Climate Science & Policy, Minor College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Susan Harrison, Ph.D., Chairperson of the Department
Gwen Arnold, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chairperson
Marissa Baskett, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chairperson

The Climate Science & Policy minor provides students with basic background in climate change science as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies. Students gain an understanding of scientific, social, institutional, and economic dimensions of climate change.

Minor Advisor

M. Springborn (Environmental Science & Policy)

ATM 116Modern Climate Change3
ESP 165Climate Policy3
LDA 003Sustainable Development: Theory & Practice 4
or DES 127A Sustainable Design
Choose one:3-4
Global Climate Change
Global Climate Change: Convergence of Biological, Geophysical, & Social Sciences
Global Climate Change: Convergence of Biological, Geophysical, & Social Sciences
Choose 11 units:11
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Justice/Injustice
Radiation & Satellite Meteorology
Community Governance
Urban Systems & Sustainability
Literature & the Environment
Air as a Resource
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Urban & Regional Planning
Earth History: Paleoclimates
One Health: Human, Animal & Environment Interfaces
Climate Change Ecology
Total Units24-25