Italian, Bachelor of Arts College of Letters & Science

The major in Italian provides a solid language background that will enable the student to develop an appreciation for the numerous contributions Italians and Italophones have made to literature, the arts, political theory, science, and other expressions of human creativity. The major also emphasizes the influence Italian culture continues to have on our global world.

The Program

The Italian program is geared to the specific needs and interests of the students, who enjoy the advantages of a small classroom setting and the individualized mentoring of dedicated professors. While the use of Italian is stressed in language and literature courses, the program is interdisciplinary in nature. Starting at the lower division level, students collaborate closely with academic advisors in order to design a major curriculum that includes culture, film, art history, history, food science, and other courses in related fields offered on campus or in Italy. The Italian program actively participates in the UC-wide Education Abroad Program (Bologna), the International Internships Program, and the Summer Abroad Program (Rome), all of which offer opportunities for travel and study in Italy.

Career Alternatives

The Italian Program provides a solid foundation for a variety of career paths by offering training in Italian language and culture and developing skills that are vital in any professional setting: critical analysis, interpersonal skills, effective written and oral communication, and cultural sensitivity. In addition to specific career paths in foreign service and education, knowledge of the Italian language and culture enhances professional opportunities in a variety of fields, such as viticulture and enology, food science, political science, medicine, architecture, and engineering.

Honors & Honors Program

Candidates for high or highest honors in Italian must write a senior thesis under the direction of a faculty member. For this purpose, honors candidates must enroll in ITA 194H (3 units) and ITA 195H (3 units). Normally, a student will undertake the honors project during the first two quarters of the senior year; other arrangements must be authorized by the department chair. Only students who, at the end of the junior year (135 units), have attained a cumulative grade-point average of 3.500 in courses required for the major will be eligible for the honors program.

Education Abroad Program

The department strongly encourages students to study abroad in a Summer Abroad program (Rome), the Education Abroad Program (Bologna), and other approved possibilities.

Prerequisite Credit

Credit will not normally be given for a course if it is a prerequisite of a course already successfully completed. Exceptions can be made only by the major advisor.

Major Advisor

E. L. Russell

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Italian Bachelor of Arts is 36.

Preparatory Subject Matter0-30
Elementary Italian
Elementary Italian
Elementary Italian
Beginning Italian for Spanish Speakers
Beginning Italian for Spanish Speakers
Beginning Italian for Spanish Speakers
Beginning Italian for Spanish Speakers
Intermediate Italian
Intermediate Italian
Intermediate Italian
The equivalent.
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal0-30
Depth Subject Matter
Core Subject Matter
Choose two:8
Advanced Conversation, Composition & Grammar
Advanced Conversation, Composition & Grammar
Media & Performance in Italian Culture
Creative Writing in Italian
Italian Translation & Style
Introduction to Italian Literature
Expanded Subject Matter
Choose two additional upper division courses taught in Italian (100 or higher), including ITA 101, ITA 102, ITA 103, ITA 104 and ITA 105 when not used to satisfy Core Subject Matter.8
Choose five other upper division (100 or higher) Italian courses; courses in other departments that focus on Italian history, culture, and thought may be counted upon petition to the faculty advisor.20
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal36
Total Units36-66