Managerial Economics, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

The Major Program

The Managerial Economics major at UC Davis is a disciplinary program combining strong preparation in microeconomic theory and quantitative methods. It prepares students for the analysis of management and policy issues in business, finance, marketing, production, agriculture, food distribution, natural resources, the environment, resource allocation, and international trade and development. Students in the Managerial Economics program develop valuable skills and strengths that lead to careers in business and government. Students specialize in one or more emphases selected from the following:

  • Business Economics focuses on the economic aspects of managerial decision-making essential for solving problems in business, management, marketing, and finance.
  • International Business Economics explores the economic drivers and policy challenges in the major emerging markets and focuses on how these markets are impacting the world economy.
  • Environmental & Resource Economics concentrates on issues related to the use of resources and environmental quality.
  • Agribusiness Economics focuses on the economic and policy aspects of the production and marketing of foods and fibers.

Major Advisor

Contact Managerial Economics Student Services at or 530-754-9536.

Internships & Career Alternatives

Internships for students in Managerial Economics provide additional career experience, information, and preparation in a variety of business enterprises and governmental agencies. For more information, see Internship & Career Center. Managerial Economics majors have established careers in every area of business and industry, including marketing, analysis, consulting, financial services, accounting, entrepreneurship, real estate and government. Many graduates have entered advanced degree programs in business management, accounting, finance, agricultural and resource economics, economics, public policy, and law.

Study Abroad

The Agricultural & Resource Economics department encourages students to complement their Managerial Economics degree with a study abroad experience. Students must seek pre-approval from a Managerial Economics staff advisor for major-related courses. A total of two upper-division courses (maximum four units each) may be applied to major requirements. However, core courses (ARE 100A, ARE 100B, ARE 106, ARE 155, and ECN 101) are excluded. Students are expected to complete ARE 100A and STA 103 prior to taking upper-division classes abroad for the major.

Domestic Institutions

Upper-division coursework taken at other four-year institutions for credit in the major must be reviewed by the Managerial Economics Lead Faculty Advisor.

Graduate Study

Students who meet the admission requirements of Graduate Studies and the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics may pursue studies leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. For information on admission to graduate study and degree requirements, consult the Graduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Managerial Economics Bachelor of Science is 100.

Major English Requirements
The following must be completed with minimum C- (or PASS) grades.
Communication; choose one:4
Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Interpersonal Communication Competence
Business Writing; choose one:4
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing 1,2
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Major English Requirements Subtotal8
Preparatory Subject Matter
All lower-division preparatory coursework must be completed with minimum C- (or PASS) grades; however, STA 103 must be taken for a letter grade.
Business Law4
Business Law
Management (Accounting)8
Elementary Accounting
Elementary Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Mathematics; choose a series: 12-13
The preferred calculus series for Managerial Economics majors is MAT 019. The MAT 016 seres is accepted if started prior to Fall 2024. PLS 021, PLS 021V, or ECS 032A is required with the MAT 016 series.
Choose 019 series, 12 units:
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
and Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
and Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
OR choose 016 series with Computer Science, 12-13 units:
MAT 016A
Short Calculus
and (Discontinued)
AND one computer science course:
Application of Computers in Technology
Application of Computers in Technology
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to Programming
OR choose 017 series, 12 units:
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
and Calculus for Biology & Medicine
OR choose 021 series, 12 units:
and Calculus
and Calculus
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Gateway to Statistical Data Science
Applied Statistics for Business & Economics (Must be taken for a letter grade.)
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal40-41
Depth Subject Matter
Core Courses20
All core courses must be taken for a letter grade. It is recommended that students complete core courses during their third year.
Intermediate Microeconomics: Theory of Production & Consumption (Must be completed with a minimum grade of C-.) 3
Intermediate Microeconomics: Imperfect Competition, Markets & Welfare Economics 4
Econometric Theory & Applications
Operations Research & Management Science
Intermediate Macro Theory
Restricted Electives; choose at least one of the emphases, below:32
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal52
Total Units100-101

May also count for English Composition.


The upper-division composition exam will not satisfy this requirement.


Note: ECN 100A is not accepted.


Note: ECN 100B is not accepted.

