Classics College of Letters & Science

Department Chair

Anna Uhlig, Ph.D.

Department Office

Classics Program; 211 Sproul Hall; 530-752-4999; Classics; Faculty

The Classics department offers a Classical Civilization A.B. and minors in Classical Civilization, Greek, and Latin.

Classics (CLA)

CLA 001 — Ancient Near East & Early Greece: 3000-500 B.C.E. (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the literature, art, and social and political institutions of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, and early Greece from 3000 to 500 B.C.E.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 002 — Ancient Greece & the Near East: 500-146 B.C.E. (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the literature, art and thought and the political and social institutions and values of Greece and its eastern Mediterranean neighbors-the Persians, Egyptians, and Judeans.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 003 — Rome & the Mediterranean: 800 B.C.E.-500 C.E. (4 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the history, literature, material culture, political and social institutions and values of Roman Civilization, with an emphasis on the development of the Roman Empire and the interactions of Roman culture with other Mediterranean cultures.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 004 — Late Antiquity (4 units)

Course Description: History and culture of the Roman and Byzantine empires from the 3rd to the 8th century. Transformation of the classical Mediterranean world through political and cultural interactions, rise of Christianity and Islam, beginning of the medieval period in Europe.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 008 — World Classical Cultures (4 units)

Course Description: Study of selected ancient cultures of the world. Analysis of the construction of terms such as “classics,” “civilization,” and “culture.” Examination of the plural legacies of classical cultures in the modern world. Ancient cultures examined may include the Greco-Roman Mediterranean, Egypt, Maya Mesoamerica, Han China, Maurya South Asia, Mesopotamia.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 010 — Greek, Roman, & Near Eastern Mythology (3 units)

Course Description: Examination of major myths of Greece, Rome, and the Ancient Near East; their place in the religion, literature and art of the societies that produced them; their subsequent development, influence and interpretation.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 010Y — Greek, Roman, & Near Eastern Mythology–Hybrid (3 units)

Course Description: Examination of major myths of Greece, Rome, and the Ancient Near East; their place in the religion, literature and art of the societies that produced them; their subsequent development, influence and interpretation.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Web Virtual Lecture 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 015 — Women & Gender in Classical Antiquity (4 units)

Course Description: Lives and roles of women and men in ancient Greece and Rome. Readings from history, philosophy, medical and legal documents, literature and myth.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 020 — Pompeii AD 79 (4 units)

Course Description: Roman life in an urban community at the time of the eruption of Vesuvius. Slide presentations of the archeological evidence will be supplemented by selected readings from Petronius' Satyricon and other ancient authors.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 025 — The Classical Heritage in America (4 units)

Course Description: Classical heritage in the New World, with emphasis on the United States from its colonial past to the present day. The reception of Greco-Roman thought and values as expressed in art, architecture, education, law, government, literature, and film.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 030 — Greek & Latin Elements in English Vocabulary (3 units)

Course Description: Knowledge of Latin and Greek not required. Elements of Greek and Latin vocabulary for increased understanding of English word formation and improved ability to understand and retain unfamiliar words. Emphasis on Greek and Latin elements but other languages not neglected.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed CLA 030F.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

CLA 030F — Greek & Latin Elements in English Vocabulary (3 units)

Course Description: Knowledge of Latin and Greek not required. Elements of Greek and Latin vocabulary for increased understanding of English word formation and improved ability to understand and retain unfamiliar words. Emphasis on Greek and Latin elements but other languages not neglected.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to incoming freshmen.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed CLA 030.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

CLA 031 — Greek & Latin Elements in Technical Vocabulary (3 units)

Course Description: Knowledge of Greek and Latin not required. Elements of Greek and Latin vocabulary to increase understanding of English word formation in medical, scientific and technical terminology and improve ability to understand and retain unfamiliar terms.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

CLA 035 — Food & Wine in the Ancient Mediterranean (3 units)

Course Description: Social, political, and economic history of food and wine in ancient Mediterranean cultures. Development of agriculture and technology, trade, empires. Representation of food and wine in literary and visual arts, religious significance.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken CLA 036V.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 036V — Food & Wine in Ancient Greece (4 units)

Course Description: Social, political, and economic history of food and wine in Ancient Greece. Development of agriculture and technology, trade, cross-cultural exchanges. Representation of food and wine in literary and visual arts, religious significance. Online format combining asynchronous discussion with technologically based materials.

