Anthropology, Bachelor of Science College of Letters & Science

Anthropology is the systematic study of humans. The student of anthropology learns about human biology, ecology, and social life—past & present—and gains a broad understanding of humans and societies. The Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology is interdisciplinary in nature since it requires lower division coursework in math & science and upper division coursework in biological anthropology and closely related disciplines.

The Program

Evolutionary anthropologists are united by their common application of science and evolutionary theory to understand the behavior, ecology, history, and evolution of humans & non-human primates, as individuals and as  societies. These topics may be approached through archaeology, human behavioral ecology, paleoanthropology, primatology, genetics, and conservation biology. Archaeology is the study of history or prehistory by analysis of a people's artifacts, or their material culture, with the goal of reconstructing culture history and human behavior. Human behavioral ecology is the study of how variation in ecology and social organization can help us understand variation in human behavior. Paleoanthropology is the study of human evolution through the fossil and archaeological records, drawing on relevant studies in biological anthropology, Paleolithic archaeology, genetics, and  geology. Primatology is the study of behavior, ecology, and morphology of primates to address questions about the evolution and function of behavioral & morphological patterns in nonhuman primates and to test models of the origins of human morphology and behavior. Genetic anthropology uses DNA to address anthropological questions about population histories, migrations, mixing, and adaptations to local contexts. Conservation biology explores the causes of loss of biological diversity—in this department, it focuses on threatened non-human primates and the conservation of natural resources by a rapidly growing population. A Bachelor of Science degree, in addition to core evolutionary anthropology courses, includes the introductory sequences of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and calculus, as well as genetics and ecology.

Students are encouraged to gain practical experience through undergraduate research or internships performed for credit (under ANT 192, ANT 198, or ANT 199 units provided by the advising office). Students showing exceptional ability are welcome to seek permission from instructors to participate in graduate seminars offered by the department.

Career Opportunities

A Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology combines a solid liberal arts education with training in the life and physical sciences. Through its interdisciplinary nature, a Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology provides the educational background for careers in the biological sciences and a variety of health professions including pre-medical, pre-dental, and pre-veterinary, fields which increasingly need professionals with training in the social and behavioral sciences. In addition, students will be well prepared to enter fields such as medical or health anthropology, forensic sciences, museum studies, cultural resource management, and wildlife conservation. A Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology with appropriate courses in education is good preparation for high school teaching in social, biological, and physical sciences. It also provides the foundation for advanced study leading to careers in college-level teaching and research.

Major Advisor

Connect with our advising office.

Honors Program

Candidates for high or highest honors in Anthropology must write a senior thesis under the direction of a faculty member. The thesis project will have a minimum duration of two quarters. Honors candidates must take at least 6 units of Anthropology ANT 194H. Only students who, at the end of their junior year (135 units), have attained a cumulative grade point average of 3.500 in Anthropology courses will be eligible for the honors program. The quality of the thesis work will be the primary determinant for designating high or highest honors at graduation.

Teaching Credential Subject Representative

See the Teaching Credential/M.A. Program.

Graduate Study

The Department offers a program of study leading to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Anthropology. Further information regarding graduate study may be obtained at the Department office and at Graduate Studies.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Requirements & College Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Anthropology Bachelor of Science major is 90.

Preparatory Subject Matter
ANT 001Human Evolutionary Biology4
ANT 002Cultural Anthropology5
ANT 003Introduction to Archaeology4
Biological Science
BIS 002AIntroduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth5
BIS 002BIntroduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution5
BIS 002CIntroduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life5
General Chemistry
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry5
CHE 002BGeneral Chemistry5
Choose a series:9-12
Short Calculus (Discontinued)
Short Calculus (Discontinued)
Short Calculus (Discontinued)
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Choose one:4-5
Scientific Method in Physical Anthropology
Introduction to Social Statistics
Introduction to Social Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Gateway to Statistical Data Science
Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal51-55
Depth Subject Matter
Choose one:4-5
Primate Evolution
Human Evolution
Neandertals & Modern Human Origins
Choose one:3-5
Human Genetics: Mutation & Migration
Human Genetic Variation & Evolution
Choose one:5
The Evolution of Primate Behavior
Primate Evolutionary Ecology
Primate Conservation Biology
Disease Outbreaks in Humans and Other Primates
Three additional upper division ANT courses.9-12
Biological Science
BIS 101Genes & Gene Expression4
or BIS 101V Genes & Gene Expression
Evolution & Ecology
EVE 100Introduction to Evolution4
Additional Units
Additional units from the list below to achieve a minimum of 45 upper division units.10-16
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal39-51
Total Units90-106

