Psychology, Bachelor of Science College of Letters & Science

The Major Programs

The psychology program at UC Davis is broad and includes students and faculty with a variety of interests. The department has developed around five core areas of psychology:

Perception, Cognition, & Cognitive Neuroscience (PCCN) involves the study of awareness and thought, and includes such topics as perception, learning, memory, language and cognition.

Biological Psychology covers a broad spectrum of topics including evolutionary, neurobiological, and molecular mechanisms of behavior.

Social-Personality Psychology involves the study of the individual in their social environment and includes such topics as personality & individual differences, emotions, stereotyping & prejudice, intergroup relations, the psychology of religion and psychological health & dysfunction.

Developmental Psychology involves the study of changes in behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and social abilities that occur throughout the lifespan. Typical and atypical development is examined using a variety of methods including behavioral, neuroimaging, and physiological assessments.

Quantitative Psychology involves the study of linear & nonlinear models, psychometrics, mixed-effects models, and dynamic models, including experimental design, analysis of variance, regression, multivariate analysis, latent growth models, time series models, and factor analytic models.

The department offers the Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) program for students interested in the liberal arts and the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program geared for students with an interest in either biology or mathematics. The main objective of both programs is a broad introduction to the scope of contemporary psychology. In addition to completing a number of common core courses for their degree, students may take approved elective courses from a wide range of topics including Educational Psychology, Interpersonal Communication, and Psychological Anthropology, to name a few. The department strongly encourages students to become involved in individual research projects under the direction of faculty members and to participate in our internship program to broaden experience and understanding of the field of psychology.

Change of Major Process

Before declaring a major in Psychology, students must complete PSC 001 and PSC 041 with a combined grade point average of at least 2.500 in those two courses. Both courses must be taken for a letter grade. If a 2.500 GPA is not attained in these two courses, a 2.000 GPA in a minimum of three upper division Psychology courses is also acceptable for major declaration. Once students have completed these courses with the required GPA, they must save their progress toward the major on a Degree Worksheet in OASIS, and then submit a Change of Major Form in OASIS.

Career Pathways

A degree in psychology provides broad intellectual foundations that are useful to the graduate for the development of careers in a variety of areas, including social work, teaching, business, management, and counseling. An undergraduate education in psychology also provides excellent preparation for graduate study. Individuals with degrees in psychology may enter graduate programs to prepare for teaching, research, or clinical/counseling careers in psychology, or may go on to professional schools for training in veterinary and human medicine, law, and many other professions.

Honors & Honors Program

In order to be eligible for high or highest honors in Psychology, the student must both meet the college criteria for honors and complete a research project involving a minimum of 6 units of coursework over at least two quarters which represents an original analysis of data on psychological phenomena. Courses PSC 194HA-PSC 194HB or other approved courses can be used to satisfy the unit requirement. This project is to be written in thesis form and approved by the department. The quality of the thesis work will be the primary determinant for designating high or highest honors at graduation.

Recommended for All Majors

Students who plan to do graduate work in any area of psychology are strongly encouraged to gain experience through research and internship activities.

Major Advisor

Staff advisors are located in Young Hall. To contact a major advisor, email, schedule an academic advising appointment, or join Drop-In Advising (no appointment needed).

Graduate Study

The Department offers programs of study and research leading to the Ph.D. degree in psychology. Detailed information regarding graduate study may be obtained on our website.

Graduate Advisor

See Graduate Students.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. Respective of the Emphasis, the minimum number of units required for the Psychology Bachelor of Science are 99 & 85.