  • Learning Activities: Web Virtual Lecture 3 hour(s), Web Electronic Discussion 1 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken CLA 035.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 040 — Life & Economy in the Ancient Mediterranean World (4 units)

Course Description: Characterization of ancient Mediterranean economies, with emphasis on Greece and Rome. Utilization of archaeological, art historical, and literary evidence. Craft production, labor specialization, trade networks, ancient technology, urban growth, agricultural productivity, coinage systems, and household economies.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 045 — Sport & Spectacle in the Ancient Mediterranean (3 units)

Course Description: Cultural practices and attitudes related to sport and spectacle in the ancient Mediterranean. Secular and ritual festivals and competitions, funerary games, gladiatorial combat and violent mass entertainment, royal hunts and imperial triumphs, and literary, artistic, and philosophical depictions of ancient athletes and physical performances and competitions.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken CLA 045V.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 050 — Ancient Science (4 units)

Course Description: Study of science in ancient Greece and Rome; consideration of its social context; concentration on the basic concepts of physics, the world of medicine and biology, the history of mathematics, and the practices of astronomy, astrology and meteorology.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: STS 050.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 051 — Ancient Medicine (4 units)

Course Description: Medicine in ancient Greece and Rome; physiological conceptions of the body within scientific and social frameworks; exploration of sanitation technology and health in antiquity; medical treatment of the female body; medicine and the economy.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
  • Cross Listing: STS 051.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 060 — Magic in the Ancient Greco-Roman World (4 units)

Course Description: Magical practices and theories in ancient Greece and Rome and in the wider Mediterranean, including Mesopotamia and Egypt. Curses and spells in material culture, literary depictions of spell-casters, magic’s place in ancient society, and the modern afterlife of ancient magical practices.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 098 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable 3-15 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

CLA 101A — Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations (4 units)

Course Description: Topics may be ordered by time or place (e.g. Hellenistic Egypt) or by theme or genre (e.g. slavery in the ancient world).

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 101B — Topics in Greek Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Topics may be ordered by time or place (e.g. the world of Homer) or by theme or genre (e.g. the Greek art of war).

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 101C — Topics in Roman Civilization (4 units)

Course Description: Topics may be ordered by time or place (e.g. Julius Caesar and his age) or by theme or genre (e.g. gladiators: blood in the arena).

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 101D — Topics in Classical Receptions (4 units)

Course Description: Topics in classical reception from late antiquity to the present. Topics may be ordered by time or place (e.g. the classical tradition in Washington, D.C.) or by theme or genre (e.g. cinematic representations of the ancient world).

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 101E — Topics in Ancient Science (4 units)

Course Description: Topics may be ordered by discipline (e.g. ancient medicine), historical figure (e.g. Galen) or topic (e.g. science and the economy).

Prerequisite(s): CLA 050 or CLA 051; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 102 — Film & the Classical World (4 units)

Course Description: Classical World as portrayed in films. Viewings and discussions of modern versions of ancient dramas, modern dramas set in the Ancient Mediterranean world, and films imbued with classical themes and allusions. Supplementary readings in ancient literature and mythology.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Film Viewing 2.50 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 103 — Love & Beauty in the Ancient World (4 units)

Course Description: Philosophical and literary traditions connecting love, beauty, and goodness in ancient thought. Moral and ethical implications, ideologies of sexuality and gender; transmission into the medieval and modern world.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 104 — Death & Dying in the Ancient Mediterranean (4 units)

Course Description: Ideas and practices related to death in the ancient Mediterranean. Burial rituals and spaces, philosophical and medical theories of death and the afterlife, the dying and dead in social life, and literary and artistic depictions of violence and the dead.

