Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

1150 PES; 530-752-1603; Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems is an interdisciplinary major hosted by the Department of Land, Air, & Water Resources.

The Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems (SA&FS) major serves students interested in improving the sustainability of agriculture and food systems. This major prepares graduates to understand the interdisciplinary and systems-based aspects of sustainability and provides them with the knowledge, leadership skills and experiences required to excel in agricultural and food systems professions.

The Program

This program is designed to develop students' competencies for addressing the environmental, social, and economic challenges and opportunities associated with agricultural and food systems sustainability. The program emphasizes an experiential learning approach to sustainability education, allowing students to choose between three tracks within the major. Students in the Agriculture & Ecology track focus on crop and animal production systems, ecology, and practices that mitigate negative impacts while producing environmental and social benefits. Students in the Food & Society track focus on issues related to the social, cultural, political and community development aspects of agriculture and food systems. Students in the Economics & Policy track focus on issues related to agricultural and resource economics, policy and management. The program provides students with practical experiences through courses with on- and off-campus fieldwork and through internship placements at sites related to students' interests and focus of study.

Lead Faculty Advisor

Lead Faculty Advisor. W. Horwath (Land, Air & Water Resources)
Track I Advisor. W. Horwath (Land, Air & Water Resources)
Track II Advisor. R. Galt (Human Ecology), M. Cooper (Human Ecology), C. Cannon (Human Ecology), A. Haven Kiers (Human Ecology), D. de la Pena (Human Ecology)
Track III Advisor. W. Horwath (Land, Air & Water Resources)

Advising Center for the major is located in 1150 PES; 530-752-1603.

Internships & Career Alternatives

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems students are required to complete an internship in the field before graduation. Internships have been arranged with local, county, & state agricultural agencies, production farms and commercial processors & retailers, domestic & international non-governmental organizations, and rural & urban community development programs. Graduates are prepared to pursue a broad range of careers related to agricultural production & food system management, rural & urban community services, education & development, and agricultural & environmental sciences, as well as careers in agricultural, environmental, and economic policy & analysis. Positions may be in private industry, government and public service agencies and in the non-profit sector, nationally and internationally. The major also prepares students for graduate studies in a wide range of fields related to agriculture and food systems.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Bachelor of Science is 135.

English Composition Requirement
See College requirement.4-8
(1) Either two courses emphasizing written expression or one course emphasizing written expression and one course emphasizing oral expression, with a grade of C- (or P) or better. The following UC Davis courses satisfy this requirement:
One course from ENL 003; UWP 001, UWP 001Y, UWP 001V, UWP 048, UWP 049, UWP 101, UWP 101Y, UWP 101V, UWP 102 series, or UWP 104 series; AND one course selected from the courses not selected above, or from CMN 001 or CMN 001V; COM 001, COM 002, COM 003, COM 004, or NAS 005.
(2) Advanced Placement English score of 4 of 5 PLUS any course listed in 1(a) or 1(b) above EXCEPT UWP 001 or ENL 003.
(3) By successfully passing the English Composition Examination administered by the College of Letters & Science upon completion of 70 units of degree credit (the examination does not yield credit).
Must include CMN 001 or CMN 001V.
English Composition Requirement Subtotal4-8
Core Courses
Plant Science
PLS 015Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture4
Community & Regional Development
CRD 020Food Systems4
ANS 112Sustainable Animal Agriculture3-4
or PLS 150 Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management
Agricultural & Resource Economics
ARE 121Economics of Agricultural Sustainability4
Plant Science
PLS 190Seminar on Alternatives in Agriculture2
Environmental Science & Policy
SAF 191AWorkshop on Food System Sustainability3
SAF 191BWorkshop on Food System Sustainability3
Core Courses Subtotal23-24
Internship Requirement
Students must complete at least 8 units of internship, which may be combined off-campus or on-campus units.8
Internship Requirement Subtotal8
Applied Production
Choose one:2-3
Edible Mushroom Cultivation
Organic Crop Production Practices
PLS 131
Viticultural Practices
Viticultural Practices
Viticultural Practices
Management of Container Media
Animal Science
Choose one:2
Domestic Animal Production Laboratory
Animal Management Practices: Aquaculture
Animal Management Practices: Beef
Animal Management Practices: Dairy
Animal Management Practices: Goats
Animal Management Practices: Horses
Animal Management Practices: Laboratory Animals
Animal Management Practices: Meats
Animal Management Practices: Poultry
Animal Management Practices: Sheep
Animal Management Practices: Swine
Choose one:2-3
Field Equipment Operation
Field Equipment Welding
Engine Technology
Equipment & Technology for Small Farms
Introduction to Food Preservation
Applied Production Subtotal6-8
Choose one track:94-110
Tracks Subtotal94-110
Total Units135-158

Track I: Agriculture & Ecology

Focuses on crop and animal production systems, ecology, and practices that mitigate negative impacts while producing environmental and social benefits.

