Economics, Minor College of Letters & Science

Economics is the study of how individuals, organizations, and societies choose among alternative uses of resources and how these resources are turned into the things people want.

Course Limits

Except under extraordinary circumstances, not more than two economics courses should be taken in any one quarter. In special cases, the department will accept a limited number of related upper division courses from other departments in satisfaction of the economics upper division course requirements. Approval from a departmental advisor is required in all such cases.


ECN 001A or ECN 001AV or ECN 001AY, ECN 001B; STA 013 or STA 013Y, STA 032; MAT 016A, MAT 016B or MAT 017A, MAT 017B or MAT 021A, MAT 021B. MAT 016A, MAT 016B or MAT 017A, MAT 017B or MAT 021A, MAT 021B should be completed before taking ECN 100A and ECN 101. Students need to complete ECN 100A and ECN 101 before taking the advanced courses.

ECN 100AIntermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory4
or ECN 100AV Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory
ECN 101Intermediate Macro Theory4
Choose 8 units:8
Intermediate Micro Theory: Imperfect Competition & Market Failure
Economics of Uncertainty & Information
Decision Making
Decision Making
Comparative Economic Systems
Industrial Organization
Industrial Organization
Theory of Games & Strategic Behavior
Energy Economics
Public Microeconomics
Public Microeconomics
Public Finance
Public Finance
Public Finance
Health Economics
Financial Economics
Financial Economics
Money, Banks, & Financial Institutions
Money, Banks, & Financial Institutions
Topics in Macroeconomic Theory
Macroeconomic Policy
Economic & Financial Forecasting
Transportation Economics
Economics of the Labor Market
Economics of Human Resources
Economics of Education
International Microeconomics
International Macroeconomics
Economic Development in Weak States
Futures & Options Markets
Introduction to Mathematical Economics
Economics of Global Poverty Reduction: What Works & Why
Natural Resource Economics
Environmental Economics
Choose 4 units in upper division Economics (ECN) courses.4
Total Units20