianity & Culture in Europe: 1600-1850 (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the intellectual, cultural and political reorientation of European society in the aftermath of the Wars of Religion. "Secularization" will be discussed in the context of the Enlightenment and Romanticism.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 131A — Early Modern European History (4 units)

Course Description: Western European history from about 1350 to about 1500.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 131B — European History During the Renaissance & Reformation (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of European society, politics, and culture from the late 15th through the early 17th centuries, with particular focus on the Italian and Northern Renaissance, on the Protestant Reformation, and the Catholic Counter Reformation.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 131C — The Old Regime: Absolution, Enlightenment & Revolution in Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of European society, politics, and culture in the 17th and 18th centuries, focusing on religious warfare, absolutism, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment and the growth of religious tolerance, the French Revolution and the collapse of the old regime.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 132 — Crime & Punishment in Early Modern Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Deviance and crime in early modern Europe, contrasting imaginary crimes, e.g. witchcraft, with "real" crimes such as highway robbery and infanticide. Examines impact of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and class in processes of criminalization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 133 — European Thought & Culture from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment (4 units)

Course Description: History of European thought on politics, society, science, and religion from 1400 to 1800. Cultural impact of printing press, Protestant Reformation, wars, exploration, and empire.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 134A — The Age of Revolution (4 units)

Course Description: Ideas and institutions during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 135A — History of Science to the 18th Century (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the historical development of science, technology, and medicine from the ancient world to the 18th century, with special emphasis on Isaac Newton as the culmination of the 17th-century scientific revolution.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 135B — History of Science, 18th to 20th Centuries (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the historical development of scientific thought in geology, biology, chemistry, physics, and cosmology from the 18th to the 20th century, with special emphasis on emergence of broad explanatory principles that serve more than one science.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 136 — Scientific Revolution (4 units)

Course Description: Rise of modern science in Europe, 1500–1750. Transformation of ideas about nature, knowledge, medicine, and technology in the age of Copernicus, Vesalius, Galileo, Descartes, and Newton.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Cross Listing: STS 136.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC).

HIS 138A — The Rise of the Russian Empire, 1304-1825 (4 units)

Course Description: Expansion of the Russian state in Muscovite and imperial era. Emphasis on autocratic rule, the incorporation of non-Russian peoples, and emergence of Russia as a Great Power.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Only 2 units of credit will be allowed to students who have completed former HIS 137B.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 138B — Reform & Revolution in Tsarist Russia, 1825-1917 (4 units)

Course Description: Processes of state reform and social change in the 19th century; failure of reform and collapse of the Russian Empire; the revolutions of 1917.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 138C — Russian History: The Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union, 1917 to Present (4 units)

Course Description: Emergence of the Soviet Union as a socialist system and a Great Power; the decline and collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of independent nation states in its place.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed former HIS 137C.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 139A — Medieval & Renaissance Medicine (4 units)

Course Description: History of medicine, circa 1000-1700. Revival of ancient medicine; role of the universities; development of anatomy, chemistry and natural history; ideas about the body; cultural understanding of disease; hospital and the public health system.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion/Laboratory 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 139B — Medicine, Society, & Culture in Modern Europe (4 units)

Course Description: History of European medicine, 18th to 20th centuries, by examining the development of medical knowledge in epidemiology and anatomy; function of this knowledge, how it changed with technological breakthroughs and professionalization;and role of medicine in attitudes toward poverty, women, race, disease.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 140 — The Rise of Capitalism in Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Comparative analysis of major interpretations of the rise of merchant capitalism during the Middle Ages and Renaissance; European expansion overseas, 1450-1815; the transition to modern capitalism via industrial revolution. Interplay of social, political, cultural, and economic history.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 141 — France Since 1815 (4 units)

Course Description: France since 1815.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 142A — History of the Holocaust (4 units)

Course Description: Topics include comparative genocide, medieval and modern antisemitism, modern German history, the rise of Nazism, Jewish life in Europe before the Nazi period, and the fate of the Jewish communities and other persecuted groups in Europe from 1933-1945.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 142B — The Memory of the Holocaust (4 units)

Course Description: Examination of the literary, philosophical, theological and artistic responses to the Holocaust of the European Jews. Exploration of how memory is constructed, by whom and for what purposes.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 143 — History of Eastern Europe & the Balkans (4 units)

