Nutrition Science, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

The study of nutrition encompasses all aspects of the consumption and utilization of food and its constituents. Key areas of study include: the biochemical reactions important to the utilization of nutrients and food constituents; the impact of diet on health and disease; and, nutrition-related policy and public health issues. The nutrition science major includes two options for studying these areas: nutritional biology and nutrition in public health.

The Program

Nutrition, as it is taught on the Davis campus, is a biological science and requires a complete background in chemistry and biology, along with calculus and physics (nutritional biology option) or economics (nutrition in public  health option). These courses are generally completed during the first two years, and along with biochemistry, must be completed before most nutrition classes can be taken. During their junior and senior years, students in the nutritional biology option take additional course work in biochemistry, physiology, and toxicology. Students in the nutrition in public health option take additional course work in social and health-related sciences.

Career Alternatives

Both options are excellent preparation for professional or graduate training in medicine, public health, or other health sciences. The nutritional biology option also provides preparation for technical work in nutrition in the animal, food, and pharmaceutical industries. The nutrition in public health option prepares students for jobs in administrative, teaching, or public health/public service positions.

Becoming a Registered Dietitian

The Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) requires a minimum of a master’s degree to be eligible to take the credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian1. There are two routes for the Nutrition Science major:

  • A Coordinated Graduate Program in Nutrition & Dietetics.
  • A Future Graduate Program in Nutrition & Dietetics.

These master’s degree programs include the didactic coursework and supervised practice (dietetic internship). 

Lead Faculty Advisor

Peng Ji, Ph.D.

Advising Center for the major is located in 3202 Meyer Hall; 530-752-2512; 530-752-7094.

Graduate Study

The Department of Nutrition offers programs of study and research leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Nutrition. For information on graduate study contact the graduate advisor. See Graduate Studies.


Effective Jan 1, 2024.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Nutrition Science Bachelor of Science is 138.

Preparatory Subject Matter
Biological Science
BIS 002AIntroduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth5
BIS 002BIntroduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution5
BIS 002CIntroduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life5
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry5
CHE 002BGeneral Chemistry5
CHE 002CGeneral Chemistry5
Choose a series:6-8
Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
and Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
and Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
NUT 010Discoveries & Concepts in Nutrition3
or NUT 010V Discoveries & Concepts in Nutrition
or NUT 010Y Discoveries & Concepts in Nutrition
Choose one:4
Applied Statistics in Agricultural Sciences
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
Research Methods
PSC 041Research Methods in Psychology4
or SOC 046 Introduction to Social Research Methods
The remaining preparatory subject matter is based on which major option you choose:15-21
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal62-70
Depth Subject Matter
Choose a series:6-10
Animal Biochemistry & Metabolism
and Animal Biochemistry & Metabolism
Structure & Function of Biomolecules
and Bioenergetics & Metabolism
Biological Science
BIS 101Genes & Gene Expression4
or BIS 101V Genes & Gene Expression
Food Science & Technology
FST 100AFood Chemistry4
FST 100BFood Properties4
MIC 102Introductory Microbiology3
MIC 103LIntroductory Microbiology Laboratory2
Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior
NPB 101Systemic Physiology5
NPB 101LSystemic Physiology Laboratory3
NUT 111AYIntroduction to Nutrition & Metabolism3
NUT 111BRecommendations & Standards for Human Nutrition2
NUT 112Nutritional Assessment4
NUT 116AClinical Nutrition3
The remaining depth subject matter is based on which major option you chose when completing your preparatory courses:33
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal76-80
Total Units138-150
Focus Area Units
Nutritional Biology Option 139-150
Nutrition in Public Health Option 138-147

Preparatory Subject Matter

Nutritional Biology Option

Choose one:4-5
Cultural Anthropology
General Psychology
General Psychology
General Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
Choose a series:6-8
MAT 016A
Short Calculus
and (Discontinued)
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Choose a series:6-8
Principles of Physics
and Principles of Physics
General Physics
and General Physics
Total Units16-21

