Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science College of Engineering


The Electrical & Computer Engineering Undergraduate Programs

The department administers two undergraduate curricula in the College of Engineering: (1) the Electrical Engineering curriculum and (2) the Computer Engineering curriculum.

Integrated Degree Programs (IDP)

The IDP leads to both the Bachelor of Science and the Master of Science degrees. The program provides a student the opportunity to obtain superior breadth and depth of technical material. The IDP program in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering is available only to UC Davis undergraduates with strong academic records enrolled in the Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Applied Physics curricula. Applicants in their junior year must apply for the IDP by March 31. For more information on IDP, see B.S./M.S. Integrated Degree Programs.


Under its land grant status, the University of California has a mission to provide the state with the trained workforce it needs and to advance knowledge and research in directions that contribute to the general welfare of the state and the nation. The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering contributes to the mission of the University in three ways. First, its undergraduate and graduate education programs seek to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of electrical and computer engineering, the skills needed to solve the complex technological problems of modern society and the ability to continue to learn and develop throughout their careers. Second, through its research programs, the department contributes to the development and progress of electronics, communications, and computer technology. Finally, the department helps to transfer research results to industry through publication, public service and professional activities.


Teaching—To provide undergraduate students with sufficient breadth to allow them to participate in teams, continue their own education after graduation and select a focus area intelligently; to provide undergraduate students with sufficient depth in a narrower discipline to allow them to develop the ability to solve complex engineering problems; to educate the students in the graduate program to be leaders in industry or to do meaningful research in industry, government or academia.

Research—To develop and maintain research programs that produce useful technological advances while simultaneously training the next generation of researchers and leaders; to update and/or shift the foci of these programs frequently in response to the needs of our constituency and the nation; to provide a stimulating environment that encourages our graduate students to develop their abilities as far as possible.

Computer Engineering Undergraduate Program

The Computer Engineering (BS) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s), and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.


The Electrical & Computer Engineering program educational objectives have been developed to address the needs of our constituencies. The objectives of the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs are as follow:

  • Graduates will create value for their employers, demonstrating knowledge and initiative and making beneficial contributions beyond the workplace. This can also result in patents, awards, publications and presentations.
  • Graduates will grow their capabilities through advanced education and professional development.
  • Graduates will provide leadership and be proactive in their profession and/or communities.

Students are encouraged to adhere carefully to all prerequisite requirements. The instructor is authorized to drop students from a course for which stated prerequisites have not been completed.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science is 138.

