Environmental Science & Management, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

The Environmental Science & Management (ESM) major is jointly coordinated by the Department of Environmental Science & Policy and the Department of Land, Air, & Water Resources.

The major is designed for students who are interested in solving environmental problems from an interdisciplinary perspective linking the natural and social sciences. Students who choose this major will study the interaction of physical, biological, and social components of environmental problems. Students completing the program will understand the scientific basis for environmental decision-making and the legal, economic, and political issues involved in management of the environment.

Environmental Science & Policy

Susan Harrison, Chairperson

2132 Wickson Hall; 530-752-3026; Environmental Science & Policy; Faculty

Land, Air, & Water Resources

William Horwath, Chairperson

1110 Plant & Environmental Sciences Building; 530-752-1130; Land, Air & Water Resources; Faculty

The Program

Courses in biology, chemistry, physics, economics, geology, and calculus form the lower division preparatory foundation of the curriculum. These are then tied together with Environmental Science & Policy ESP 001, which provides an inter-disciplinary analysis of several environmental problems. The upper division core consists of foundation courses in physical, biological, and social sciences, as well as applied courses in environmental monitoring, GIS, impact reporting, and statistical analysis. In their junior year, students must choose a specialized track from the following six options:

  • Climate Change & Air Quality
  • Ecology, Biodiversity, & Conservation
  • Environmental Data Science
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Soils & Biogeochemistry
  • Watershed Science

A capstone course is required for all seniors and serves to integrate the science, policy/management and biology aspects of the ESM major. All students gain practical experience through field courses and a  required internship. Selected students may also pursue an honors thesis in their senior year.

The ESM major is jointly administered by the Departments of Environmental Science & Policy (ESP) and Land, Air & Water Resources (LAWR). Any student in good standing is eligible to transfer to the major; to do so, please see the student affairs officers in 2134 Wickson Hall or in 1150 Plant & Environmental Sciences Building.


Graduates from this program are prepared to pursue careers as practicing environmental scientists, resource analysts and planners working for public agencies and private firms specializing in environmental quality, natural resources or ecological research. The major is also excellent preparation for graduate or professional training in physical and/or biological environmental science graduate programs, as well as in environmental law, administration and environmental policy.

Major Advisors

Marissa Baskett (Environmental Science & Policy); Terrence Nathan (Land, Air & Water Resources)

Advising centers for the major, including peer advising, are located in both the Environmental Science & Policy and Land, Air & Water Resources departments. Students whose last names begin with the letters:

  • A-L, see Melissa Whaley in 2134 Wickson Hall.
  • M-Z,  see Lacole Brooks in 1150 Plant & Environmental Sciences.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. Respective of the Track, the minimum number of units required for the Environmental Science & Management Bachelor of Science is 111.

English Composition & Communication Requirement
Choose one:0-4
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
UWP 102B, UWP 102G, or UWP 104E recommended
Passing the Upper Division English Composition Exam.
Communication; choose one:4
Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Introduction to Performance & Digital Media
English Composition & Communication Requirement Subtotal4-8
Preparatory Subject Matter
Biological Science
BIS 002AIntroduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth5
BIS 002BIntroduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution5
BIS 002CIntroduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life5
Choose one:3-4
The Earth
Physical Geology (Recommended)
Choose a series:10
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
Honors General Chemistry
and Honors General Chemistry
Choose one; not required: 1
General Chemistry
Honors General Chemistry
Choose a series:6-12
Principles of Physics
and Principles of Physics
General Physics
and General Physics
and General Physics
Choose one:
ECN 001APrinciples of Microeconomics4
or ECN 001AV Principles of Microeconomics
or ECN 001AY Principles of Microeconomics
Choose one:3-4
Short Calculus
Calculus for Biology & Medicine (Recommended)
Choose one:3-4
Short Calculus
Calculus for Biology & Medicine (Recommended)
Environmental Science & Policy
ESP 001Environmental Analysis4
Satisfaction of the General Education requirement.
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal48-57
Core Subject Matter
Environmental Science & Management
ESM 120Global Environmental Interactions4
Choose one:4
General Ecology
Introduction to Ecology
Environmental Science & Policy
ESP 162Environmental Policy4
STA 100Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences (Recommended)4
or STA 013 Elementary Statistics
or STA 013Y Elementary Statistics
Students completing the Environmental Data Science track may also choose STA 032 and cannot choose STA 013 or STA 013Y.
Environmental Monitoring
Choose one:3-4
Meteorological Instruments & Observations
Environmental Monitoring
Limnology Laboratory
Environmental Impact Assessment
You need a unique course for each requirement and cannot double-count a class towards two requirements. For example, ESP 179 can be used for either the environmental monitoring requirement or towards the environmental policy course for your track, but not both.
Environmental Data Science
ABT/LDA 150Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
or ESP 106 Environmental Data Science
Choose one or more below in any combination for a total of 3 units:
Capstone Class
ESM 195Integrating Environmental Science & Management2
Honors Thesis; Optional
ESM 194HSenior Honor Thesis0-3
Core Subject Matter Subtotal28-32
Choose a Track:31-49
Tracks Subtotal31-49
Total Units111-146

CHE 002C or CHE 002CH recommended, but not required.

