International Science Studies, Minor College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences


This interdisciplinary minor in International Science Studies introduces College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences students to global issues, which affect their major disciplines in the current world, and also provides an opportunity to gain first-hand experience abroad when appropriate. The goal of this minor is to enable our college students to develop greater international competence and to enhance their employability.

The minor assumes that the student will have a major in the sciences and that classes taken under one of the three tracks in the minor will contribute depth to the existing major or establish depth in a selected additional field of study. Students will be expected to work closely with an academic advisor in developing an intellectually coherent program of the study. A minimum of 18 units of upper division work is required. Only a single course can be counted toward both major and minor and no course can be used to satisfy the requirements of more than one minor.

Lead Faculty Advisor

Shu-Hua Chen (Land, Air, & Water Resources); 530-752-1822.

Global Issue Course Requirement7-8
Focusing on broad range of global issues and their impacts on ecological and environmental resources and biodiversity, in addition to international policy and economics. Beyond the courses taken under each track, choose two out of the three courses listed below:
Modern Climate Change
Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management
Economic Development
Choose one of the following tracks:16-17
Education Abroad Program courses taught overseas and relevant international internship activities will count towards the minor requirement with advisor's approval. For each track, students can take a maximum of 3 units from EAP courses, with a valid transcript, and 3 units from relevant international internship activities. The international internship activities would require a pre-approved study plan with the academic advisor before the maximum of 3 units can be awarded. Language and culture related courses are encouraged, but not required for the minor.
Total Units23-25

(1) Ecological, Environmental, & Energy Studies Track

Choose 16-17 units:16-17
ANT 103Indigenous Peoples & Natural Resource Conservation4
ARE 147Resource & Environment Policy Analysis3
ATM 116Modern Climate Change3
ATM 133Biometeorology4
ESM 100Principles of Hydrologic Science4
ESM 121Water Science & Management3
ESM 131Air as a Resource3
ESM/PLS 144Trees & Forests4
ESM 120Global Environmental Interactions4
ESP 100General Ecology4
ESP 151Limnology4
EVE 147Biogeography4
SSC 109Sustainable Nutrient Management4
HYD 143Ecohydrology4

(2) Policy & Management Focus Track

Choose 16-17 units:16-17
ARE/ECN 115AEconomic Development4
ARE 115B/115BY/ECN 115B/115BYEconomic Development4
ARE 138International Commodity & Resource Markets4
IRE 190Topics in International Relations4
CRD 156Community Economic Development5
CRD 180Transnational Community Development4
IAD/PLS 160Agroforestry: Global & Local Perspectives3
IAD 170Program Development for International Agriculture4
ESP/ARE 175Natural Resource Economics4

(3) Agriculture, Food, & Fiber Systems Track

Choose 16-17 units:16-17
ANT 103Indigenous Peoples & Natural Resource Conservation4
ATM 133Biometeorology4
CRD 153AInternational Community Development: Asia4
CRD 153BInternational Community Development: Europe4
ESM 121Water Science & Management3
ESM 131Air as a Resource3
EVE 138Ecology of Tropical Latitudes5
HYD 124Plant-Water-Soil Relationships4
PLS 150Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management4
PLS/IAD 160Agroforestry: Global & Local Perspectives3
FST 109Principles of Quality Assurance in Food Processing3
NUT 119AGlobal Nutrition3
NUT 119BInternational, Community-Based Nutritional Assessment6