German & Russian College of Letters & Science
Julia Simon, Ph.D., Chairperson; term ends June 30, 2026
Department Office
German & Russian; 215 Sproul Hall; 530-752-1219; German; Faculty — Russian; Faculty
German (GER)
GER 001 — Elementary German (5 units)
Course Description: Introduction to German grammar and development of all language skills in a cultural context with special emphasis on communication.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 5 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken GER 001A.
- Credit Limitation(s): Students who have successfully completed GER 002 or GER 003 in the 10th or higher grade in high school may receive unit credit for this course on a P/NP grading basis only; although a passing grade will be charged to the student's P/NP option, no petition is required; all other students will receive a letter grade unless a P/NP petition is filed.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Enrollment Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken GER 001A.
Credit Limitation(s): Students who have successfully completed GER 002 or GER 003 in the 10th or higher grade in high school may receive unit credit for this course on a P/NP grading basis only; although a passing grade will be charged to the student's P/NP option, no petition is required; all other students will receive a letter grade unless a P/NP petition is filed.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
GER 001A — Accelerated Intensive Elementary German (15 units)
Course Description: Special 12-week accelerated, intensive summer session course that combines the work of GER 001, GER 002, and GER 003. Introduction to German grammar and development of all language skills in a cultural context with emphasis on communication.
GER 002 — Elementary German (5 units)
Course Description: Continuation of GER 001 in areas of grammar and basic language skills.
Prerequisite(s): GER 001.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 5 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken GER 001A.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken GER 001A.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
GER 003 — Elementary German (5 units)
Course Description: Completion of grammar sequence and continuing practice of all language skills through cultural texts.
Prerequisite(s): GER 002.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 5 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken GER 001A.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken GER 001A.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
GER 010 — German Fairy Tales from the Grimms to Disney (4 units)
Course Description: Introduction to the genre of fairy tale with a focus on the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen in their respective political/cultural contexts. Discusses filmic adaptations by Disney, the East German DEFA and Hollywood.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 011 — Travel & the Modern World (4 units)
Course Description: Examination of travel as an essential human activity and experience of global modernity and cross-cultural encounters from the 18th to the 21st century with an emphasis on German-speaking culture. Travelogues, literature, art, memoirs, and films in English translation.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Cross Listing: COM 011.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Cross Listing: COM 011.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 020 — Intermediate German (4 units)
Course Description: Review of grammatical principles by means of written exercises; expanding of vocabulary through readings of modern texts.
Prerequisite(s): GER 003; can be concurrent with GER 006.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 021 — Intermediate German (4 units)
Course Description: Review of grammatical principles by means of written exercises; expanding of vocabulary through readings of modern texts; addresses social relations and cultural practices in Germany; discusses history of Germany.
Prerequisite(s): GER 020.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 022 — Intermediate German (4 units)
Course Description: Review of grammatical principles by means of written exercises; expanding of vocabulary through readings of modern texts.
Prerequisite(s): GER 021.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 040 — Great German Short Stories (in English) (4 units)
Course Description: Major German short stories from Goethe at the end of the 18th century to Thomas Mann at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 041 — Melodrama from Mozart to Lion King (4 units)
Course Description: Melodrama as a major dramatic genre from Mozart’s music dramas in the 18th century to films in the 21st century. Tragic psychological effects of death, war destruction, and the demonic, melodramatic expressions of political oppression, economic exploitation, and revolution, issues of race, gender, and class, capitalism and modernity, transnational and trans-generic adaptations.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing/Discussion.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 045 — Vampires & Other Horrors in Film & Media (4 units)
Course Description: History of representations of vampires and horror generally from the 19th-21st centuries. Emphasis on transnational history of the horror genre; psychologies of horror effects; issues of race, gender, and class; intersections with prejudice, medicine, modernity.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Film Viewing 3 hour(s).
- Cross Listing: FMS 045.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Cross Listing: FMS 045.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 048 — Myth & Saga in the Germanic Cultures (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. English translation from the Norse Eddas, the Volsung and Sigurd-Siegfried cycles, and the Gudrun lays; literary mythology in German Romanticism culminating in Wagner's "total art-work" concept and The Ring of the Nibelung cycle. May not be counted toward major in German.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 049 — Freshman Colloquium (2 units)
Starting Fall Quarter 2024, this course is no longer offered.
Course Description: Readings, discussion and written projects treating topics such as communist-capitalist tension in German literary culture; masculine "versus" feminine authorial consciousness; disintegration and reconstitution of language reflecting cultural transformation; exorcising post-Holocaust national guilt and individual frustration-Germany's new European "mission."