Prerequisite(s): One lower-divison Classics (CLA) course; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 105 — Theory & Practice of Greek & Roman Mythology (4 units)

Course Description: Thematically focused study of mythological narratives. Emphasis on the historical development of myths and the variety of theoretical approaches for the study of myth.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 106 — Latine/x & Latin American Perspectives & the Classical Tradition (4 units)

Course Description: Latine/x and Latin American engagement with the classical tradition. Literary, cinematic, and artistic adaptations of Greco-Roman literature, art, and material culture. Social and political responses to the intellectual milieu of the ancient Mediterranean.

Prerequisite(s): One lower divison Classics (CLA) course; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Domestic Diversity (DD); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 110 — Origins of Rhetoric (4 units)

Course Description: Issues in the development of rhetoric from its origins in ancient Greece to A.D.430. Special attention to works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian. Role of grammar and rhetoric in schools of Roman Empire. The Christian rhetoric of Saint Augustine.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed RCM 110 or CMN 110. (Former RCM 110.)
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 111 — Forms of Knowledge in the Ancient World (4 units)

Course Description: History of knowledge preservation and transfer in the ancient Mediterranean. Oral tradition, technology, innovations, forms of writing, libraries, ancient scholarship, cultural exchange and influence.

  • Learning Activities: Extensive Writing, Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 120 — Greek & Roman Historiography (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of Greek and Roman historical writing in English translation. Authors to be read may include Herodotus, Thucydides, Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus. Focus on the development of historical writing as a literary genre.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 125 — Roman Political Thought (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of Roman thinking about politics, as expressed both in formal theorizing and in a variety of other contexts, including oratory, historiography, and epic. Study of Roman political reflection in its historical, cultural, and literary context.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 140 — Homer & Ancient Epic (4 units)

Course Description: Reading of the classical epics of Homer (Iliad, Odyssey) and Virgil (Aeneid) in English. Discussion of techniques of composition, the beliefs and values of their respective societies, and the generic tradition of ancient epic.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 141 — Greek & Roman Comedy (4 units)

Course Description: Readings in Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus, and Terence; lectures on the development of ancient comedy.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Conference 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 142 — Greek & Roman Novel (4 units)

Course Description: Examination of the ancient Greek romances and their development into the grotesque realism of Petronius' Satyricon, and the religious mysticism of Apuleius' The Golden Ass.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 143 — Greek Tragedy (4 units)

Course Description: Reading in English of selected plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Discussion of the development and influence of Athenian tragedy.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 150 — Socrates & Classical Athens (4 units)

Course Description: Study of the major sources of our knowledge of Socrates, assessment of his role in the politics and culture of ancient Athens, his method of teaching, and his place in Western thought.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 170 — Cultural Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean World (4 units)

Course Description: Exploration of the role of colonial encounters in the spread of ideas throughout the ancient Mediterranean from an archaeological and artistic perspective. Emphasis on material and literary expressions of culture, trade routes, and theories pertaining to culture contact.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 171 — Mediterranean Bronze Age Archaeology (4 units)

Course Description: Archaeological monuments of the ancient Near East, including Egypt and Mesopotamia, and of Greece and Crete during the Bronze Age. Special emphasis on the problems of state formation and on the co-existence and collapse of Bronze Age societies.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 172A — Early Greek Art & Architecture (4 units)

Course Description: Examination of the origin and development of the major monuments of Greek art and architecture from the 8th century to the mid-5th century B.C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Cross Listing: AHI 172A.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 172B — Later Greek Art & Architecture (4 units)

Course Description: Study of the art and architecture of later Classical and Hellenistic Greece, from the mid-5th century to the 1st century B.C.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Cross Listing: AHI 172B.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL).

