Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

The major in Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning develops skills for designing and assessing sustainable policies for environmental quality and natural resource management.

Any student in good standing is eligible to transfer to the major; to do so, please see the staff advisor, Melissa Whaley, in 2134 Wickson Hall, or the lead faculty advisor, Prof. G. Arnold, in 2144 Wickson Hall.

The Program

This major provides students with a strong background in policy analysis, including the evaluation of policy alternatives and the study of factors affecting policy formulation and implementation. Key components of this interdisciplinary training include a general background in the natural sciences relevant to environmental policy, economics, political science, statistics, and research methodology to quantitatively analyze environmental problems and policy options. In addition, students are encouraged to develop substantive knowledge in a specific field of environmental policy, such as urban and regional planning, water policy, transportation and energy, climate policy, or conservation management.


Environmental policy analysis and planning graduates are prepared for employment in environmental, natural resource, energy, and transportation focused public agencies, consulting firms, non-governmental organizations, and businesses, or as legislative aides for elected representatives. The major is also excellent preparation for students who want to go on to graduate work in law, planning, public policy, political science, economics, or business.

Major Advisor

G. Arnold (Environmental Science & Policy)

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning Bachelor of Science is 105.

English Composition & Communication Requirement
Choose one:0-4
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Passing the Upper Division English Composition exam.
Choose one:
Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Introduction to Performance & Digital Media
English Composition & Communication Requirement Subtotal4-8
Preparatory Subject Matter
Biological Science
Choose one:4-5
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth
Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
Everyday Biology
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry4-5
or CHE 010 Concept of Chemistry
PHY 001APrinciples of Physics3
Second Quarter Natural Science
Choose one:3-5
Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life
General Chemistry
Principles of Physics
Cannot use BIS 002B to fulfill both the biological sciences requirement and the second quarter natural science requirement at the same time
Introduction to Data Analytics
Choose one:3-4
Data Visualization in the Social Sciences
Application of Computers in Technology
Application of Computers in Technology
ECN 001APrinciples of Microeconomics4
or ECN 001AV Principles of Microeconomics
or ECN 001AY Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 001BPrinciples of Macroeconomics4
or ECN 001BV Principles of Macroeconomics
Environmental Science
Choose one:3-4
Domestic Animals & People
Introduction to Atmospheric Science
Birds, Humans & the Environment
The Earth
Water, Power, Society
Plants & Society
Soils in Our Environment
Introduction to Conservation Biology
Environmental Science & Policy
ESP 001Environmental Analysis4
Choose one:3-4
Short Calculus (Discontinued)
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Choose one:3-4
Short Calculus (Discontinued)
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Political Science
POL 001American National Government4
or POL 001Y American National Government
STA 013Elementary Statistics4
or STA 013Y Elementary Statistics
or STA 032 Gateway to Statistical Data Science
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal46-54
Depth Subject Matter
Students must take these units on a letter grade basis, and must attain an overall grade point average of 2.000 or higher in the Depth Subject Matter courses.
Environmental Science & Policy29
Evaluation & Analysis
Principles of Environmental Science
The Policy Process
Methods of Environmental Policy Analysis
Methods of Environmental Policy Evaluation
Environmental Law
Environmental Law
Research Design
Applied Research Methods
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Choose one:4-5
Intermediate Social Statistics
Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
Applied Statistics for Business & Economics
Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis
Choose one:4
Intermediate Microeconomics: Theory of Production & Consumption
Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory
Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory
Environmental Data Science
Choose one:4
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Data Science
Resource Economics
Choose one:4
Environmental Economics
Energy Economics
Natural Resource Economics
Recommended, Not Required
Concepts & Methods in Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Analysis Using GIS
Aerial Photo Interpretation & Remote Sensing
Environmental Remote Sensing
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal45-46
Areas of Specialization
Students must choose courses in the Areas of Specialization that have not been taken in the Depth Subject Matter.
Choose one:10-17
Areas of Specialization Subtotal10-17
Total Units105-125

City & Regional Planning Specialization

Environmental Science & Policy
ESP 171Urban & Regional Planning4
ESP 172Public Lands Management4
Choose one
Transportation Policy
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Choose one:2-5
Great Cities
Community Development Perspectives on Environmental Justice
Community Development
Community Economic Development
Housing & Social Policy
Land Use & Growth Controls
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Toxic Tragedies & Their Impact on Society
Local Government & Politics
Total Units10-13

Climate Change Policy Specialization

Environmental Science & Policy
ESP 165Climate Policy3
Choose one:4
Environmental Economics
Energy Economics
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Energy Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Choose two:6-8
Modern Climate Change
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry
Air as a Resource
Global Climate Change: Convergence of Biological, Geophysical, & Social Sciences
Global Climate Change: Convergence of Biological, Geophysical, & Social Sciences
Total Units13-15

Conservation Management Specialization

Choose two:6-8
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Water Policy & Politics
Conservation Biology Policy
Public Lands Management
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Choose one:3-5
Restoration Ecology
Role of Fire in Natural Ecosystems
Trees & Forests
General Ecology
Population Ecology
Marine & Coastal Field Ecology
Plant Conservation Biology
Marine Ecology
Ecology of Tropical Latitudes
Conservation in Working Landscapes
Wildlife Ecology
Ecology of Human-Wildlife Conflicts
Conservation Biology
Wildlife Space Use & Habitat Conservation
Choose one:4
The Politics of Resources
Politics of Life in Africa
Economic Development
Indigenous Peoples & Natural Resource Conservation
Asian Diasporas
Globalization, Transnational Migration, & Chicana/o & Latina/o Communities
International Community Development: Asia
International Community Development: Europe
International Community Development: Africa
The Political Economy of International Migration
Sociology of Third World Development
Total Units13-17

Energy & Transportation Planning Specialization

Choose one:3-4
Energy Economics
Engineering Economics
Natural Resource Economics
Choose two:7-8
Transportation Policy
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Energy Policy
Public Lands Management
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Choose one:3-4
Modern Climate Change
Urban Systems & Sustainability
Environmental Physics & Society
Air as a Resource
Non-Renewable Natural Resources
Total Units13-16

Environmental Policy & Politics Specialization

Choose one:4
Local Government & Politics
California State Government & Politics
The Legislative Process
Environmental Politics & Administration
Public Policy & the Governmental Process
Choose two:7-8
Transportation Policy
Climate Policy
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Energy Policy
Water Policy & Politics
Conservation Biology Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Elections & Voting Behavior
Public Opinion
Mass Media & Politics
Mass Media & Politics
Political Psychology
Choose one:4
Econometric Theory & Applications
Environmental Economics
Deterministic Optimization & Design
Public Microeconomics
Public Microeconomics
Natural Resource Economics
Total Units15-16

Integrative Policy Specialization

Students choosing this individualized track must consult with a faculty advisor to identify an area of emphasis within this track and to select four upper division courses with a common theme. Possible areas of emphasis are marine policy, pollutants in the environment, planning in the presence of environmental hazards, sustainable development, or environmental and natural resource economics. If you are considering this track, please contact the major advisor as soon as possible.

Total Units: 12-16

Water Management Specialization

Choose two:6-7
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Water Policy & Politics
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Water Law
Choose two:6-10
Principles of Hydrologic Science
Water Science & Management
River Conservation
Wetland Ecology
Environmental Geology & Land Use Planning
Physical Hydrology
Soils in Land Use & the Environment
Biology & Conservation of Fishes
Coastal Marine Research
Marine & Coastal Field Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Coastal Oceanography
Total Units12-17