Human Development, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Department of Human Ecology; 1303 Hart Hall; 530-752-1805; Human DevelopmentFaculty

Human development explores the developmental process in humans throughout the life cycle. Biological, psychological, social, and contextual processes on development are studied. Students can choose emphases in Health and Well being across the Lifespan, or Children and Families across the Lifespan.

The Program

Human development majors complete a group of preparatory courses in anthropology, biology, philosophy, psychology, and statistics. Upper division students can design their programs to specialize in one of two track areas. For instance, students can study either Health and Well being, or Children and Families, both of these tracks emphasize a lifespan developmental approach. Students can also pursue the general Human Development track which broadly exposes students to multiple influences on individual development and family processes.

Internships & Career Alternatives

At least one practicum course is required. A second practicum or supervised internship can be used to fulfill the restricted elective requirement for the major. In addition, students can intern in schools, early childhood education or senior centers, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, probation offices, group foster homes, mental health clinics, or as tutors for handicapped or bilingual students. Human development graduates fill a wide variety of positions in preschools, elementary and special educational settings, programs designed for parents, families, and the elderly, as well as governmental jobs related to social services for people of all ages. Students who choose the Health & Well being track can apply to medical school or pursue training for positions in the health sciences. Human development prepares students to pursue advanced degrees in behavioral and social sciences, education, social work, family law, or health sciences.

Preparatory Requirements

UC Davis students who wish to change their major to Human Development must be in good academic standing. Students must complete the following courses with a combined grade point average of at least 2.500. All of the following courses must be taken for a letter grade:

PSC 001General Psychology4
Choose one:4
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Research Methods in Psychology
Choose one:4-5
Human Evolutionary Biology
Human Evolutionary Biology
Cultural Anthropology
From Birth to Death: The Evolution of the Human Life Cycle
Choose one:5-3
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth
Everyday Biology
Natural History of Infectious Diseases
Introduction to Human Heredity
Elementary Human Physiology
The Human Brain & Disease
Systemic Physiology
Introduction to Biological Psychology

Students must have achieved a 2.000 GPA in any required upper division courses taken prior to declaring the major.

All courses satisfying the Preparatory Subject Matter, Depth Subject Matter, Restricted Electives and Human Development Major English Coursework Requirement must be taken for a letter grade.

Major Advisor

Leah Hibel

Graduate Study

Graduate study is available through a Master of Science degree in child development, and a Ph.D. degree in human development. See also Graduate Studies.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Requirements & College Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Human Development Bachelor of Science major is 90.

Preparatory Subject Matter
Choose one:4-5
Human Evolutionary Biology
Cultural Anthropology
From Birth to Death: The Evolution of the Human Life Cycle
Choose two:6-10
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth
Everyday Biology
Genes & Gene Expression
Genes & Gene Expression
Natural History of Infectious Diseases
Introduction to Human Heredity
Elementary Human Physiology
The Human Brain & Disease
Systemic Physiology
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Choose two:8
Critical Reasoning
Introduction to Bioethics
Introduction to Philosophy of Science
Appraising Scientific Reasoning
Understanding Scientific Change
Introduction to Philosophy of Biology
PSC 001General Psychology4
or PSC 001V General Psychology
or PSC 001Y General Psychology
Choose one:4
Research Methods in Psychology
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal26-31
Depth Subject Matter
Life Span
HDE 100AInfancy & Early Childhood4
or HDE 100AV Infancy & Early Childhood
HDE 100BMiddle Childhood & Adolescence4
HDE 100CAdulthood & Aging4
Research Methods
HDE 120Research Methods in Human Development5
Choose one:4-6
Laboratory in Early Childhood (May only be taken for 4 units; Discontinued.)
Field Study With Children & Adolescents
Field Study with Emotionally Distressed Children & Adolescents
Field Studies of the Elderly
Area of Specialization (Tracks)
Choose one track, and take three courses within that track; see track options below:12
General HDE; choose any three upper division HDE courses. These courses cannot overlap with the depth subject.
Restricted Electives
Choose additional upper division courses for 19-20 units from a list of restricted electives related to your track in consultation with faculty advisor.19-20
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal52-55
Human Development English Coursework Requirement
Choose three courses in English Composition; at least one must be upper division: 112
Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Public Speaking
Major Works of the Ancient World
Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Major Works of the Modern World
Major Works of the Contemporary World
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Native American Literature
Introduction to Academic Literacies
Introduction to Academic Literacies: Online
Introduction to Academic Literacies
Style in the Essay
Writing Research Papers
Choose at least one:
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
The Upper Division Composition Exam does not satisfy the requirement.
Human Development English Coursework Requirement Subtotal12
Total Units90-98

Advanced Placement English score of 4 or 5 which satisfies ENL 003 and/or UWP 001 will satisfy one of the three required courses.

Health & Wellbeing Area of Specialization

Choose three:
Thriving Across the Lifespan
Thriving Across the Lifespan
Stress, Adversity & Resilience
Stress, Adversity & Resilience
Health Behaviors Across the Lifespan
Contextual Determinants of Health
Special Topics in Human Development

Children & Families Across the Lifespan Area of Specialization

Choose three:
Children in Families, Schools, Communities
Families in Communities
Families in Communities
Family Stress & Resilience
Social Relationships Across the Lifespan
Special Topics in Human Development