Course Description: History of the Baltic, Danubian, and Balkan lands since the Middle Ages. National cultures and conflicts in the Polish Commonwealth and the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires; nationalist movements, 1789-1914; the 20th century, including an analysis of the contemporary scene.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 144A — History of Germany, 1450 to 1789 (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of early modern Germany, 1450 to 1789, covering the theology and social history of the Reformation, the Peasants War of 1525, religious warfare, state building and absolutism, the rise of Prussia, Austro-Prussian dualism, and the German Enlightenment.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 144B — History of Germany since 1789 (4 units)

Course Description: History of the German lands in the age of the French Revolution; 19th-century liberalism, nationalism, and industrialization; the World Wars, National Socialism, and the Holocaust; east and west Germany in the Cold War; the post-reunification scene.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed former HIS 144.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 145 — War & Revolution in Europe: 1789-1918 (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of revolutionary movements, international crises, and wars in Europe from the French Revolution to World War I.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 146A — Europe in the 20th Century (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the history of Europe from 1919 to 1939.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 146B — Europe in the 20th Century (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the history of Europe since 1939.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 147A — European Intellectual History: 1800-1870 (4 units)

Course Description: European thought in the early industrial era. Shifting cultural frameworks, from romanticism to scientism; liberal and socialist reactions to social change. Focus on the work of Goethe, Hegel, J.S. Mill, Marx, Darwin and Flaubert.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 147B — European Intellectual History: 1870-1920 (4 units)

Course Description: Cultural and intellectual watershed of the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Emergence of modern art and literature; psychoanalysis and the new social sciences. Focus on the work of Baudelaire, Wagner, Nietzsche, Freud, Weber and Kafka.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 147C — European Intellectual History: 1920-1970 (4 units)

Course Description: European thought and culture since World War I. Coverage includes: literature and politics; Communism and Western Marxism; Fascism; Existentialism; Structuralism; Feminism. Particular attention to Lenin, Brecht, Hitler, Sartre, Camus, Beckett, Marcuse, Foucault, Woolf and de Beauvoir.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 148A — Women & Society in Europe: 1500-1789 (4 units)

Course Description: Roles and perceptions of women from the Renaissance to the French Revolution. Emphasis on social and economic factors as well as on discussions of women in the writings of political theorists and social commentators.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 148B — Women & Society in Europe: 1789-1920 (4 units)

Course Description: Roles and perceptions of women from the French Revolution to World War I, primarily in France and England. Emphasis on social and economic developments within a loosely chronological and comparative framework.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 148C — Women in Society in Europe: 1914-Present (4 units)

Course Description: History of 20th-century Europe from the perspective of women and the family, and of sexual and gender relations. Emphasis on the impact on women of major events and movements, such as World War I, fascism, Soviet communism, World War II, the welfare state, feminism, and mass culture.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 149 — Comparative Cultural History of Modern Britain & France, 1880-1914 (4 units)

Course Description: Cultural comparison of the histories of Britain and France during the fin de siecle. Addresses cultural debates of the period (including gender, race, class) and the practices of cultural history.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 151A — England: The Middle Ages (4 units)

Course Description: Origins of England to the accession of the Lancastrians. Survey includes: impact of Norman Conquest on Anglo-Saxon institutions; rise of the Church, common law, parliament, and the economy; thought, arts, and literature to the age of Chaucer and Wyclif.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 151B — England: The Early Modern Centuries (4 units)

Course Description: From Lancaster and York to the Glorious Revolution. Includes growth of the Church of England; beginnings of modern worldwide economy; rise of the gentry and parliament; thought, arts, and literature in the times of More, Shakespeare, Hobbes, Wren, and Newton.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 151C — 18th-Century England (4 units)

Course Description: English history from the Glorious Revolution to the French Revolution. Examination of the transformation of one of Europe's most politically unstable kingdoms into the firmly established constitutional monarchy which provided an environment fit to engender the industrial revolution.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 151D — Industrial England (4 units)

Course Description: English history from Waterloo to the Battle of Britain; the rise and continuance of the first industrial nation, examining the transformation of landed to class society, oligarchy to democracy and bureaucracy, Bentham to Bloomsbury, empire to commonwealth.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 156 — Latin American Migration History (4 units)