Biological Emphasis

Preparatory Subject Matter
Psychology 1
Choose one:4
General Psychology
General Psychology
General Psychology
The equivalent.
Statistics 1
Choose one:4
Data Visualization in the Social Sciences
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
Research Methods 1
PSC 041Research Methods in Psychology4
Choose one series:6-8
MAT 016A
Short Calculus
and (Discontinued)
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus
Choose (PHY 007A & PHY 007B) or (PHY 010 or PHY 010C or PHY 010CY):3-8
General Physics
and General Physics
Topics in Physics for Nonscientists
Physics of California
Physics of California
Biological Science
BIS 002AIntroduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth 25
BIS 002BIntroduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution5
BIS 002CIntroduction to Biology: Biodiversity & the Tree of Life5
CHE 002AGeneral Chemistry5
CHE 002BGeneral Chemistry5
Choose one series:6-8
Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
and Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
and Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal52-61
Depth Subject Matter
BIS 101Genes & Gene Expression4
or BIS 101V Genes & Gene Expression
NPB 101Systemic Physiology5
Core Group A: Perception, Cognition, & Cognitive Neuroscience; choose two:8
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Human Learning & Memory
Language & Cognition
Neuroeconomics/Reinforcement Learning & Decision Making
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biological Foundations of the Mind
Psychology of Music
Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience
Core Group B: Psychobiology; choose three:10-12
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Developmental Psychobiology
Physiological Psychology
Advanced Animal Behavior
Hormones & Behavior (3 units) 3
Comparative Neuroanatomy (3 units) 3
Behavioral Epigenetics
Health Psychology
Neurobiology of Learning & Memory
Gender & Human Reproduction
Core Group C: Social/Personality; choose one:4
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Cognition
Psychology of Emotion
Psychology of Emotion
Sexual Orientation & Prejudice
Psychology of the Self
Introduction to Personality Psychology
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Mental Health, Mental Illness, & Problems in Living
Core Group D: Developmental; choose one:4
Developmental Psychology 4
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Infancy & Early Childhood
Infancy & Early Childhood
Middle Childhood & Adolescence
Cognitive Development
Social & Personality Development
Infant Development
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
The Development of Memory
Developmental Disorders
Approved Major Electives
Additional units to achieve a total of 40 units of approved upper division major elective coursework. 312-14
Can include:
• Any upper division PSC classes that are not already satisfying a Core Area.
• Any classes from our list of approved electives (See "Approved Major Electives" Section below).
PSC 192 (max of 6 units).
PSC 199 or 198.
PSC 194HA & PSC 194HB units.
Note that tutoring (PSC 197T) cannot satisfy major requirements.
Recommended Coursework for Those Interested in Graduate Programs in Biological Psychology
Research in Psychobiology (on a Biological Psychology topic)
Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (May be taught abroad)
The Evolution of Primate Behavior
Principles of Environmental Science
Introduction to Evolution
Introduction to Ecology
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal47-51
Total Units99-112

Strongly recommended that PSC 041 and PSC 012Y or STA 013 or STA 013Y or STA 100 be completed in the first year.


Recommended to take CHE 002A before taking BIS 002A.


If you take one or more 3-unit course(s), you will need additional PSC Major Elective units to fulfill the 40 total units of upper division PSC required in the major.


Students who have completed HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B prior to PSC 140 or PSC 140V or PSC 140Y will receive 2 units of credit for PSC 140 or PSC 140V or PSC 140Y.

Approved Major Electives

Any upper division Psychology (PSC) course(s). 11-14
AAS 141Psychology of the African American Experience4
ANT 132Psychological Anthropology4
CHI 120Chicana/o Psychology4
CHI 121Chicana/o Community Mental Health4
CHI 122Psychology Perspectives Chicana/o & Latina/o Family4
CHI 123Psychological perspectives on Chicana/o & Latina/o Children & Adolescents4
CMN 120Interpersonal Communication4
or CMN 120V Interpersonal Communication
CMN 122Nonverbal Communication4
CNS 100Consumer Behavior 23
EDU 110Educational Psychology: General4
EXB 102Introduction to Motor Learning & the Psychology of Sport & Exercise4
HDE 100AInfancy & Early Childhood4
or HDE 100AV Infancy & Early Childhood
HDE 100BMiddle Childhood & Adolescence4
HDE 100CAdulthood & Aging4
HDE/ENT 117Longevity4
HDE 163Cognitive Neuropsychology in Adulthood & Aging4
LIN 171Introduction to Psycholinguistics4
NPB 102Animal Behavior 23
NPB 168Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs4
POL 170Political Psychology4
SOC 126Social Interaction4
SOC 135Social Relationships4
SOC 152Juvenile Delinquency4
SOC 171Sociology of Violence & Inequality4

Except PSC 197T.


If you take one or more 3-unit course(s), you will need additional PSC Major Elective units to fulfill the 40 total units of upper division PSC required in the major.