Climate Change & Air Quality Track

Atmospheric Science
ATM 060Introduction to Atmospheric Science4
ATM 116Modern Climate Change3
ESM 131Air as a Resource3
Additional Climate Science & Meteorology
Choose two:6-8
Weather Observation & Analysis
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry
Earth History: Paleoclimates
Environmental Science
Choose three environmental science courses, must select at least one from section A and one from section B9-14
Principles of Hydrologic Science
Water Science & Management
Coastal Oceanography
Physical Hydrology
Principles of Soil Science
Restoration Ecology
Role of Fire in Natural Ecosystems
Trees & Forests
Marine & Coastal Field Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Wetland Ecology
Marine Ecology
Plant Ecology
Evolution of Ecological Systems
Ecogeomorphology of Rivers & Streams
Agriculture & the Environment
Grassland Ecology
Urban Ecology
Climate Change Ecology
Environmental Policy
Choose two:7-8
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Climate Policy
Energy Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Sociology of the Environment
Total Units32-40

Ecology, Biodiversity & Conservation Track

Courses appearing in more than one section can only be used to fulfill one section.
Physical Processes
Choose one:3-5
Introduction to Atmospheric Science
Modern Climate Change
Water Science & Management
Air as a Resource
Coastal Oceanography
Environmental Geology & Land Use Planning
Principles of Soil Science
Environmental Policy
Choose one:3-5
Environmental Law
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Methods of Environmental Policy Analysis
Water Policy & Politics
Conservation Biology Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Land Use & Growth Controls
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Sociology of the Environment
EVE 100Introduction to Evolution4
Conservation Biology
Choose one:4
Conservation Biology
Plant Conservation Biology
Field Methods
Choose one:3-5
Introduction to Field & Laboratory Methods in Ecology
Marine & Coastal Field Ecology
Limnology Laboratory
Experimental Ecology & Evolution in the Field
Field Methods in Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology
Conservation in Working Landscapes
Restoration Ecology
and Restoration Ecology Laboratory
California Plant Communities
and California Plant Communities Field Study
Population Ecology
Choose one:
ESP 121Population Ecology4
or WFC 122 Population Dynamics & Estimation
Community Ecology
Choose one:3-4
Community Ecology
Marine Ecology
Ecology & Evolution of Animal-Plant Interactions
Plant Ecology
Wildlife Space Use & Habitat Conservation
Choose one:3-4
Restoration Ecology
Wetland Ecology
Urban Ecology
Ecosystem & Landscape Ecology
Choose one cross-cutting ecology course3-5
Role of Fire in Natural Ecosystems
Trees & Forests
Marine & Coastal Field Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Wetland Ecology
Evolution in Human-Altered Environments
Molecular Ecology
Marine Ecology
Ecology of Tropical Latitudes
Grassland Ecology
Tropical Ecology & Conservation
Wildlife Ecology
Climate Change Ecology
Choose one organismal biology course3-5
Insects Systematics
ENT 116
Biology of Invertebrates
Experimental Invertebrate Biology
(Discontinued; fulfills both the organismal lecture and lab requirements, simultaneously)
Plant Morphology & Evolution (fulfills both the organismal lecture and lab requirements, simultaneously)
Population Biology of Invasive Plants & Weeds (fulfills both the organismal lecture and lab requirements, simultaneously)
Biology & Conservation of Wild Mammals
Biology & Conservation of Wild Birds
Biology & Conservation of Fishes
Complete one lab associated with either the cross-cutting ecology or organismal biology course:0-4
ENT 116L
Limnology Laboratory
Wetland Ecology Laboratory
Biology of Invertebrates Laboratory
Experimental Ecology & Evolution in the Field
Laboratory in Biology & Conservation of Wild Mammals
Laboratory in Biology & Conservation of Wild Birds
Laboratory in Biology & Conservation of Fishes
Herpetology Laboratory
Total Units33-49