Course Description: Migrations to, from, and within Latin America, with a focus on the period from independence to the present day. The historical development of settler colonialism, inter-regional migrations, rural-to-urban migration, migration promotion, restriction laws, naturalization, and sanctuary across Latin American scenarios. Research paper required.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have previously completed an upper division history course in latin american migration history.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 157 — Business, Biomes & Knowledge: Latin American Environmental History (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the geography, political ecology, environmental movements of Latin America and the Caribbean, regional biomes, commodity markets, and the relationships between non-human ecosystems and Latin American societies. Development of extractive processes, land law, agricultural practices, scientific knowledge, and environmental conservation in neotropical forests, Sonoran Desert, the Amazon, Andes and Pampas, among other ecologies.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Project.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 158 — Special Topics in Latin American History (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in the history of Latin America. Topics may be framed geographically (e.g., Central America), chronologically (e.g., The Cold War) or thematically (e.g., environmental history).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 3 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 159 — Women & Gender in Latin American History (4 units)

Course Description: Roles of women and men in the history of Latin America, with an emphasis on the intersection of gender with racial and class categories. Introduction to the theoretical premises of women’s and gender history.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 160 — Spain & America in the 16th Century (4 units)

Course Description: Atlantic world in the 16th century, particularly the transcultural and reciprocal social and economic relations between Spain and America in the course of colonization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 161 — Human Rights in Latin America (4 units)

Course Description: History of the origins, denial and protection of Human Rights in Latin America. Emphasis on dictatorships, political violence, social resistance, democracy, justice, accountability, truth commissions, memory.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Cross Listing: HMR 161.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 162 — History of the Andean Region (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: History of the Andean region, the area that now comprises modern Peru, Bolivia, and Chile, from the beginning of human settlement to the present. May be taught abroad.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
  • HIS 162 — History of the Andean Region (4 units)
  • Course Description: History of the Andean region, the area that now comprises modern Peru, Bolivia, and Chile, from the beginning of human settlement to the present.
  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HIS 163A — History of Brazil (4 units)

Course Description: The history of colonial and imperial Brazil from 1500 to 1889. Written reports.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 163B — History of Brazil (4 units)

Course Description: The history of the Brazilian republic from 1889 to the present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 164 — History of Chile (4 units)

Course Description: Emphasis on the history of Chilean political economy from 1930 to the present. Various strategies of development (modernization, Marxism, Neo-Liberalism); the rise of mass politics; the course of foreign relations; and the richness of Chilean literature.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 165 — Latin American Social Revolutions (4 units)

Course Description: Major social upheavals since 1900 in selected Latin American nations; similarities and differences in cause, course, and consequence.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 166A — History of Mexico to 1848 (4 units)

Course Description: Political, economic, and social development of pre-Columbian, colonial and national Mexico to 1848.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 166B — History of Mexico since 1848 (4 units)

Course Description: History of Mexico from 1848 to the present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 167 — Modern Latin American Cultural & Intellectual History (4 units)

Course Description: Introduce to the cultural and intellectual history of modern Latin America including architecture, cinema, painting, music and literature.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 168 — History of Inter-American Relations (4 units)

Course Description: Diplomatic history of Latin America since independence, intra-Latin American relations, relations with the United States, participation in international organizations, and communism in Latin America.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 169A — Mexican-American History (4 units)

Course Description: Economic, social, religious, cultural and political development of the Spanish-speaking population of the Southwestern United States from about 1800 to 1910.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 169B — Mexican-American History (4 units)

Course Description: Role of the Mexican and Mexican-American or Chicano in the economy, politics, religion, culture and society of the Southwestern United States since 1910.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 170A — Colonial America (4 units)

Course Description: Colonial society from 1607 to the American Revolution, with emphasis on European expansion, political, social and economic foundations, colonial thought and culture, and imperial rivalry.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 170B — The American Revolution (4 units)

Course Description: Analysis of the Revolutionary epoch with emphasis on the structure of British colonial policy, the rise of revolutionary movements, the War for Independence and its consequences, and the Confederation period.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 170C — The Early National Period, 1789-1815 (4 units)

Course Description: Political and social history of the American republic from the adoption of the Constitution through the War of 1812 and its consequences.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 171A — Slavery, Society & Expansion in the Early U.S. (4 units)

Course Description: Political, social, economic history of early-19th century U.S. emphasizing slavery and expansion. The internal slave trade, the settlement of the Mississippi Valley and Far West, transformed economic and social relations, new reform movements.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 171B — Civil War Era (4 units)

Course Description: Examination of the political and social history of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the end of the Civil War in 1865. Causes of the war the war itself and the problems of reconstruction after the war.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 171BF — The Civil War in American Film (1 unit)

Course Description: Viewing and discussion of films with short writing assignments.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 171B required concurrently.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s), Film Viewing.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS).

