Science & Society, Minor College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

The Program

Science & Society is an interdepartmental teaching program administered by the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences that offers students throughout the campus the opportunity to discover the connections that link the social, biological, and physical sciences with societal issues and cultural discourses. Course work examines discovery processes in relation to societal values, public policy and ethics, including issues associated with cultural diversity. Whenever possible, opportunities outside the classroom are included as part of the learning experience.

The Science & Society teaching program serves students of all majors and interests. It can allow lower division students who have not yet declared a major a meaningful context for exploring diverse subject matters. The minor for the program includes, in addition to Science & Society courses, upper division courses from both the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences and the College of Letters & Science in the areas of history and philosophy of science, policy & decision making, communication of science, and culture, ethics and applications.

Related Courses

See ARE 120, ARE 147, CMN 140, CRD 118, CRD 142, CRD 162, AVS 013, ESP 160, ESP 165, FPS 110, HIS 185A, HIS 185B, PLP 140, POL 175, WFC 010.

Minor Advisor

D.M. Rizzo

Prep Coursework
SAS 001 (Discontinued) 14
SAS 120Science & Contemporary Societal Issues3
Choose one:3-4
Feeding the World: Influences on the Global Food Supply
Feeding the World: Influences on the Global Food Supply
Pathways to Discovery: Science & Society (Discontinued)
Genetics & Society
Mushrooms, Molds, & Society
Prep Coursework Subtotal10-11
Choose one from each of the four areas:14-17
History & Philosophy of Science
Technology & Society
People, Work & Technology
History of Science in America
History of Technology in America
Philosophy of the Physical Sciences
Philosophy of the Biological Sciences
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Policy & Decision Making
Agricultural Policy
Resource & Environment Policy Analysis
Agricultural Labor
Consumer Behavior
The Policy Process
Climate Policy
Science, Technology, & Policy
Sociology of Law
Communication of Science
Multimedia Productions
Language & Culture
Group Communication
Introduction to Mass Communication
Language, Gender, & Society
Mass Media & Politics
Mass Media & Politics
Culture, Ethics & Applications
Rural Change in the Industrialized World
Plastics in Society & the Environment
PLP 140
(Discontinued) 1
Agriculture & Society
Total Units24-28

For replacement course, see the minor advisor.