Anthropology, Minor College of Letters & Science

Minor Advisor

For more information about the Anthropology minor options, contact our Advising Office

General Emphasis

Choose one:2-5
Ecology, Nature, & Society
Indigenous Peoples & Natural Resource Conservation
Economic Anthropology
Kinship & Social Organization: From Clans to Countries
Primate Evolution
Human Evolution
Human Genetics: Mutation & Migration
The Evolution of Primate Behavior
Primate Conservation Biology
Advanced Human Genetics
The Evolution of Sex: A Biological Perspective
Choose one:4
Archeological Theory & Method
New World Prehistory: The First Arrivals
European Prehistory
Andean Prehistory: Archaeology of the Incas & Their Ancestors
California Archaeology
African Prehistory
Asian Prehistory
Archaeological Field Methods
Laboratory in Archeological Analysis
Prehistoric Technology: The Material Aspects of Prehistoric Adaptation
Lithic Analysis
Cultural Resource Management in Archaeology
Choose one from below or any other sociocultural track course that refers in its title to one or more peoples or regions of the world:4
Anthropology of Ocean Worlds
Cultures & Societies of West & Central Africa (Discontinued)
Cultures & Societies of East & South Africa
People of the Arctic: Contemporary & Historic Cultures of the Circumpolar Region
Peoples of the Middle East
Ethnology of Southeast Asia
Contemporary Societies & Cultures of Latin America
Performance, Embodiment, & Space in South Asia
Topics in the Anthropology of Europe
Modern South Asia Cinema
Culture & Political Economy in Contemporary China
Choose two:8
Theory in Social-Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Politics of the Environment
Law, Power, Violence
Visualization in Science: A Critical Introduction
Language & Culture
Special Topics in Medical Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Capitalism & Power
Resistance, Rebellion, & Popular Movements
Religion in Society & Culture
Structuralism & Symbolism (Discontinued)
Postmodernism(s) & Culture
Anthropology of Development
Women & Development
Urban Anthropology
Self, Identity, & Family (Discontinued)
Health & Medicine in a Global Context
Cultural Dimensions of Globalization
Migration & the Politics of Place & Identity
Ecology & Politics
Psychological Anthropology
Anthropology of Ocean Worlds
Buddhism in Global Culture
Media Anthropology
Ethnographic Film
Meditation & Culture
Ethnographic Research Methods in Anthropology
Race, Class, Gender Systems
Gender & Sexuality
Total Units18-21

Archaeology Emphasis

ANT 170Archeological Theory & Method4
Choose two:8
New World Prehistory: The First Arrivals
European Prehistory
Andean Prehistory: Archaeology of the Incas & Their Ancestors
California Archaeology
African Prehistory
Asian Prehistory
Choose two:8
Human Osteology
Advanced Human Osteology
Archaeological Field Methods
Field Course in Archeological Methods
Laboratory in Archeological Analysis
Prehistoric Technology: The Material Aspects of Prehistoric Adaptation
Lithic Analysis
Cultural Resource Management in Archaeology
Total Units20

Evolutionary Emphasis

Any five upper division Evolutionary Anthropology courses; Evolutionary track courses at the upper division level are ANT 101, ANT 103, ANT 122A, ANT 128A, ANT 141C, & ANT 151-ANT 187.18-25
Total Units18-25

Global Human Health Emphasis

ANT 015From Birth to Death: The Evolution of the Human Life Cycle5
Choose four; minimum 16 upper division units:14-21
Ecology, Nature, & Society
Cultural Politics of the Environment
Special Topics in Medical Anthropology
Health & Medicine in a Global Context
Psychological Anthropology
Ethnographic Research Methods in Anthropology
Gender & Sexuality
Human Evolution
Human Genetics: Mutation & Migration
The Evolution of Primate Behavior
Human Osteology
Advanced Human Osteology
Advanced Human Genetics 1
Advanced Human Genetics Lab 2
The Evolution of Sex: A Biological Perspective
Disease Outbreaks in Humans and Other Primates
Total Units19-26

Must be taken with ANT 157L for 6 units total.


Must be taken with ANT 157 for 6 units total.

Sociocultural Emphasis

ANT 100Theory in Social-Cultural Anthropology4
One upper division area-focus Sociocultural track course; area-focus Sociocultural track courses are ANT 140A-ANT 148A.4
One additional upper division Sociocultural Anthropology course. Sociocultural track courses at the upper division level are numbered ANT 100-ANT 148A, with the exception of ANT 101, ANT 103, & ANT 128A.4
Choose two:8
Cultural Politics of the Environment
Law, Power, Violence
Visualization in Science: A Critical Introduction
Language & Culture
Special Topics in Medical Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Capitalism & Power
Resistance, Rebellion, & Popular Movements
Religion in Society & Culture
Structuralism & Symbolism (Discontinued)
Postmodernism(s) & Culture
Anthropology of Development
Women & Development
Urban Anthropology
Self, Identity, & Family (Discontinued)
Health & Medicine in a Global Context
Cultural Dimensions of Globalization
Migration & the Politics of Place & Identity
Ecology & Politics
Psychological Anthropology
Anthropology of Ocean Worlds
Buddhism in Global Culture
Media Anthropology
Ethnographic Film
Meditation & Culture
Ethnographic Research Methods in Anthropology
Race, Class, Gender Systems
Gender & Sexuality
Total Units20