HIS 171C — Reconstruction, America’s Second Founding (4 units)

Course Description: After the U.S. Civil War, from 1865 to 1876. Emphasis on end of slavery; expansion of civil rights, voting rights, and birthright citizenship; overthrow of biracial Southern governments; segregation and disfranchisement; culture of reconciliation.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH).

HIS 171D — Selected Themes in 19th-Century American History (4 units)

Course Description: Interpretative overview of a single topic in the history of the United States in the 19th century. Sample topics include social history, the 1850s, and southern history.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 172 — American Environmental History (4 units)

Course Description: American history through connections between people and nature, pre-Columbus to climate change. Native America; conquest; epidemics; extinctions; industrialization; pollution; environmentalism; climate change and global warming; ideas of nature.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 173 — Becoming an American: Immigration & American Culture (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the wide range of immigrant experiences and cycles of nativism that have shaped American culture in the 20th century. From novels, memoirs and films, students will explore how external and internal immigration has created a multicultural society.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 174A — The Gilded Age & Progressive Era: United States, 1876-1917 (4 units)

Course Description: US history and the construction of modern America from the end of Reconstruction to US entry into World War I. Includes Southern redemption, Western incorporation, electoral corruption, labor movements, Populism, Progressivism, women's suffrage, US imperial expansion, and immigration restriction.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 174AD — Emergence of Modern America: Discussion (1 unit)

Course Description: Intensive discussion of topics and readings for HIS 174A.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 174A required concurrently.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 174B — War, Prosperity, & Depression: United States, 1917-1945 (4 units)

Course Description: America's emergence as a world power, the business culture of the 1920s, the New Deal and World War II. Emphasis on such issues as government regulation of the economy, welfare capitalism, and class, racial, ethnic, and gender conflicts.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 174BD — America in War, Prosperity & Depression: Discussion (1 unit)

Course Description: Intensive discussion of topics and readings for HIS 174B.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 174B required concurrently.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 174C — The United States Since World War II, 1945 to the Present (4 units)

Course Description: America's struggle to respond to new complexities in foreign relations, social tensions, family changes and media. Emphasis on such topics as: Cold War; anticommunist crusade; civil rights, feminist and environmentalist movement; New Left; counterculture; Vietnam; Watergate; and the moral majority.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 174CD — The United States Since World War II: Discussion (1 unit)

Course Description: Intensive discussion of topics and readings for HIS 174C.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 174C required concurrently.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 174D — Selected Themes in 20th-Century American History (4 units)

Course Description: Interpretive overview of a single topic in the history of the United States in the 20th century with attention to the phases and processes of historical change.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 174DD — Selected Themes in 20th-Century American History: Discussion (1 unit)

Course Description: Intensive discussion of topics and readings for HIS 174D.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 174D required concurrently.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 175 — American Intellectual History (4 units)

Course Description: Exploration of the ideas that have shaped politics and society in the United States from colonial times to the present. Topics include American liberalism, republicanism, democracy, constitutionalism, communitarianism, utopianism, pragmatism, feminism, Darwinism, nationalism, conservatism, and economics.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 176A — Cultural & Social History of United States (4 units)

Course Description: Study of social and cultural forces in American society in the 19th century with emphasis on social structure, work and leisure, socialization and the family, social reform movements and changes in cultural values.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 176B — Cultural & Social History of United States (4 units)

Course Description: Study of social and cultural forces in American society in the 20th century with emphasis on social structure, work and leisure, socialization and the family, social reform movements and changes in cultural values.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 177A — History of Black People & American Race Relations: 1450-1860 (4 units)

Course Description: History of black people in the United States from the African background to Reconstruction.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 177B — History of Black People & American Race Relations: 1860-Present (4 units)

Course Description: History of black people and race relations from 1860-present. Emphasis on Civil War, Reconstruction, Segregation, Age of Accommodation, black nationalism, urbanization, civil rights, and changing ideology of race relations.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 178 — Water in the West: Environment & Politics in America's Arid Lands (4 units)