Additional Units

ANT 128AKinship & Social Organization: From Clans to Countries4
ANT 151Primate Evolution4
ANT 152Human Evolution5
ANT 153Human Genetics: Mutation & Migration5
ANT 154AThe Evolution of Primate Behavior5
ANT 154BPrimate Evolutionary Ecology5
ANT 154CPrimate Behavior: Methods & Experimental Design2
ANT 154CLLaboratory in Primate Behavior4
ANT 155Primate Conservation Biology4
ANT 156AHuman Osteology4
ANT 156BAdvanced Human Osteology4
ANT 157Advanced Human Genetics2
ANT 157LAdvanced Human Genetics Lab4
ANT 158The Evolution of Sex: A Biological Perspective4
ANT 159Disease Outbreaks in Humans and Other Primates4
ANT 160Neandertals & Modern Human Origins4
ANT 180Zooarchaeology4
ANT 182Archaeometry4
ANT 185Lithic Analysis4
ABI 102Animal Biochemistry & Metabolism5
ABI 103Animal Biochemistry & Metabolism5
APC 100/NPB 123Comparative Vertebrate Organology4
BIS 102Structure & Function of Biomolecules3
BIS 103Bioenergetics & Metabolism3
CHA 101/EXB 106Human Gross Anatomy4
CHA 101L/EXB 106LHuman Gross Anatomy Laboratory3
ESP 100General Ecology4
EVE 101Introduction to Ecology4
EVE 102Population & Quantitative Genetics4
EVE 103Phylogeny, Speciation & Macroevolution4
EVE 104Community Ecology4
EVE 105Phylogenetic Analysis of Vertebrate Structure4
EVE 138Ecology of Tropical Latitudes5
EVE 141Principles of Systematics3
EVE 147Biogeography4
EVE 149Evolution of Ecological Systems4
EVE 175Computational Genetics3
GEL 107Earth History: Paleobiology3
GEL 107LEarth History: Paleobiology Laboratory2
GEL 108Earth History: Paleoclimates3
GEL 144Historical Ecology3
GEL 146Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry & Cosmochemistry3
HDE/ENT 117Longevity4
MIC 102Introductory Microbiology3
MIC 103LIntroductory Microbiology Laboratory2
MCB 120Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Laboratory Associated Lecture3
MCB 120LMolecular Biology & Biochemistry Laboratory3
MCB 121Advanced Molecular Biology3
MCB 150Developmental Biology4
MCB 160LPrinciples of Genetics Laboratory5
MCB 162Human Genetics & Genomics3
MCB 163Developmental Genetics3
MCB 164Advanced Eukaryotic Genetics (Discontinued)3
MCB 182Principles of Genomics3
NPB 101Systemic Physiology5
NPB 101LSystemic Physiology Laboratory3
NPB 102Animal Behavior3
NPB 123/APC 100Comparative Vertebrate Organology4
NPB/PSC 124Comparative Neuroanatomy3
NPB 150/PSC 122Advanced Animal Behavior4
NPB 152/PSC 123Hormones & Behavior3
PSC 101Introduction to Biological Psychology4
PSC 113Developmental Psychobiology 4
PSC 121Physiological Psychology4
PSC 122/NPB 150Advanced Animal Behavior4
PSC 123/NPB 152Hormones & Behavior3
PSC/NPB 124Comparative Neuroanatomy3
SPH 101Introduction to Public Health3
SPH 102Introduction to Human Epidemiology4
STA 100Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences4
STA 104Applied Statistical Methods: Nonparametric Statistics4
STA 106Applied Statistical Methods: Analysis of Variance4
STA 108Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis4
STA 130AMathematical Statistics: Brief Course4
STA 130BMathematical Statistics: Brief Course4
STS 131Darwin4
WFC 141Behavioral Ecology4
WFC 154Conservation Biology 4