Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, Bachelor of Science College of Biological Sciences

Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior (NPB) is a major that emphasizes the understanding of vital functions common to all animals. All animals perform certain basic functions—they grow, reproduce, move, respond to stimuli, and maintain homeostasis. The physiological mechanisms upon which these functions depend are precisely regulated and highly integrated. Actions of the nervous and endocrine systems determine behavior and the interaction between organisms and their physical and social environments. Students in this major study functional mechanisms; the control, regulation, and integration of these mechanisms; and the behavior that relates to those mechanisms. They do so at the level of the cell, the organ system, and the organism.

The Program

In the freshman and sophomore years, students majoring in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior build a broad scientific background, taking courses in chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics. As juniors or seniors, students can enroll in a variety of Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior courses and related upper division courses. The NPB major contains three tracks: the Neurobiology track, the Physiology track, and the Organism-Environmental Interactions track. If you wish to propose an alternative to these tracks for yourself, please meet with your Biology Academic Success Center (BASC) advisor who can approve such individualized plans. Students can also participate in a number of advanced laboratory courses or may design an individual, independent project guided by a member of the faculty.

Career Alternatives

Completion of the Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior major provides the foundation for advanced study leading to careers in high school teaching, college level teaching or research. It also serves as the basis for further training in the health professions, including but not limited to human and veterinary medicine, medical technology, physical therapy, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, and optometry. The major is also appropriate for those intending to seek careers in biotechnology or other biologically related industries.

Faculty Advisors

William DeBello, Ph.D., Lee Miller, Ph.D.


Biology Academic Success Center (BASC) in 1023 Katherine Esau Science Hall (formerly Sciences Laboratory Building); 530-752-0410,

Graduate Study

Information on graduate study in neuroscience, physiology or behavior may be obtained by writing the Graduate Advisor, College of Biological Sciences, Graduate Academic Programs. See also the graduate course offerings listed under Animal Behavior (Graduate Group), Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology (Graduate Group), and Neuroscience. See also Graduate Studies.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior Bachelor of Science is 97.

Preparatory Subject Matter
Biological Science15
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth
and Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
and Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life
Choose the 002 series or 004 series: 115
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
General Chemistry for the Physical Sciences & Engineering
and General Chemistry for the Physical Sciences & Engineering
and General Chemistry for the Physical Sciences & Engineering
Choose the 008 series or 118 series or 128 series & 129 A-B: 26-13
Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
and Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
and Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
and Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Laboratory
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Choose the 017 series or 021 series: 38-12
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus
and Calculus (Recommended)
Choose the 007 series or 009 series:12-15
General Physics
and General Physics
and General Physics
Classical Physics
and Classical Physics
and Classical Physics
Students may be able to complete their Physics requirement by blending the PHY 007 & PHY 009 series. For more details about how to do so and course placement, students will need to follow up with the PHY department. Students will also need to follow up with a BASC advisor to discuss their plans. 4
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal56-70
Depth Subject Matter
Biological Science
BIS 101Genes & Gene Expression4
or BIS 101V Genes & Gene Expression
BIS 105Biomolecules & Metabolism3-6
or BIS 102
BIS 103
Structure & Function of Biomolecules
and Bioenergetics & Metabolism
Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior
NPB 110AFoundations 1: From Molecules to Individuals 5
NPB 110BFoundations 2: Neurobiology 5
NPB 110CFoundations 3: Physiology 5
STA 100Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences4
Laboratory Requirements
Choose 3 units of laboratory work from the track-specific list:3
Neurobiology Track
Neurobiology Laboratory
Physiology Track
Systemic Physiology Laboratory
Organism-Environmental Interactions Track
Systemic Physiology Laboratory
Integrative Principles Track
Neurobiology Laboratory
Systemic Physiology Laboratory
Depth Electives
All students must do a minimum of four depth electives: three Track-Specific Depth Electives, and one Additional Depth Elective. At least two of these electives must be upper division NPB or EXB courses. 5
Track-Specific Depth Electives
Choose three Track-Specific Depth Electives from one of the following:9-13
Additional Depth Elective
Choose one Additional Depth Elective in addition to completing three Track-Specific Depth Electives. The course cannot have been used in satisfaction of any other major requirement.3-5
Primate Evolution
Behavioral Ecology of Insects
Medical Entomology
Introduction to Evolution
Exercise Physiology
Introduction to Motor Learning & the Psychology of Sport & Exercise
Human Gross Anatomy
Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Exercise Metabolism
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Exercise & Aging in Health & Disease
Physiology of Maximal Human Performance
Neuromuscular & Behavioral Aspects of Motor Control
Introductory Microbiology
Neurobiology Laboratory
Systemic Physiology Laboratory
Animal Behavior
Experiments in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior: Design & Execution
Cell Signaling in Health & Disease
Kinesiology: Analysis & Control of Human Movement
Cardiovascular, Respiratory, & Renal Physiology
Gastrointestinal Physiology
Stress Physiology in Health & Disease
Avian Physiology
Comparative Biomechanics
Physiology of Reproduction
Comparative Vertebrate Organology
Comparative Neuroanatomy
Comparative Physiology: Endrocrinology
Physiology of the Endocrine Glands
Nature vs. Nurture: Physiological Interactions Among Genes, Nutrients & Health
Genes & the Brain
General Immunology for Physiologists
Frontiers in Physiology
Principles of Environmental Physiology
NPB 141
NPB 141P
Advanced Animal Behavior
Hormones & Behavior
Advanced Physiology of Animal/Human Disease
Frontiers in Behavior
Developmental Neurobiology
Neural Mechanisms of Behavior
Systems Neuroscience
Mammalian Vision
Neurobiology of Speech Perception
Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs
Frontiers in Neurobiology
Physiology of Neuroimmune Interactions
Map Formation in the Brain
Neurobiology of Brain Disorders
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal41-50
Total Units97-120

With BASC advisor approval, these combinations also satisfy the Chemistry requirement: CHE 004A-CHE 002A (3 units w/no lab)- CHE 002B-CHE 002C; CHE 004A, CHE 004B-CHE 002C.