CLA 173 — Roman Art & Architecture (4 units)

Course Description: Art and architecture of Rome and the Roman Empire, from the founding of Rome through the 4th century C.E.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Cross Listing: AHI 173.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 174 — Greek Religion & Society (4 units)

Course Description: Cults, festivals, and rituals of Greek religious practice and their relationship to Greek social and political institutions, and to Greek private life. Includes discussion of major sanctuaries at Olympia, Delphi, Athens, and others.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 175 — Architecture & Urbanism in Mediterranean Antiquity (4 units)

Course Description: Architecture and urban development in the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome. Special emphasis on the social structure of the ancient city as expressed in its architecture, and on the interaction between local traditions and the impact of Greco-Roman urbanism.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Cross Listing: AHI 175.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 176 — Roman Religions (4 units)

Course Description: Roman religion from republic to empire. Gods, rituals, and festivals at Rome; sacrifice, sacred places, magic. Gender roles, social status, national identity. Influences from other cultures, especially Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 180 — Ancient Mediterranean Technologies (4 units)

Course Description: Practical recreation of and experimentation with ancient technologies. Projects may include pottery and glazing, papyrus and ink making, textile arts, woodworking, pneumatic devices, automata, medicinal processes.

Prerequisite(s): A lower division Classics (CLA) course or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 2 hour(s), Discussion/Laboratory 2 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated for credit when topics differ.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).

CLA 190 — Senior Seminar (4 units)

Course Description: Advanced interdisciplinary study of a problem in the ancient Mediterranean world using the techniques of history, archaeology, art history and philology.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of one upper division course in Latin (LAT), Greek (GRK) or Hebrew (HEB) or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

CLA 194HA — Special Study for Honors Students (3 units)

Course Description: Directed reading, research and writing culminating in the completion of a senior honors thesis under the direction of faculty advisor.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors Program; consent of faculty member supervising honors thesis.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s), Independent Study, Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

CLA 194HB — Special Study for Honors Students (3 units)

Course Description: Directed reading, research, and writing culminating in the completion of a senior honors thesis under the direction of faculty advisor.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors Program and consent of faculty member supervising honors thesis.

  • Learning Activities: Discussion 1 hour(s), Independent Study, Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

CLA 197TC — Community Tutoring in Classical Languages (1-5 units)

Course Description: Supervised instruction of Greek or Latin in nearby schools by qualified students in department.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Tutorial 1-5 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 5 unit(s).
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

CLA 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; upper division standing.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

CLA 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; upper division standing.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

CLA 200A — Approaches to the Classical Past (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of major areas of classical scholarship, with special emphasis on the continuing impact of Mediterranean antiquity on later literature, history, art, and culture.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate student status or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 200B — Approaches to the Classics Past (4 units)

Course Description: Research project on major area of Classical scholarship, with special emphasis on the continuing impact of Mediterranean antiquity on later literature, history, art, and culture.

Prerequisite(s): CLA 200A; graduate student status or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Independent Study 4 hour(s).
  • Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate students.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 201 — Introduction to Classical Philology (4 units)

Course Description: Survey of major contemporary areas of classical scholarship with special attention devoted to current problems in literary and textual criticism.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 202 — Homer (4 units)

Course Description: Readings in the Iliad and Odyssey: the origins and transmission of the poems.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 203 — Vergil (4 units)

Course Description: Reading of selected books of the Bucolics, Georgics, and Aeneid. Emphasis will be placed on the study of Vergilean poetic language.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 204 — Greek & Roman Comedy (4 units)

Course Description: Historical and critical problems in Aristophanes or New Comedy.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 205 — Latin Lyric & Elegy (4 units)

Course Description: Critical examination of the works of Catullus, Horace, or Propertius.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 206 — Greek Historiography (4 units)

Course Description: Development of historical writing in Greece.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 207 — Greek Drama (4 units)

Course Description: Literary and philological analysis of the plays of Euripides, Sophocles, or Aeschylus.

  • Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.

CLA 299 — Research (1-12 units)

Course Description: Research.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

CLA 396 — Teaching Assistant Training Practicum (1-4 units)

Course Description: Teaching assistant training practicum.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
  • Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

Greek (GRK)

GRK 001 — Elementary Greek (5 units)

Course Description: Introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of Classical and New Testament Greek. Development of translation skills with emphasis on Greek-English.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 5 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 002 — Elementary Greek (5 units)

Course Description: Continuation of GRK 001.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 001; or the equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 5 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 002NT — Elementary New Testament Greek (1 unit)

Course Description: Supplementary study of New Testament Greek.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 002 (can be concurrent); concurrent attendance required.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 003 — Intermediate Greek (5 units)

Course Description: Continuation of GRK 002. Selected readings from Greek authors.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 002; or the equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 5 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 003NT — Elementary New Testament Greek (1 unit)

Course Description: Supplementary study of New Testament Greek.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 003 (can be concurrent); or consent of instructor; concurrent attendance required.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 1 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 098 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

GRK 100 — Readings in Greek Prose (4 units)

Course Description: Review of Greek morphology, syntax, and vocabulary. Readings in Greek prose authors, including Xenophon.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 003; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 101 — Plato (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Plato and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 102 — Euripides (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Euripides and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 103A — Homer: Iliad (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from Homer's Iliad.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 003.

  • Learning Activities: Recitation 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 103B — Homer: Odyssey (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from Homer's Odyssey.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Recitation 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 104 — Menander (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Menander and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 105 — Attic Orators (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from the orators of 4th- and 5th- century Athens.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) with consent of instructor and when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 106 — Greek Hexameter Poetry (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from ancient Greek hexameter poetry. Wisdom poetry, hymns, epyllia, idylls, epic, natural history and other texts from the hexameter tradition.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 110 — Readings in the Greek Novel (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from Greek prose fiction of the late classical, Hellenistic and imperial periods.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) with consent of instructor.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 111 — Sophocles (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Sophocles and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 112 — Aristophanes (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Aristophanes and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 113 — Thucydides (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Thucydides and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 114 — Lyric Poetry (4 units)

Course Description: Study of lyric poetry.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 115 — Aeschylus (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Aeschylus and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 116 — Herodotus (4 units)

Course Description: Study of Herodotus and his works.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 121 — Greek Prose Composition (4 units)

Course Description: Intensive grammar and vocabulary review through exercises in Greek prose composition.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

GRK 130 — Readings in Later Greek (4 units)

Course Description: Translation and discussion of selected readings from Hellenistic to Byzantine Greek literature.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 131 — Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy & Science (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from ancient Greek philosophical and scientific writers. Texts on logical truth and empirical sense data, material and social contexts of ancient Greek philosophy and science.

Prerequisite(s): GRK 100 (can be concurrent); or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Extensive Writing, Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topics differ.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

GRK 197T — Tutoring in Greek (1-5 units)

Course Description: Tutoring in undergraduate courses including leadership in small voluntary discussion groups affiliated with departmental courses.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Tutoring 3-15 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated for credit up to 5 unit(s).
  • Grade Mode: P/NP only.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Spring Quarter 2025.

GRK 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

GRK 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

Latin (LAT)

LAT 001 — Elementary Latin (5 units)

Course Description: Introduction to basic grammar and vocabulary and development of translation skills with emphasis on Latin to English.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 5 hour(s).
  • Credit Limitation(s): Students who have successfully completed LAT 002 or LAT 003 in the 10th grade or higher grade in high school may receive unit credit for this course on a P/NP grading basis only; although a passing grade will be charged to the student's P/NP option, no petition is required; all other students will receive a letter grade unless a P/NP petition is filed.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

LAT 002 — Elementary Latin (5 units)