Course Description: Politics and environmental consequences of water development in the arid western United States since 1848, with emphasis on California and western rivers, including the Colorado, Columbia, Missouri, and Mississippi. Irrigated settlement, the making of state and federal water law and bureaucracy, urban vs. rural competition, Native water rights, growth of irrigation technologies, groundwater overdraft, wildlife impacts. One half-day field trip required.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 179 — Asian American History, 1850-Present (4 units)

Course Description: Historical experience of people of Asian ancestry in the United States from the mid-19th century to the present. Migration, labor, community formation, race relations, women and gender, popular culture.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 180AN — American Political History, 1789-1896 (4 units)

Course Description: Growth of American politics from the birth of the republic to the end of the 19th century. Development of political parties, the expanding electorate, and how social issues such as slavery shaped the political process.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed HIS 180A.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 180BN — American Political History, 1896-present (4 units)

Course Description: Politics in the United States from 1896 to the present. Topics include race and partisan politics; communism and anti-communism; the New Deal and the centralization of government; and the rise of the imperial presidency.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken HIS 180A or HIS 180C.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 180C — The Fight for the Right to Vote (4 units)

Course Description: History of the struggle for voting rights from the colonial period to the present. Emphasis on the struggle for inclusion by African Americans, women, Latinos, and other groups.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH).

HIS 181 — Religion in American History to 1890 (4 units)

Course Description: American religious history from colonization through the Gilded Age. Topics include religious diversity in America; native American religion; Protestant evangelism; gender and religion; religion and bigotry; African American religion; religion in the Civil War; and religion’s response to modernization.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 182 — Gender & Justice in American History (4 units)

Course Description: Intersection of gender and law in North America from the colonial period through the 20th century. Topics include witchcraft, suffrage, child custody, protective labor laws, regulation of sexuality. Analysis of legal change, trials, and cultural influences.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 183A — The Frontier Experience: Trans-Mississippi West (4 units)

Course Description: The fur trade, western exploration and transportation, the Oregon Country, the Greater Southwest and the Mexican War, the Mormons, mining discovery, and the West during the Civil War.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 183B — The Frontier Experience: Trans-Mississippi West (4 units)

Course Description: Spread of the mining kingdom, the range cattle industry, Indian-military affairs, settlement of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Regions and political organization of the West.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 184 — History of Sexuality in America (4 units)

Course Description: History of sexuality in America from pre-European through the late-20th century. Topics include birth control, marriage, sexual violence, prostitution, inter-racial relationships, heterosexuality and homosexuality, the feminist, gay, and lesbian liberation movements, AIDS, commercialization of sexuality.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 185A — History of Science in America (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the European background. Study of American scientific institutions, ideas, personalities, creative processes in science, and of relationships between society and science from colonial times to present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 185B — History of Technology in America (4 units)

Course Description: Study of American technology, emphasizing biographical approach to historical understanding of technological change, creative processes, institutions, ideas, and relationships between technology and society from colonial times to present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 186 — History of Alcoholic Beverages in the United States (4 units)

Course Description: History of intoxicating drink in the lands that became the United States from the period before European settlement to the present, including agriculture, manufacture, distribution, and consumption, focusing on culture and politics of alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH).

HIS 187 — History of US Foreign Relations in the 20th Century (4 units)

Course Description: Rise of the U.S. to superpower standing during the 20th century, from colonialism to the war on terror, including political, diplomatic, cultural, and economic activities of both US government and private American agencies beyond U.S. borders.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 188 — America in the 1960s (4 units)

Course Description: Tumult and upheaval in American politics, culture, and society 1961-1969. Civil rights; Vietnam, the draft and the anti-war movement; rock and roll and the counterculture; modern feminism; modern conservatism; student movements; urban unrest and insurrection.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing/Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 189 — California History (4 units)

Course Description: California history from the pre-colonial period to the present including dispossession of California's Indians, political economy of the Spanish and Mexican periods, Gold Rush effects, industrialization, Hollywood, water politics, World War II, Proposition 13, and the emergence of Silicon Valley.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed two of HIS 189A, HIS 189B, HIS 189C.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 190A — Middle Eastern History I: The Rise of Islam, 600-1000 (4 units)

Course Description: Middle Eastern history from the rise of Islam to the disintegration of the Abbasid Caliphate; the formative centuries of a civilization. Politics and religion, conquest and conversion, arts and sciences, Christians, Jews and Muslims, gender and sexuality, orthodoxy and heterodoxy.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 190B — Middle Eastern History II: The Age of the Crusades, 1001-1400 (4 units)