Exceptions to All Emphases

The following courses do not apply toward any emphasis:

ARE 113Fundamentals of Marketing Management4
ARE 135Agribusiness Marketing Plan Development2
ARE 142Personal Finance3
ARE 147Resource & Environment Policy Analysis3
ARE 147MResource & Environmental Policy Analysis2
ECN 102Analysis of Economic Data4
ECN 134Financial Economics4
or ECN 134Y Financial Economics
ECN 140Econometrics4
ECN 151AEconomics of the Labor Market4
ECN 162International Economic Relations4

Completing More Than One Emphasis

Courses may overlap between emphases. Requirements must be fulfilled as outlined in each emphasis with a minimum of 32 units.

Major GPA

Students must attain a major GPA of at least a C average (2.000) in courses taken for depth subject matter (core and restricted electives). These courses must be taken for a letter grade. All restricted elective courses taken will be calculated as part of the major GPA, including courses with F grades that have not been repeated.

Business Economics Emphasis

All restricted electives must be taken for a letter grade.
Choose 16 units:16
Econometrics for Business Decisions
Fundamentals of Organization Management
Tax Accounting
Intermediate Managerial Accounting
Managerial Marketing
Analysis for Operations & Production Management
Principles of Finance 1
Financial Management of the Firm 2
Capital Markets
Choose remaining 16 units from the above list or from:16
Economic Development
Economic Development
Agricultural Markets
Cooperative Business Enterprises
Introduction to Behavioral Economics
International Commodity & Resource Markets
Futures & Options Markets
Farm Management
Real Estate Economics
Farm & Rural Resources Appraisal
Business, Government Regulation, & Society
Agricultural Labor
Introduction to Mathematical Economics
Special Study for Honors Students
Special Study for Honors Students
Industrial Organization
Industrial Organization
Economics of Human Resources
Total Units32

Formerly ARE 171A Discontinued.


Formerly ARE 171B Discontinued.

International Business Economics Emphasis

All restricted electives must be taken for a letter grade.
Choose 20 units:20
Econometrics for Business Decisions
Economic Development
Economic Development
International Commodity & Resource Markets
Futures & Options Markets
Business, Government Regulation, & Society
Emerging Economies & Globalization
Economics of Global Poverty Reduction: What Works & Why
International Microeconomics
International Macroeconomics
Economy of East Asia
Choose the remaining 12 units from the above list or from:12
Agricultural Markets
Principles of Finance 1
Financial Management of the Firm 2
Capital Markets
Natural Resource Economics
Environmental Economics
Special Study for Honors Students
Special Study for Honors Students
Industrial Organization
Industrial Organization
Recent U.S. Foreign Policy
Total Units32

Formerly ARE 171A.


Formerly ARE 171B.

Environmental & Resource Economics Emphasis

All restricted electives must be taken for a letter grade.
Choose eight units:8
Natural Resource Economics
Environmental Economics
Choose 20 units:20
Econometrics for Business Decisions
Agricultural Policy
Cooperative Business Enterprises
International Commodity & Resource Markets
Farm Management
Farm & Rural Resources Appraisal
Business, Government Regulation, & Society
Agricultural Labor
Introduction to Mathematical Economics
Special Study for Honors Students
Special Study for Honors Students
Energy Economics
Public Microeconomics
Public Microeconomics
Methods of Environmental Policy Analysis
Methods of Environmental Policy Evaluation
Applied Research Methods
Choose the remaining 4 units from the above list or from:4
Upper division in Agricultural & Resource Economics (ARE).
Upper division in Economics (ECN).
The Policy Process
Environmental Law
Energy & Environmental Aspects of Transportation
Energy Policy
Urban & Regional Planning
Public Lands Management
Land Use & Growth Controls
Legal Aspects of Environmental Toxicology
Total Units32

Agribusiness Economics Emphasis

All restricted electives must be taken for a letter grade.
Choose 8 units:8
Agricultural Policy
Farm Management
Agricultural Labor
Choose 16 units:16
Econometrics for Business Decisions
Agricultural Policy
Economics of Agricultural Sustainability
Agricultural Markets
Cooperative Business Enterprises
International Commodity & Resource Markets
Futures & Options Markets
Farm Management
Farm & Rural Resources Appraisal
Agricultural Labor
Choose the remaining 8 units from the above list or from:8
Upper division in Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE).
Upper division in Economics (ECN).
Total Units32