Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Bachelor of Arts College of Biological Sciences

The major in Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity offers the student a broad background in the theoretical and empirical basis of our understanding of the diversity and distribution of living organisms.

The Program

The program of study for the major begins with a core of introductory courses in mathematics, physical sciences, and biology. These are followed by survey courses in biodiversity, evolution and ecology and various more specialized courses that focus the student on particular disciplines or organisms, with an emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity majors may earn either a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree. The requirements for the B.S. degree program include more science courses, such as biochemistry, whereas those for the A.B. degree program allow room for more electives within the humanities and social sciences. The A.B. degree is especially appropriate for those students who wish to combine arts or languages with evolution and ecology for career preparation in such areas as scientific writing, translating or illustration.

Career Alternatives

A degree in Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity prepares the student for career opportunities in research, teaching, health professions, veterinary medicine, agriculture, environmental management, and industry. Many students gain some research experience while at UC Davis and choose to continue their training at the graduate level. This track offers careers in academics, government, environmental organizations, or business.

Faculty Advisor

Laci M. Gerhart-Barley, Ph.D.


Biology Academic Success Center (BASC) in 1023 Katherine Esau Science Hall (formerly Sciences Laboratory Building); 530-752-0410.

Teaching Credential Subject Representative

Students planning for a teaching career should consult the School of Education in regards to preparation for certification; see the Teaching Credential/M.A. Program.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity Bachelor of Arts is 76.

Preparatory Subject Matter
Biological Science15
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth
and Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
and Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life
Choose the 002 series or 004 series and 008 series:16
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
General Chemistry for the Physical Sciences & Engineering
and General Chemistry for the Physical Sciences & Engineering
Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
and Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
Choose the MAT 017 series, the MAT 021 series, or STA 100: 14-8
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine (Recommended)
and Calculus
and Calculus (Recommended)
Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
PHY 001APrinciples of Physics3
PHY 001BPrinciples of Physics3
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal41-45
Depth Subject Matter
Biological Science
BIS 101Genes & Gene Expression4
or BIS 101V Genes & Gene Expression
Choose one: 3-4
Introduction to Evolution
Earth History: Paleobiology
Primate Evolution
Choose one:4
Introduction to Ecology
General Ecology
Wildlife Ecology
Areas of Study
Choose additional upper division restricted electives in biological science relevant to the student's interest. Chosen in consultation with a BASC advisor to achieve a total of 36 or more units.24-25
Include at least one course from each of the areas of study below.
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal35-37
Total Units76-82

With BASC advisor approval, this combination also satisfies the Mathematics requirement: MAT 021A-MAT 017B or MAT 017A-MAT 021B

(1) Biodiversity Area of Study

ENT 107California Insect Diversity5
EVE 105Phylogenetic Analysis of Vertebrate Structure4
EVE/PLB 108 (Discontinued)5
EVE 112Biology of Invertebrates3
EVE 114Experimental Invertebrate Biology3
EVE 140Paleobotany4
MIC 105Microbial Diversity3
NEM 110Introduction to Nematology2
PLB/PLS 116Plant Morphology & Evolution5
PLB/PLP 148Introductory Mycology4
PLS 147California Plant Communities3
WFC 110Biology & Conservation of Wild Mammals3
WFC 111Biology & Conservation of Wild Birds3
WFC 120Biology & Conservation of Fishes3
WFC 134Herpetology3

(2) Advanced Evolution & Ecology Area of Study

EVE 102Population & Quantitative Genetics4
EVE 103Phylogeny, Speciation & Macroevolution4
EVE 104Community Ecology4
EVE 106Mechanical Design in Organisms3
EVE 107Animal Communication4
EVE 110Running, Swimming & Flying3
EVE 115Marine Ecology4
EVE/PLB 117Plant Ecology4
EVE/PLB 119Population Biology of Invasive Plants & Weeds3
EVE 120Global Change Ecology3
EVE 131Human Genetic Variation & Evolution3
EVE 138Ecology of Tropical Latitudes5
EVE 141Principles of Systematics3
EVE 147Biogeography4
EVE 149Evolution of Ecological Systems4
EVE 150Evolution of Animal Development3
EVE 161Microbial Phylogenomics; Genomic Perspectives on the Diversity & Diversification of Microbes3
EVE 175Computational Genetics3
Choose EVE 180A or ENT 180A & EVE 180B or ENT 180B:8
Experimental Ecology & Evolution in the Field
Experimental Ecology & Evolution in the Field
EVE 181Ecology & Evolution of Animal-Plant Interactions4