Course Description: Middle Eastern history during the age of the Crusades and Mongol invasions. The idea of holy war, the Crusades, the Mongols as the bearers of Chinese arts, nomads and sedentary life, feudalism, mysticism, slavery, women in the medieval Middle East.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 190C — Middle Eastern History III: The Ottomans, 1401-1730 (4 units)

Course Description: Middle Eastern history from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire on the borderlands of Byzantine Anatolia through its expansion into Europe, Asia, and Africa, creating a new cultural synthesis including the Arab, Greek, Islamic, Mongol, Persian, Slavic, and Turkish traditions.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 190D — Middle Eastern History IV: Safavids Iran, 1300-1720 (4 units)

Course Description: Middle Eastern history focusing on Safavid Empire (present-day Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, up to Georgia), beginning with the origins of the dynasty as a powerful religious family, to the establishment of the Empire, focusing on Social, Religious, Economic, and Political History.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191A — Classical China (4 units)

Course Description: History of Chinese civilization from its origins through the establishment of city states and the flowering of classical philosophy, to the rise and fall of the First Empire.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191B — High Imperial China (4 units)

Course Description: Political disunion and the influx of Buddhism; reunification under the great dynasties of T'ang, Sung, and Ming with analysis of society, culture and thought.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191C — Late Imperial China (4 units)

Course Description: Patterns and problems of Chinese life traced through the Ming and Ching dynasties (c.15001800), prior to the confrontation with the West in the Opium War. Readings include primary sources and novels portraying elite ethos as well as popular culture.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 009A or upper division standing recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191D — 19th-Century China: The Empire Confronts the West (4 units)

Course Description: Decline and fall of the Chinese Empire, with particular attention to the social and political crises of the 19th century, and the response of government officials, intellectuals, and ordinary people to the increasing pressures of Western imperialism.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 009A or upper division standing recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191E — The Chinese Revolution (4 units)

Course Description: Analysis of China's cultural and political transformation from Confucian empire into Communist state. Emphasis on emergence and triumph of peasant revolutionary strategy (to 1949), with some attention to its implications for post-revolutionary culture and politics.

Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191F — History of the People's Republic of China (4 units)

Course Description: Comprehensive analysis of recent Chinese history, including land reform, the Cultural Revolution, the post-Mao era, and the consequences of the new economic policies of the 1980s.

Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed HIS 190C.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191G — Special Topics in Chinese History to 1800 (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in the history of China from the beginning of the imperial period through the high Qing dynasty. Topics may be framed chronologically (e.g.,the Ming Dynasty) or thematically (e.g., Trade in early Chinese history).

Prerequisite(s): HIS 009A recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191H — Special Topics in Chinese History after 1800 (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in the history of China since 1800. Topics may be framed chronologically (e.g., The Republican Period (1911-1948)) or thematically (e.g., The Modern Evolution of Chinese Law).

Prerequisite(s): HIS 009A recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topics differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 191J — Sex & Society in Modern Chinese History (4 units)

Course Description: Role of sex, gender, and family relations in the development of Chinese politics, society, and personal life in the modern period, 1900-present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 192 — Internship in History (1-12 units)

Course Description: Supervised internship and study as historian, archivist, curator, or in another history-related capacity, in an approved organization or institution.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; enrollment dependent on availability of intern positions, with priority to History majors.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 193A — History of the Modern Middle East, 1750-1914 (4 units)

Course Description: State and society within the Middle East from 1750 to 1914 under pressure of the changing world economy and European imperialism. Themes: colonialism, Orientalism, intellectual renaissance, Islamic reform, state-formation, role of subaltern groups.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 006 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 193B — History of the Modern Middle East, From 1914 (4 units)

Course Description: Middle East from the turn of the 20th century to the present. Themes include the legacy of imperialism, cultural renaissance, the World Wars, nationalism, Palestine/Israel, Islamic revival, gender, revolutionary movements, politics of oil and war, cultural modernism,exile and diaspora.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 193C — The Middle East Environment: Historical Change & Current Challenges (4 units)

Course Description: Examines Middle East environment and human use of nature over last 10,000 years. Introduction to desert ecology, environmental history and current environmental problems. Case Studies of Egypt, Maghreb countries, Arabian peninsula/Gulf countries, desertification, water, indigenous knowledge, and national parks.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Project.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS).