Quantitative Emphasis

Preparatory Subject Matter
Psychology 1
Choose one:4
General Psychology
General Psychology
General Psychology
or the equivalent
Statistics 1
Choose one:4
Data Visualization in the Social Sciences
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
Research Methods 1
PSC 041Research Methods in Psychology4
MAT 021ACalculus4
MAT 021BCalculus4
MAT 021CCalculus4
Computer Science Engineering
ECS 032AIntroduction to Programming4
or ECS 032AV Introduction to Programming
or ECS 036A Programming & Problem Solving
Choose (CHE 002A & CHE 002B) or (CHE 002AH & CHE 002BH) or CHE 010:4-10
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry
Honors General Chemistry
and Honors General Chemistry
Concept of Chemistry
Choose (PHY 007A & PHY 007B) or (PHY 010 or PHY 010C or PHY 010CY):3-8
General Physics
and General Physics
Topics in Physics for Nonscientists
Physics of California
Physics of California
Choose BIS 002A or a combination, as below:5-8
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth 2
OR a combination of:
Everyday Biology
Human Evolutionary Biology
Human Evolutionary Biology
Introduction to Human Heredity
Elementary Human Physiology
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal40-54
Depth Subject Matter
Psychology Statistical Analysis and Applied Psychometrics Courses
PSC 103AStatistical Analysis of Psychological Data5
PSC 103BStatistical Analysis of Psychological Data4-5
or PSC 104 Applied Psychometrics: An Introduction to Measurement Theory
Choose one series:8
Applied Statistical Methods: Analysis of Variance
and Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis
Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
and Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course
Introduction to Probability Theory
and Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Core Group A: Perception, Cognition, & Cognitive Neuroscience; choose two:8
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Human Learning & Memory
Language & Cognition
Neuroeconomics/Reinforcement Learning & Decision Making
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biological Foundations of the Mind
Psychology of Music
Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience
Core Group B: Psychobiology: choose two:6-8
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Developmental Psychobiology
Physiological Psychology
Advanced Animal Behavior
Hormones & Behavior (3 units) 3
Comparative Neuroanatomy (3 units) 3
Behavioral Epigenetics
Health Psychology
Neurobiology of Learning & Memory
Gender & Human Reproduction
Choose one course from Group C or Group D:4
Core Group C: Social/Personality
Social Psychology
Social Cognition
Psychology of Emotion
Psychology of Emotion
Sexual Orientation & Prejudice
Psychology of the Self
Introduction to Personality Psychology
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Mental Health, Mental Illness, & Problems in Living
Core Group D: Developmental
Developmental Psychology 4
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Infancy & Early Childhood
Infancy & Early Childhood
Middle Childhood & Adolescence
Cognitive Development
Social & Personality Development
Infant Development
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
The Development of Memory
Developmental Disorders
Approved Major Electives
Additional units to achieve a total of 40 units of approved upper division major elective coursework. 310-13
Can include:
• Any upper division PSC classes that are not already satisfying a Core Area.
• Any classes from our list of approved electives (See "Approved Major Electives" Section below).
PSC 192 (max of 6 units).
PSC 199 or 198.
PSC 194HA & PSC 194HB units.
Note that tutoring (PSC 197T) cannot satisfy major requirements.
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal45-51
Total Units85-105

Strongly recommended that PSC 001, PSC 041, and PSC 012Y or STA 013 or STA 100 be completed in the first year. Recommended to take Statistics before taking PSC 041.


Recommended to take CHE 002A before taking BIS 002A.


If you take one or more 3-unit course(s), you may need additional PSC Major Elective units to fulfill the 40 total units of upper division PSC required in the major.


Students who have completed HDE 100A or HDE 100AV or HDE 100B prior to PSC 140 or PSC 140V or PSC 140Y will receive 2 units of credit for PSC 140 or PSC 140V or PSC 140Y.

 Approved Major Electives

Any upper division Psychology (PSC) course(s). 11-13
AAS 141Psychology of the African American Experience4
ANT 132Psychological Anthropology4
CHI 120Chicana/o Psychology4
CHI 121Chicana/o Community Mental Health4
CHI 122Psychology Perspectives Chicana/o & Latina/o Family4
CHI 123Psychological perspectives on Chicana/o & Latina/o Children & Adolescents4
CMN 120Interpersonal Communication4
or CMN 120V Interpersonal Communication
CMN 122Nonverbal Communication4
CNS 100Consumer Behavior 23
EDU 110Educational Psychology: General4
EXB 102Introduction to Motor Learning & the Psychology of Sport & Exercise4
HDE 100AInfancy & Early Childhood4
or HDE 100AV Infancy & Early Childhood
HDE 100BMiddle Childhood & Adolescence4
HDE 100CAdulthood & Aging4
HDE/ENT 117Longevity4
HDE 163Cognitive Neuropsychology in Adulthood & Aging4
LIN 171Introduction to Psycholinguistics4
NPB 102Animal Behavior 23
NPB 168Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs4
POL 170Political Psychology4
SOC 126Social Interaction4
SOC 135Social Relationships4
SOC 152Juvenile Delinquency4
SOC 171Sociology of Violence & Inequality4

Except PSC 197T.


If you take one or more 3-unit course(s), you will need additional PSC Major Elective units to fulfill the 40 total units of upper division PSC required in the major.