Preparatory Subject Matter
MAT 016AShort Calculus (Discontinued)3
MAT 016BShort Calculus (Discontinued)3
PLS 120Applied Statistics in Agricultural Sciences4
or STA 100 Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry5
CHE 002BGeneral Chemistry5
PHY 001APrinciples of Physics3
Biological Science
BIS 002BIntroduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution5
BIS 002CIntroduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life5
Plant Science
VEN 002Introduction to Viticulture2
Animal Science
ANS 001Domestic Animals & People4
or ANS 002 Introductory Animal Science
Food Science & Technology
FST 001Principles of Food Science3
ECN 001APrinciples of Microeconomics4
or ECN 001AV Principles of Microeconomics
or ECN 001AY Principles of Microeconomics
Community & Regional Development
CRD 001The Community4
Choose one:4
Ethical & Social Problems in Contemporary Society
Introduction to Bioethics
Introduction to Ethics
Choose one:4-5
Cultural Anthropology
American National Government
American National Government
Basic Concepts in Political Theory
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal58-59
Depth Subject Matter
Agricultural & Resource Economics
Choose one:3-4
Fundamentals of Organization Management
Agricultural Policy
Farm & Rural Resources Appraisal
Resource & Environment Policy Analysis
Agricultural Labor
Environmental Science & Policy
Choose one:3-4
Environmental Law
Water Policy & Politics
Water Law
Soil Science
SSC 100Principles of Soil Science4-5
or SSC 109 Sustainable Nutrient Management
Choose two:6-8
Irrigation Systems & Water Management
Concepts in Pest Management
Principles of Agronomic Crop Production Systems
Forage Crop Production
Biological Applications in Fruit Tree Management
Agroforestry: Global & Local Perspectives
Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation
Soil Microbiology
Soil Ecology
Additional upper division restricted electives chosen in consultation with the track faculty advisor.20
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal36-41
Total Units94-100

Track II: Food & Society

Focuses on issues related to the social, cultural, political and community development aspects of agriculture and food systems.

Preparatory Subject Matter
PHI 005Critical Reasoning4
or PHI 031 Appraising Scientific Reasoning
Choose one:4
Ethical & Social Problems in Contemporary Society
Introduction to Bioethics
Introduction to Ethics
STA 013Elementary Statistics4
or STA 013Y Elementary Statistics
Choose at least one:4-5
Community Field Research: Theory & Analysis
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Applied Statistics for Business & Economics
Intermediate Social Statistics
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry5
Biological Science
BIS 002AIntroduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth4-5
or BIS 010 Everyday Biology
Plant Science
PLS 002Botany & Physiology of Cultivated Plants4
Choose one:3-5
Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
Environmental Analysis
Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Food Science & Technology
FST 001Principles of Food Science3
Soil Science
SSC 010Soils in Our Environment3
ECN 001APrinciples of Microeconomics4
or ECN 001AV Principles of Microeconomics
or ECN 001AY Principles of Microeconomics
Political Science
POL 001American National Government4
or POL 001Y American National Government
or POL 004 Basic Concepts in Political Theory
Choose one:4-5
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
Community & Regional Development
CRD 001The Community4
CRD 002 (Discontinued)4
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal58-63
Depth Subject Matter
Agricultural & Resource Economics
Choose one:4-5
Fundamentals of Organization Management
Farm & Rural Resources Appraisal
Resource & Environment Policy Analysis
Agricultural Labor
Choose one:3-4
Environmental Economics
The Policy Process
Environmental Law
Water Policy & Politics
Public Lands Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Choose 12 units:12
Ecology, Nature, & Society
Technology & Society
Rural Change in the Industrialized World
Community Development Perspectives on Environmental Justice
Community Development
Race Relations
Sociology of the Environment
Choose one:4
Special Topics: New Directions in American Culture Studies
Race, Culture & Society in the United States
Global Environmental History
American Environmental History
Native Foods & Farming of the Americas
Native Foods & Farming of the Americas
California Indian Environmental Policy II
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Feminist Research
Critical Food Studies
Additional upper division restricted electives chosen in consultation with the track faculty advisor.20
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal43-45
Total Units101-108

Track III: Economics & Policy

Focuses on issues related to agricultural and resource economics, policy and management.

Preparatory Subject Matter
MAT 016AShort Calculus (Discontinued)3
MAT 016BShort Calculus (Discontinued)3
STA 013Elementary Statistics4
or STA 013Y Elementary Statistics
Choose one:4
Econometric Theory & Applications
Applied Statistics for Business & Economics
Intermediate Social Statistics
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry5
Biological Science
BIS 002AIntroduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth4-5
or BIS 010 Everyday Biology
Plant Science
PLS 002Botany & Physiology of Cultivated Plants4
Choose one:3-5
Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
Environmental Analysis
Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Food Science & Technology
FST 001Principles of Food Science3
Soil Science
SSC 010Soils in Our Environment3
ECN 100AIntermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory4
or ECN 100AV Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer & Producer Theory
ECN 100BIntermediate Micro Theory: Imperfect Competition & Market Failure4
Political Science
POL 001American National Government4
or POL 001Y American National Government
or POL 004 Basic Concepts in Political Theory
Choose one:4-5
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
Community & Regional Development
CRD 001The Community4
Choose one:4
Ethical & Social Problems in Contemporary Society
Introduction to Bioethics
Introduction to Ethics
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal60-64
Depth Subject Matter
Agricultural & Resource Economics
Choose one:3-4
Fundamentals of Organization Management
Farm & Rural Resources Appraisal
Agricultural Labor
Analysis for Operations & Production Management
Choose 11-12 units:11-12
Agricultural Policy
Agricultural Markets
Resource & Environment Policy Analysis
Environmental Economics
The Policy Process
Environmental Law
Water Policy & Politics
Public Lands Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Choose 8 units:8
Ecology, Nature, & Society
Technology & Society
Rural Change in the Industrialized World
Community Development Perspectives on Environmental Justice
Community Development
Race Relations
Sociology of the Environment
Additional restricted electives chosen in consultation with an advisor.20
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal42-44
Total Units102-108