HIS 193D — History of Modern Iran, From 1850 to Present (4 units)

Course Description: Modern Iran from the mid 19th century to the present. Themes include the legacy of imperialism, cultural renaissance, the World Wars, nationalism, modernization, Islamic revival, gender, revolutionary movements, politics of oil and war.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 006 recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 194A — Aristocratic & Feudal Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Broad survey of the cultural, social, religious, and political aspects of Japanese history from mythological times through the 16th century emphasizing comparison of the organizations, values, and beliefs associated with the aristocratic and feudal periods.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper, Discussion.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 194B — Early Modern Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the cultural, social, economic,and political aspects of Japanese history from the 17th through the 19th centuries emphasizing the development of those patterns of thought and political organization with which Japan met the challenge of the nineteenth-century Western expansionism.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper/Discussion.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 194C — Modern Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of the cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of Japanese history in the 20th century emphasizing labor and social movements, militarism and the Pacific war, and the emergence of Japan as a major economic power.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper/Discussion.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 194D — Business & Labor in Modern Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of labor and management relations in Japan from the mid-18th century to the present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 194E — Education & Technology in Modern Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of education and technology in Japan from the mid-18th century to the present.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 195B — History of Modern Korea (4 units)

Course Description: History of Modern Korea, from Yi dynasty period to 1990s. Covers the political and socioeconomic changes in 19th century, modernization under Japanese colonialism, postwar economic growth and effects of the Cold War.

Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion/Laboratory 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 195C — A History of Vietnam (4 units)

Course Description: Overview of Vietnamese history: early state formation in Southeast Asia; expansion/contention in the 17th and 18th centuries; colonial period; war with the US; and post-war developments (with an emphasis on relations with China and the US).

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 196A — Medieval India (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of history of India in the millennium preceding arrival of British in the 18th century, focusing on interaction of the civilizations of Hinduism and Islam and on the changing nature of the state.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 196B — Modern India (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of South Asian history from arrival of the British in the 18th century to formation of new independent states-India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan in the 20th century.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH) or Social Sciences (SS); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

HIS 197T — Tutoring in History (1-5 units)

Course Description: Tutoring of students in lower division courses. Weekly meeting with instructors in charge of courses. Written reports on methods and materials required. No final examination.

Prerequisite(s): Enrolled as a History major with senior standing and consent of department chairperson.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s), Laboratory 3 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study. May be taught abroad.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; upper division standing.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

HIS 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates. May be taught abroad.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • HIS 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)
  • Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates. May be taught abroad.
  • Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HIS 200A — First Year Research Seminar (4 units)

Course Description: Preparation for higher degrees in History. Individual research and analysis resulting in a substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. HIS 200A and HIS 200B must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during the first year.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate students.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.

HIS 200B — First Year Research Seminar (4 units)

Course Description: Preparation for higher degrees in History. Individual research and analysis resulting in a substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. HIS 200A and HIS 200B must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during the first year.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 200A; consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate students.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.

HIS 201A — Sources & General Literature of History: Ancient (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Ancient.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201B — Sources & General Literature of History: Medieval (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Medieval.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201C — Sources & General Literature of History: Renaissance & Reformation (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Renaissance & Reformation.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201D — Sources & General Literature of History: Early Modern Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Early Modern Europe.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201E — Sources & General Literature of History: Europe Since 1815 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. (E) Europe since 1815.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201F — Sources & General Literature of History: China to 1880 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. China to 1880.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201G — Sources & General Literature of History: China Since 1880 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. China since 1880.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201H — Sources & General Literature of History: Britain (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Britain.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201I — Sources & General Literature of History: Latin America Since 1810 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Latin America since 1810.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201J — Sources & General Literature of History: American History to 1787 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. American History to 1787.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201K — Sources & General Literature of History: United States, 1787-1896 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. United States, 1787-1896.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201L — Sources & General Literature of History: United States Since 1896 (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. United States since 1896.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201M — Sources & General Literature of History: Middle East (4 units)

Course Description: Addresses various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the Modern Middle East. Survey Modern Middle East historiography in light of theoretical innovations such as post-Orientalism, World Systems theory, and postcolonial theory.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201N — Sources & General Literature of History: Modern Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Modern Japan.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201P — Sources & General Literature of History: African Historiography (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. African Historiography.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201Q — Sources & General Literature of History: Cross-Cultural Women's History (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Cross-Cultural Women's History.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201S — Sources & General Literature of History: History of Science & Medicine (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. History of Science and Medicine.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201T — Sources & General Literature of History: Jewish History (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Jewish History.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201W — Sources & General Literature of History: Advanced Topics in World History (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Advanced Topics in World History.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 201X — Sources & General Literature of History: World History (4 units)