Lower Division Required Courses
CMN 001Introduction to Public Speaking4
or CMN 001V Introduction to Public Speaking
or ENG 003 Introduction to Engineering Design
or ENG 003Y Introduction to Engineering Design
MAT 021ACalculus4
MAT 021BCalculus4
MAT 021CCalculus4
MAT 021DVector Analysis4
MAT 022ALinear Algebra3
MAT 022ALLinear Algebra Computer Laboratory1
MAT 022BDifferential Equations3
PHY 009AClassical Physics5
PHY 009BClassical Physics5
PHY 009CClassical Physics5
Computer Engineering
ECS 020Discrete Mathematics For Computer Science4
ECS 036AProgramming & Problem Solving 4
ECS 036BSoftware Development & Object-Oriented Programming in C++ 4
ECS 036CData Structures, Algorithms, & Programming 4
Electrical & Computer Engineering
EEC 001Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering2
EEC 010Introduction to Digital & Analog Systems 14
EEC 018Digital Systems I5
ENG 017Circuits I4
or ENG 017V Circuits I
Lower Division Composition/Writing; choose one; a grade of C- or better is required:4
Major Works of the Ancient World
Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Major Works of the Modern World
Major Works of the Contemporary World
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Native American Literature
Introduction to Academic Literacies (Recommended)
Introduction to Academic Literacies: Online (Recommended)
Introduction to Academic Literacies (Recommended)
Lower Division Required Course Subtotal77
Upper Division Required Courses
Electrical & Computer Engineering
EEC 100Circuits II5
EEC 111Digital Electronic Circuits4
EEC 161Applied Probability for Electrical & Computer Engineers4
EEC 170Introduction to Computer Architecture4
EEC 172Embedded Systems 4
EEC 173A/ECS 152AComputer Networks4
EEC 180Digital Systems II5
EEC 196Issues in Engineering Design1
Computer Engineering
ECS 122AAlgorithm Design & Analysis 4
ECS 150Operating Systems & System Programming4
Choose one:3-4
Environmental Physics & Society
Professional Responsibilities of Engineers
Upper Division Electives
All Design Project courses are also considered Design Laboratory electives and may be counted in both categories simultaneously. Both A and B need to be taken to receive credit for the Design Project.6
Integrated Circuit Design Project
Integrated Circuit Design Project
RF/Microwave Systems Design
RF/Microwave Systems Design
Electronic Design Project
Electronic Design Project
Applied Machine Learning
Applied Machine Learning Senior Design Projects
Internet of Things
Internet of Things Senior Design Project
Digital Systems Design Project
Digital Systems Design Project
Senior Design Project
Senior Design Project
Autonomous Vehicle Design Project
Autonomous Vehicle Design Project
Choose four letter graded upper division EEC or ECS courses 212-16
Technical Electives
Choose 8 units:8
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Any upper division course 3
Properties of Materials
Properties of Materials
Any upper division engineering course not used in satisfaction of core degree requirements 4
A maximum of 6 units for any combination of engineering courses numbered 190C, 192, 198, and 199 may be used.
Any upper division course 5
Any upper division course 6
Any upper division course 7
Biological Sciences
Genes & Gene Expression
Genes & Gene Expression Discussion
Structure & Function of Biomolecules
Bioenergetics & Metabolism
Cell Biology
Population Biology & Ecology
Population Biology & Ecology/Advanced Laboratory Topics
Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory
Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory
Intermediate Micro Theory: Imperfect Competition & Market Failure
Intermediate Macro Theory
Analysis of Economic Data
Economics of Uncertainty & Information
Theory of Games & Strategic Behavior
Elementary Accounting
Elementary Accounting
Introduction to Financial Accounting (Discontinued)
Managing & Using Information Technology
Marketing for the Technology-Based Enterprise
Technology Management
Financing New Business Ventures
Management Accounting & Control
Supply Chain Planning & Management
Upper Division Composition Requirement
Choose one; a grade of a C- or better is required:0-4
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Writing in the Disciplines: Special Topics
Writing in the Disciplines: Biology
Writing in the Disciplines: History
Writing in the Disciplines: International Relations
Writing in the Disciplines: Engineering
Writing in the Disciplines: Food Science & Technology
Writing in the Disciplines: Environmental Writing
Writing in the Disciplines: Human Development & Psychology
Writing in the Disciplines: Ethnic Studies
Writing in the Disciplines: Fine Arts
Writing in the Disciplines: Sociology
Writing in the Disciplines: Film Studies
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Law
Writing in the Professions: Journalism
Writing in the Professions: Elementary & Secondary Education
Writing in the Professions: Science
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Internships
Writing in the Professions: Writing for Social Justice
Writing in the Professions: Technical Writing
Passing the Upper Division Composition Exam.
Upper Division Required Course Subtotal68-77
Total Units138-147

Transfer and change of major students who do not take EEC 010 will substitute 4 additional units of upper division electives.


Excluding ECS 132, ECS 155 Discontinued, ECS 157 Discontinued, ECS 188, ECS 154A, ECS 154B.


Except CHE 195, CHE 197.


Excluding ENG 100, ENG 160, ENG 190 (each restricted to 1 unit of technical elective), ENG 198, ECS 132, ECS 154A, ECS 154B, ECS 188.


Except MAT 135A, MAT 197TC.

Except PHY 116 Discontinued, PHY 137 Discontinued, PHY 160 (restricted to 1 unit of technical elective), PHY 195, PHY 197T.

Except STA 100, STA 102 Discontinued, STA 103, STA 104, STA 106, STA 108, STA 120 Discontinued, STA 130A.


Transfer students take 1 additional Technical Elective; instead of EEC 001.