Latin American & Hemispheric Studies, Minor College of Letters & Science

The minor in Latin American and Hemispheric Studies offers students the opportunity to explore connection throughout the Western Hemisphere from an array of perspectives across multiple academic fields.

The minor is made up of six courses, arranged in three tiers: Basic (one lower division course on the history of Latin America); Core (two introductory upper division courses chosen from a designated list of fields other than History); and Elective (three additional upper division courses from a designated list of courses that focus primarily on Latin American and/or Hemispheric issues). Students are strongly encouraged to develop proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese, either through course work (such as completion of SPA 024 or SPA 033), or through life experience such as study abroad.

Minor Advisor

Undergraduate Advisor; 2216 Social Sciences & Humanities Building; 530-752-9241.

Choose one:4
Introduction to Caribbean Studies
History of Latin America to 1700
History of Latin America, 1700-1900
History of Latin America 1900-present
Core Courses
Choose two:8
Race & Ethnicity in Latin America
Contemporary Societies & Cultures of Latin America
Andean Prehistory: Archaeology of the Incas & Their Ancestors
United States-Mexican Border Relations
History of Inter-American Relations
Music from Latin America
Music from Latin America
Native Americans in the Contemporary World
Native Foods & Farming of the Americas
Native Foods & Farming of the Americas
Survey of Latin American Literature to 1900
Survey of Latin American Literature 1900 to Present
Introduction to Latin American Culture
Latin American Politics
Mexican Politics
Study Abroad in Latin America
Elective Courses
Choose 12 units:12-14
African Descent Communities & Culture in the Caribbean & Latin America
African-American Dance & Culture in the United States, Brazil & the Caribbean
African Religions in the Americas
Diaspora & New Black Identities
Race & Ethnicity in Latin America
Cultural Politics of the Environment (Latin American Topics only.)
Ecology & Politics (Latin American Topics only.)
People of the Arctic: Contemporary & Historic Cultures of the Circumpolar Region
Contemporary Societies & Cultures of Latin America
New World Prehistory: The First Arrivals
Andean Prehistory: Archaeology of the Incas & Their Ancestors
California Archaeology
Arts of the Ancient New World
Latin American Art & Architecture
Globalization, Transnational Migration, & Chicana/o & Latina/o Communities
Latin American Women’s Engagement in Social Movements
Women of Color Reproductive Health & Reproductive Politics in a Global Perspective (Latin American Topics only.)
Women of Color Reproductive Health & Gender Politics in Cuba & the U.S.
United States-Mexican Border Relations
Transnational Latina/o Political Economy
Public Health in Latin America
Indigenous Healing & Biodiversity in Latin America
Mexican Film & Greater Mexican Identity
Mexican & Chicano Mural Workshop
Colonial & Postcolonial Experience in Literature (Latin American Topics only.)
Literature of the Americas
Literature of the Americas (Taught in Latin America)
Caribbean Literatures
Caribbean Literatures
Business, Biomes & Knowledge: Latin American Environmental History
Special Topics in Latin American History
Women & Gender in Latin American History
Spain & America in the 16th Century
Human Rights in Latin America
History of the Andean Region
History of Brazil
History of Brazil
History of Chile
Latin American Social Revolutions
History of Mexico to 1848
History of Mexico since 1848
Modern Latin American Cultural & Intellectual History
History of Inter-American Relations
Mexican-American History
Mexican-American History
Special Topics in Human Rights (Latin American Topics Only)
Music from Latin America (Latin American Topics Only)
Music from Latin America
Musics of the Americas
Brazilian Samba School
Afro-Cuban Ensemble
Brazilian Capoeira Ensemble
Directed Group Study (Topic: Mariachi Ensemble only)
Learning Native American Languages
Quechua Language & Society: Beginning Level 1
Quechua Language & Society: Beginning Level 2
Quechua Language & Society: Intermediate Level 1
Quechua Language & Society: Intermediate Level 2
Native Americans in the Contemporary World
Ethnopolitics of South American Indians
Native Foods & Farming of the Americas
Native Foods & Farming of the Americas
Performance & Culture Among Native Americans
Ethnohistory of Native People of Mexico & Central America
Ethnohistory of Native Peoples of Mexico & Central America to 1500
Ethnohistory of Native Peoples of Mexico & Central America 1500 to 2000
Native American Literature
Native American Literature
Contemporary Native American Poetry (Discontinued)
Contemporary Indigenous Literature of Mexico
Latin American Politics
Mexican Politics
Principles of Luso-Brazilian Literature & Criticism
Survey of Luso-Brazilian Literature: 1500-1800
Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Culture
Special Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature & Culture
Luso-Brazilian Literature & Culture
Introduction to Brazilian Literature
20th C Masters in Brazilian Literature
Topics in Religious Studies (Latin American Topics only.)
The Political Economy of International Migration
Teaching Spanish as a Native Tongue in the U.S.: Praxis & Theory
Latin-American Literature in Translation
Survey of Latin American Literature to 1900
Survey of Latin American Literature 1900 to Present
Latin American Short Story
Latin American Novel
Mexican Novel
Latin American Literature of the Turn of the 20th Century
Great Works of Latin American Literature/Culture
Latin American Poetry: From Vanguardism to Surrealism & Beyond
Special Topics in Latin American Literature & Culture
Special Topics in Latin American Literature & Culture
Special Topics in Latin American Literature & Culture
Latin American Women Writers in Translation
Introduction to Latin American Culture
Introduction to Latin American Culture
Music from Latin America
Music from Latin America
Mexican Culture
Cinema & Latin American Culture
Chicano Culture
Topics in Latin American Cultural Studies
Literature in Spanish Written in the United States
California & Latin America
Science & Politics of the Human Body in the Spanish-Speaking World
Science & Politics of the Human Body in the Spanish-Speaking World
Total Units24-26