Course Description: Designed primarily for students preparing for higher degrees in history. (X) World History.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202A — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: Ancient (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. Ancient. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202B — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: Medieval Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. Medieval Europe. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202C — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: Modern Europe (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. Modern Europe. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202D — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: India (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. India. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202E — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: India (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. Africa. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202F — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: China (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. China. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202G — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: Japan (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. Japan. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202H — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: United States (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. United States. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 202I — Major Issues in Historical Interpretation: Latin America (4 units)

Course Description: Fundamental issues and debates in the study of history. Latin America. Readings, papers, and class reports.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when subject differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 203A — Research Seminar (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Designed for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Individual research and analysis resulting in substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. The three courses must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during second year.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • HIS 203A — Second-Year Research Seminar (4 units)
  • Course Description: Prepare for higher degrees in history. Individual research and analysis resulting in substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. HIS 203A & HIS 203B must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during second year..
  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Open to graduate students.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HIS 203B — Research Seminar (4 units)

This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Designed for students preparing for higher degrees in history. Individual research and analysis resulting in substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. The three courses must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during second year.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 203A.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • HIS 203B — Second-Year Research Seminar (4 units)
  • Course Description: Prepare for higher degrees in history. Individual research and analysis resulting in substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. HIS 203A & HIS 203B must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during second year..
  • Prerequisite(s): HIS 203A.
  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Open to graduate students.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Fall Quarter 2024.

HIS 203C — Research Seminar (4 units)

Starting Summer Session 1 2025, this course is no longer offered.

Course Description: Designed for students preparing for higher degrees in History. Individual research and analysis resulting in substantial research paper of publishable quality. Completion required of all Ph.D. candidates. The three courses must be taken in continuous sequence, ordinarily during second year.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 203A.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 204 — Historiography (4 units)

Course Description: Major issues in the philosophy and methodology of history.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 221 — Medieval History (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in the history of medieval and early Renaissance Europe.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 121A, HIS 121B, HIS 121C recommended.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 245 — Modern European History (4 units)

Course Description: Primary sources and research methodologies in the history of modern France and Germany. May be repeated once for credit.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 201E.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 261 — Latin American History (4 units)

Course Description: Latin American history.

Prerequisite(s): Two courses in Latin American history; reading knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 271A — United States History (4 units)

Course Description: Research in literature, methods, and sources on aspects of United States history, culminating in each student completing a research paper in the field by the end of the second quarter.

Prerequisite(s): (HIS 201J, HIS 201K, HIS 201L) or HIS 202H.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 271B — United States History (4 units)

Course Description: Research in literature, methods, and sources on aspects of United States history, culminating in each student completing a research paper in the field by the end of the second quarter.

Prerequisite(s): (HIS 201J, HIS 201K, HIS 201L) or HIS 202H.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 291A — Chinese History (4 units)

Course Description: Research on topics to be chosen by the students for the purpose of writing article-length papers.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 291B — Chinese History (4 units)

Course Description: Completion of article-length papers on topics chosen by students.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 291C — Methods & Issues in Chinese History (4 units)

Course Description: Readings in Chinese historical materials. Training in the use of Chinese reference works (including on-line resources).

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Reading knowledge of Chinese.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 2 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

HIS 292 — College Teaching Internship (4 units)

Course Description: Student prepares and teaches one lower division history course in a nearby community college under the supervision of a UC Davis instructor and a community college instructor.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 300 (may be taken concurrently).

  • Learning Activities: Internship 4 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HIS 298 — Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Group study.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Letter

HIS 299 — Research (1-12 units)

Course Description: Research.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HIS 299D — Research (1-12 units)

Course Description: Research.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HIS 389 — Introductory Seminar for Teaching Assistants (1 unit)

Course Description: An introduction to the broad comparative and theoretical issues of teaching methods and techniques in history.

Prerequisite(s): HIS 390 required concurrently.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

HIS 390 — Teaching History in College (2 units)

Course Description: Designed for teaching assistants with emphasis on problems and procedures encountered by teachers of lower division classes at the university.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 2 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.