Nematology, Minor College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Minor Advisor

S. Siddique

For further information, see Entomology & Nematology

Graduate Study

Graduate degrees for those wanting to specialize in nematology are offered through the Departments of Entomology & Nematology, & Plant Pathology, and through various Graduate Groups (Biochemistry, Ecology, Genetics, Plant Protection and Pest Management). Refer also to Graduate Studies.

NEM 100Plant Nematology4
NEM 110Introduction to Nematology2
ENT 156Biology of Parasitism 3
Choose at least 9 units:9-10
Introductory Microbiology
General Entomology
General Entomology Laboratory
Arthropod Pest Management
Introduction to Biological Control
Medical Entomology
Biology of Parasitism Laboratory
Biology of Invertebrates
Introduction to Plant Pathology
Introductory Mycology
Principles of Soil Science
Soil Microbiology
Soil Ecology
Total Units18-19