Computational Biology, Minor College of Engineering

The minor in Computational Biology will provide to students with engineering, physical science or biological science majors the foundations necessary to build efficient computational models and algorithms, use state-of-the-art techniques for scientific analysis and create scalable infrastructure environments for biological and biotechnological applications.

More information can be found on the CS Advising website.

Minor Advisors

Faculty Advisors: V. Filkov, D. Gusfield, P. Koehl, I. Tagkopoulos
Academic Advisors: A. Abrahamson, J. Clifford, K. Gage, P. Kumari

Students must take a total of 19-24 upper division units, with two required courses and 11-12 units of upper division electives, as specified below. A minimum GPA of 2.000 is required for coursework in the minor. Students should note that most of the courses listed below have lower division prerequisites. In particular, required course ECS 122A has a prerequisite chain of ECS 020, ECS 036A, ECS 036B, and ECS 036C. No more than one course of upper division work will be permitted for overlap between any major and the minor.

Required Courses
ECS 122AAlgorithm Design & Analysis 4
ECS 124Theory & Practice of Bioinformatics4
Choose 12-15 units:12-15
Choose at least one biology course; 4 units minimum:
Advanced Molecular Biology
Macromolecular Structure & Function
Principles of Genomics
Introduction to Evolution
Introduction to Ecology
Population & Quantitative Genetics
Phylogeny, Speciation & Macroevolution
Human Genetic Variation & Evolution
Genes & Gene Expression
Genes & Gene Expression
Cell Biology
Population Biology & Ecology
Choose at least one computational or statistics course:
Scientific Computation
Probability & Statistical Modeling for Computer Science
Programming Languages
Scripting Languages & Their Applications
Programming on Parallel Architectures
Software Engineering
Database Systems
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Scientific Visualization
Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
Fundamentals of Statistical Data Science
Data & Web Technologies for Data Analysis
Big Data & High Performance Statistical Computing
Applied Bioinformatics
BIS 132
Choose at least one computational biology and bioinformatics course:
Computational Structural Bioinformatics
BIS 132
Modeling Strategies for Biomedical Engineering
Applied Bioinformatics
Total Units20-23