Environmental Geology, Minor College of Letters & Science

The minor in Environmental Geology examines the multidisciplinary factors of geology and related earth science fields, and planning and resources-oriented programs. Students in the minor are encouraged to participate in internship programs that assist them in solidifying the Environmental Geology minor with their Geology major or other major field areas that include geologic components.

Students majoring in Geology may elect to complete a minor in Geophysics, Environmental Geology, or Oceanography. They may not complete a minor in Geology.

Students majoring in Marine & Coastal Science may elect to complete a minor in Geology, Geophysics, or Environmental Geology. They may not complete a minor in Oceanography. 

The minor is sponsored by the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences.


Visit the staff major advisor for help navigating minor requirements, policies, prerequisites, and course offerings. Visit the faculty major advisors for additional advice on courses, careers, and graduate school. Faculty Advisors: Same as Geology Major Faculty Advisors.

Work with your major advisor and college advisors to fit a minor into your overall academic plan. 

Declare your minor using the OASIS Minor Declaration form, due the quarter before graduation. 

GEL 130Non-Renewable Natural Resources3
GEL 134Environmental Geology & Land Use Planning3
ESM 186Environmental Remote Sensing5
SSC 118Soils in Land Use & the Environment4
HYD 141Physical Hydrology4
or ECI 142 Engineering Hydrology
Choose two:8-9
The Policy Process
Urban & Regional Planning
Environmental Impact Assessment
Groundwater Hydrology
Hydrogeology & Contaminant Transport
Total Units27-28