With BASC advisor approval, these combinations also satisfy the Organic Chemistry requirement: CHE 118A-CHE 008B; CHE 128A-CHE 128B-CHE 008B; CHE 128A-CHE 118B-CHE 118C; CHE 128A-CHE 128B-CHE 129A-CHE 118C; CHE 118A-CHE 128B-CHE 128C-CHE 129A-CHE 129B; CHE 118A-CHE 118B-CHE 128C-CHE 129B.


With BASC advisor approval, this combination also satisfies the Mathematics requirement: MAT 021A-MAT 017B-MAT 017C; MAT 017A-MAT 021B.


With BASC advisor approval, these combinations also satisfy the Physics requirement: PHY 007A-PHY 009A-PHY 049*-PHY 007C; PHY 009A-PHY 009B-PHY 049*-PHY 007C. *PHY 049 will require approval from the Physics Department to enroll.


4 units of NPB 199 or NPB 194HB may be substituted for a single Track-Specific Depth Elective. Substitution must be pre-approved by Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior faculty advisor. Only one of the following courses can be used as a major depth elective: 4 units of NPB 199; NPB 194HB; NPB 106.

Neurobiology Track Depth Electives

NPB 101LSystemic Physiology Laboratory3
NPB 106Experiments in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior: Design & Execution3
NPB 107Cell Signaling in Health & Disease3
NPB/PSC 124Comparative Neuroanatomy3
NPB 136Neural Networks & Machine Learning in Biology4
NPB 162Neural Mechanisms of Behavior3
NPB 163Systems Neuroscience4
NPB 164Mammalian Vision4
NPB 165Neurobiology of Speech Perception3
NPB 168Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs4
NPB 169Frontiers in Neurobiology3
NPB 171Physiology of Neuroimmune Interactions4
NPB 172Map Formation in the Brain3
NPB 173Neurobiology of Brain Disorders3
PSC 130Human Learning & Memory 4
PSC 135Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biological Foundations of the Mind4
PSC 137Neurobiology of Learning & Memory4

Physiology Track Depth Electives

ANS 123Animal Growth & Development4
EXB 106Human Gross Anatomy4
EXB 106LHuman Gross Anatomy Laboratory3
EXB 101Exercise Physiology4
EXB 110Exercise Metabolism3
EXB 112Clinical Exercise Physiology4
EXB 117Exercise & Aging in Health & Disease3
EXB 124Physiology of Maximal Human Performance4
EXB 125Neuromuscular & Behavioral Aspects of Motor Control3
MMI 188AHuman Immunology3-4
or MMI 188B Human Immunology
PMI 126Fundamentals of Immunology3
MCB 150Developmental Biology4
NPB 106Experiments in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior: Design & Execution3
NPB 107Cell Signaling in Health & Disease3
NPB 109Kinesiology: Analysis & Control of Human Movement4
NPB 113Cardiovascular, Respiratory, & Renal Physiology4
NPB 114Gastrointestinal Physiology3
NPB 116Stress Physiology in Health & Disease3
NPB 118Comparative Biomechanics3
NPB 121Physiology of Reproduction4
NPB 123Comparative Vertebrate Organology4
NPB 128Comparative Physiology: Endrocrinology3
NPB 130Physiology of the Endocrine Glands4
NPB 132Nature vs. Nurture: Physiological Interactions Among Genes, Nutrients & Health3
NPB 134General Immunology for Physiologists3
NPB 139Frontiers in Physiology3
NPB 140Principles of Environmental Physiology3
NPB 141 (Discontinued)3
NPB 141P (Discontinued)5
NPB 152/PSC 123Hormones & Behavior3
NPB/HPH 157Advanced Physiology of Animal/Human Disease3
NPB 168Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs4

Organism-Environmental Interactions Track Depth Electives

ANS 104Principles & Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior4
ANS 123Animal Growth & Development4
EVE 105Phylogenetic Analysis of Vertebrate Structure4
EVE 107Animal Communication4
EVE 147Biogeography4
NPB 100LNeurobiology Laboratory3
NPB 102Animal Behavior3
NPB 106Experiments in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior: Design & Execution3
NPB 113Cardiovascular, Respiratory, & Renal Physiology4
NPB 117Avian Physiology3
NPB 118Comparative Biomechanics3
NPB 123Comparative Vertebrate Organology4
NPB 128Comparative Physiology: Endrocrinology3
NPB 132Nature vs. Nurture: Physiological Interactions Among Genes, Nutrients & Health3
NPB 140Principles of Environmental Physiology3
NPB 141 (Discontinued)3
NPB 141P (Discontinued)5
NPB 150/PSC 122Advanced Animal Behavior4
NPB 152/PSC 123Hormones & Behavior3
NPB 159Frontiers in Behavior3
NPB 162Neural Mechanisms of Behavior3
PMI 126Fundamentals of Immunology3
WFC 130Physiological Ecology of Wildlife4
WFC 141Behavioral Ecology4

Integrative Principles Track Depth Electives

Needs to be approved by a BASC advisor. Any three courses from any of the three NPB tracks.