Nutrition in Public Health Option

Choose one:4-5
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
ECN 001APrinciples of Microeconomics4
or ECN 001AV Principles of Microeconomics
or ECN 001AY Principles of Microeconomics
PSC 001General Psychology4
or PSC 001V General Psychology
or PSC 001Y General Psychology
Choose 3-5 units from:3-5
Food in American Culture
Introduction to Chicana/o Studies
Chicana/o & Latina/o Health Care Issues
Comparative Health: Top Leading Causes of Death
Food Justice: Chicana/o & Indigenous Communities
Food Systems
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
Food Science, Folklore & Health
Introduction to Critical Gender Studies
Human Sexuality
Introduction to International Agricultural Development
Natural History of Infectious Diseases
Introduction to Native American Studies
Current Topics & Controversies in Nutrition
Individual Study for Undergraduates
Introduction to Bioethics
American National Government
American National Government
International Relations
Contemporary Problems of the American Political System
Feeding the World: Influences on the Global Food Supply
Feeding the World: Influences on the Global Food Supply
Food Distribution in a Hungry World
Total Units15-18

Depth Subject Matter

Nutritional Biology Option

NPB 114Gastrointestinal Physiology3
NUT/ETX 104Environmental & Nutritional Factors in Cellular Regulation & Nutritional Toxicants4
NUT 117Experimental Nutrition6
Restricted Electives20
Choose at least 9 units from Nutrition:
Nutrition through the Life Cycle
Principles of Epidemiology in Nutrition
Developmental Nutrition
Animal Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition
Community Nutrition
Global Nutrition
Nutritional Anthropology
Environmental Stress & Development in Marine Organisms
Journalistic Practicum in Nutrition
Experiments in Nutrition: Design & Execution
Comparative Animal Nutrition & Metabolism
Proseminar in Nutrition
Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates
The remaining balance of restricted elective units may be chosen from any of the following courses:
Molecular Control of Biosystems
Cell Biology
Human Gross Anatomy
Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
Computational Drug Design
Biology of Parasitism
Biology of Parasitism Laboratory
Food Toxicology
Genes & the Environment
Exercise Metabolism
Nutrition for Physically Active Persons
Food Microbiology
Microbiome of People, Animals, & Plants
Infancy & Early Childhood
Infancy & Early Childhood
Middle Childhood & Adolescence
Adulthood & Aging
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Laboratory Associated Lecture
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Laboratory
Human Genetics & Genomics (Discontinued)
Human Microbiology
Medical Mycology
General Virology
Human Immunology
Human Immunology
Foundations 1: From Molecules to Individuals
Stress Physiology in Health & Disease
Comparative Physiology: Endrocrinology
Nature vs. Nurture: Physiological Interactions Among Genes, Nutrients & Health
General Immunology for Physiologists
Introductory Mycology
Fundamentals of Immunology
Medical Bacteria & Fungi
One Health: Human, Animal & Environment Interfaces
Writing in the Disciplines: Biology
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Health
Total Units33

Nutrition in Public Health Option

NUT 113Principles of Epidemiology in Nutrition4
NUT 118Community Nutrition4
SPH 101Introduction to Public Health3
Restricted Electives22
Choose at least 9 units from Nutrition:
Environmental & Nutritional Factors in Cellular Regulation & Nutritional Toxicants
Nutrition through the Life Cycle
Developmental Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition
Experimental Nutrition
Global Nutrition
Nutritional Anthropology
Journalistic Practicum in Nutrition
Experiments in Nutrition: Design & Execution
Proseminar in Nutrition
Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates
The remaining balance of restricted elective units may be chosen from any of the following courses:
Community Health & Education
Media & Health
Educational Psychology: General
Philosophical & Social Foundations of Education
Health Behaviors Across the Lifespan
Garden & Farm-Based Experiential Education Methods
Health Psychology
Human Learning & Memory
Cultural Diversity & Community Change
Survey of Ethnicity in the US
Fundamentals of Organization Management
Organizational Communication
Community Development
Comparative Ethnicity
Social Change & Agricultural Development
Contemporary Leadership
Health Policy
Agricultural Policy
Public Policy & the Governmental Process
Human & Applied Sciences
Human Gross Anatomy
Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory
Quantitative Methods: Chicano/Latino Health Research
Exercise Physiology
Introduction to Motor Learning & the Psychology of Sport & Exercise
Exercise Metabolism
Exercise & Aging in Health & Disease
Infancy & Early Childhood
Infancy & Early Childhood
Middle Childhood & Adolescence
Adulthood & Aging
Physiology & Applied Sciences
Principles of Environmental Toxicology
Food Toxicology
Nature vs. Nurture: Physiological Interactions Among Genes, Nutrients & Health
Public Health Sciences
Introduction to Health Economics, Services, Policy, Administration & Management
Globalization & Health: Evidence & Policies
Intermediate Human Epidemiology
Introduction to Program Planning & Evaluation
History of Epidemiology in Public Health
Health Disparities in the U.S.
Introduction to Health Informatics
Total Units33