Course Description: Continuation of LAT 001.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 001; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 5 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

LAT 003 — Intermediate Latin (5 units)

Course Description: Continuation of LAT 002. Selected readings from Latin authors.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 002; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 5 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

LAT 098 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

LAT 100 — Readings in Latin Prose (4 units)

Course Description: Review of Latin morphology, grammar, and vocabulary. Readings in prose authors, including Julius Caesar.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 003; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

LAT 101 — Livy (4 units)

Course Description: Livy.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 102 — Roman Comedy (5 units)

Course Description: Roman comedy.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 4 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 103 — Vergil: Aeneid (4 units)

Course Description: Vergil: Aeneid.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 104 — Sallust (4 units)

Course Description: Sallust.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 105 — Catullus (4 units)

Course Description: Catullus.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 106 — Horace: Odes & Epodes (4 units)

Course Description: Horace: Odes & Epodes.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 108 — Horace: Satires & Epistles (4 units)

Course Description: Horace: Satires & Epistles.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 109 — Roman Elegy (4 units)

Course Description: Roman elegy.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 110 — Ovid (4 units)

Course Description: Translation and discussion of selected readings from the works of Ovid.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) with consent of instructor and when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 112 — Cicero (4 units)

Course Description: Translation and discussion of selected readings from the works of Cicero.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Recitation 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) with consent of instructor and when readings differ.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 115 — Lucretius (4 units)

Course Description: Lucretius.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 116 — Vergil: Eclogues & Georgics (4 units)

Course Description: Vergil: Eclogues & Georgics.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 118 — Roman Historians (4 units)

Course Description: Readings in Latin from one or more of the major Roman historians and biographers. Authors may include Sallust, Nepos, Livy, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Ammianus Marcellinus.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 119 — Readings in Republican Latin Literature (4 units)

Course Description: Translation and discussion of selected readings from Republican Latin literature.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 120 — Readings in Imperial Latin Literature (4 units)

Course Description: Readings in Imperial Latin literature.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 121 — Latin Prose Composition (4 units)

Course Description: Intensive grammar and vocabulary review through exercises in Latin prose composition.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or equivalent.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 4 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).

LAT 122 — Early Christian Writers (4 units)

Course Description: Latin style of selected early Christian writers. Topics may include: Latin translations of Greek and Hebrew scriptures, Christian Latin, with focus on North Africa, Palestine, or Spain; High literary Christian Latin; Christian Latin oratorical style.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100 (can be concurrent); or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Extensive Writing, Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 124 — Post-Vergilian Latin Epic (4 units)

Course Description: Readings from Post-Vergilian Latin epic. Study of Lucan’s Bellum Civile, Silius Italicus’ Punica, Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica, and/or Statius’ Thebaid and Achilleid.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100 (can be concurrent); or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s); Extensive Writing.
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 125 — Medieval Latin (4 units)

Course Description: Selected readings from the Vulgate and various medieval authors provide an introduction to the developments in the Latin Language and literature from the 4th to the 15th centuries.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 130 — Readings in Late Latin (4 units)

Course Description: Translation and discussion of selected readings from late imperial-early medieval Christian and pagan literature.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100; or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 135 — Themes in Latin Literature (4 units)

Course Description: Readings in Latin that trace a theme across times, genres, and authors.

Prerequisite(s): LAT 100 (can be concurrent); or consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Extensive Writing, Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
  • Grade Mode: Letter.
  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).

LAT 197T — Tutoring in Latin (1-5 units)

Course Description: Tutoring in undergraduate courses including leadership in small voluntary discussion groups affiliated with departmental courses.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Tutorial 3-15 hour(s).
  • Repeat Credit: May be repeated, 5 unit(s) total.
  • Grade Mode: P/NP only.
  • This course version is effective from, and including: Spring Quarter 2025.

LAT 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)

Course Description: Directed group study.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.

LAT 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)

Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

  • Learning Activities: Variable.
  • Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.