Environmental Data Science Track

Environmental Data Science4
Environmental Data Science
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to Programming
Data Analysis
Choose one:4
Concepts & Methods in Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Analysis Using GIS
Remote Sensing
Choose one:4-5
Aerial Photo Interpretation & Remote Sensing
Environmental Remote Sensing
Environmental Policy
Choose one:3-4
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Climate Policy
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Water Policy & Politics
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Sociology of the Environment
Quantitative Environmental Science
Choose one:3-4
Atmospheric Thermodynamics & Cloud Physics
Population Ecology
Introduction to Plant & Crop Systems Modeling
Population Dynamics & Estimation
Statistical Analysis
Choose two:8
Applied Statistical Methods: Nonparametric Statistics
Applied Statistical Methods: Analysis of Variance
Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis
Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
Multivariate Data Analysis
Applied Time Series Analysis
Fundamentals of Statistical Data Science
Data & Web Technologies for Data Analysis
Statistical Learning I
Physical Processes
Choose one:3-5
Weather Observation & Analysis
Modern Climate Change
Principles of Hydrologic Science
Water Science & Management
Air as a Resource
Principles of Soil Science
Biological Processes
Choose one:3-5
Marine & Coastal Field Ecology
Biological Oceanography
Coastal Oceanography
Wetland Ecology
Plant Ecology
Ecogeomorphology of Rivers & Streams
Agriculture & the Environment
Grassland Ecology
Ecosystem & Landscape Ecology
Tropical Ecology & Conservation
Climate Change Ecology
Total Units36-43

Natural Resource Management Track

Courses appearing in more than one section can only be used to fulfill one section.
Environmental Policy
Choose three:9-13
The Policy Process
Climate Policy
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Energy Policy
Methods of Environmental Policy Analysis
Water Policy & Politics
Conservation Biology Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Land Use & Growth Controls
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Water Law
Sociology of the Environment
Environmental Law
Choose one:3-4
Environmental Law
Water Law
Choose one:4
Econometric Theory & Applications
Analysis of Economic Data
Advanced Applied Statistics for the Biological Sciences
Applied Statistics for Business & Economics
Applied Statistical Methods: Analysis of Variance
Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis
Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
Introduction to Probability Theory
Or equivalent upper division statistics.
Biological Processes
Choose two:6-8
Behavioral Ecology of Insects
Role of Fire in Natural Ecosystems
Trees & Forests
Wetland Ecology
Marine Ecology
Plant Ecology
Grassland Ecology
Biology & Conservation of Wild Mammals
Biology & Conservation of Wild Birds
Biology & Conservation of Fishes
Physical Processes
Choose two:6-9
Modern Climate Change
Water Science & Management
Air as a Resource
Coastal Oceanography
Principles of Soil Science
Remote Sensing
Choose one:
ESM 185Aerial Photo Interpretation & Remote Sensing4-5
or ESM 186 Environmental Remote Sensing
Total Units32-43

Soils & Biogeochemistry

Soil Science
Courses appearing in more than one section can only be used to fulfill one section.
SSC 100Principles of Soil Science5
Additional Soil Science
Choose four:16-21
Principles of Hydrologic Science
Aqueous Geochemistry
Environmental Soil Chemistry
Field Studies of Soils in California Ecosystems
Soil Physics
Sustainable Nutrient Management
Soil Microbiology
Soil Ecology
Soils in Land Use & the Environment
Soil Genesis, Morphology, & Classification
Environmental Science & Policy
Choose two:6-8
Water Science & Management
Climate Policy
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Sociology of the Environment
Land Use Analysis
Choose one:3-4
Aerial Photo Interpretation & Remote Sensing
Environmental Geology & Land Use Planning
Runoff, Erosion & Water Quality Management
Soils in Land Use & the Environment
Physical & Biological Processes
Choose two:6-8
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry
Trees & Forests
Physical & Chemical Oceanography
Biological Oceanography
Wetland Ecology
Plant Ecology
Introductory Inorganic Geochemistry
Grassland Ecology
Total Units36-46

Watershed Science Track

Courses appearing in more than one section can only be used to fulfill one section.
Complete both introductory hydrologic and soil science courses.
Principles of Soil Science
Principles of Hydrologic Science
Water Management
Choose one:3-4
Water Science & Management
River Conservation
Water Law
Hydrologic Science
Choose two:7-8
Irrigation Systems & Water Management
Evapotranspiration Principles, Measurement & Modeling
Plant-Water-Soil Relationships
Groundwater Hydrology
Water Science & Design
Physical Environments
Choose one:3-5
Limnology Laboratory
Coastal Oceanography
Earth History: Sediments & Strata
Ecogeomorphology of Rivers & Streams
Introduction to Process Geomorphology
Environmental Data Science
Choose one:4
Concepts & Methods in Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Analysis Using GIS
Aerial Photo Interpretation & Remote Sensing
Environmental Data Science
Environmental Policy
Choose two:6-11
Ocean & Coastal Policy
Methods of Environmental Policy Analysis
Water Policy & Politics
Public Lands Management
Land Use & Growth Controls
Environmental Justice Policy & Practice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Soil Science
Choose one:4-5
Field Studies of Soils in California Ecosystems
Soils in Land Use & the Environment
Soil Genesis, Morphology, & Classification
Aquatic Organisms & Habitats
Choose one:3-4
ENT 116
Wetland Ecology
Marine Ecology
Biology & Conservation of Fishes
Total Units30-41