Prerequisite(s): Open only to students who have completed 40 or fewer quarter units of transferable college level work.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 2 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 092 — Field Work in German (1-12 units)
Course Description: Total immersion program in Germany or a German speaking setting in the U.S. to further develop students' proficiency in the German language.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; lower division standing.
- Learning Activities: Internship 3-36 hour(s).
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to lower division standing.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to lower division standing.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 098 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)
Course Description: Primarily for lower division students.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 099 — Special Study for Undergraduates (1-5 units)
Course Description: Special study for undergraduates.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 101A — Survey of German Literature, 800-1800 (4 units)
Course Description: German literature from the Middle Ages to Classicism (800-1800) with an overview of major movements and authors.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 101B — Survey of German Literature, 1800-Present (4 units)
Course Description: German literature from the Age of Romanticism (1800) to the present with an overview of major movements and authors.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).
GER 103 — Writing Skills in German (4 units)
Course Description: Practice in different kinds of writing, such as abstracts, correspondence, lecture summaries, analysis of or response to short literary texts.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 104 — Translation (4 units)
Course Description: Exercises in German-to-English, English-to-German translation using texts from the areas of culture and commerce.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed GER 104A.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed GER 104A.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 105 — The Modern German Language (4 units)
Course Description: Introduction to the linguistic analysis of contemporary German, including its phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, as well as sociolinguistic considerations.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 109A — Business German (4 units)
This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Specialized language course using business-oriented information and publications as the basis for discussions, roleplay, reports, compositions and translations.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 109A — Business German (4 units)
- Course Description: Specialized language course using business-oriented information and publications as the basis for discussions, roleplay, reports, compositions and translations.
- Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
- This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 109A — Business German (4 units)
Course Description: Specialized language course using business-oriented information and publications as the basis for discussions, roleplay, reports, compositions and translations.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.
GER 109B — Advanced Business German (4 units)
Starting Fall Quarter 2024, this course is no longer offered.
Course Description: Specialized advanced language course providing in-depth study of major business topics with the help of authentic texts and videos.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Discussion/Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 112 — Topics in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Investigation of significant themes and issues within their European context.
Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 113 — Goethe's Faust (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Intensive study of Goethe's Faust in its entirety. Discussions and readings in English; reading the text in the original is encouraged.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 114 — From Marlene Dietrich to Run, Lola Run: German Women & Film (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Women in German film from the Weimar Republic to present, with special emphasis on conceptualizations of gender, historical and political context, aesthetic and filmic innovations.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 115 — German Literature Since 1945 (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Major writers of the post-war generation of Austria, Switzerland and Germany: novelists, such as Böll, Grass, Johnson, Walser, Handke; playwrights such as Frisch, Dürrentmatt and Hochhuth; and poets, such as Celan, Enzensberger, and Aichinger.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 116 — Readings in Jewish Writing & Thought in German Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Historical tradition of Jewish thought in the German cultural context; unique contributions of Jewish writers to culture of the German-speaking world; what it means to be "other" in the mainstream culture.
Prerequisite(s): RST 023; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Credit Limitation(s): No credit will be given to those students who have completed HUM 121.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
- Cross Listing: JST 116.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Credit Limitation(s): No credit will be given to those students who have completed HUM 121.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
Cross Listing: JST 116.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 117 — After the Catastrophe: Jews & Jewish Life in Post-1945 Germany (4 units)
Course Description: Jews and Jewish life in post-1945 Germany, with special attention given to literature, historical debates, photography, film, as well as websites and other new media.
- Learning Activities: Discussion/Laboratory 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); American Cultures, Governance, & History (ACGH); Domestic Diversity (DD); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 118A — Vienna at the Turn of the 20th Century (The End of the Habsburg Empire) (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Cultural ferment in Vienna, capital of the multinational Habsburg empire, at the turn of the century, with consideration of innovations in literature, music, graphic arts, architecture philosophy and psychology, heralding European modernism.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 1 hour(s), Discussion 2 hour(s), Extensive Writing 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
GER 118B — Weimar Culture: Defeat, the Roaring Twenties, the Rise of Nazism (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Expressionism in graphic arts, literature, film, New Objectivity, Brecht, and Bauhaus considered in the context of the failure of the German experiment in democracy, the Weimar Republic of 1919-33.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 1 hour(s), Discussion 2 hour(s), Extensive Writing 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 118C — Germany Under the Third Reich (4 units)
Course Description: No knowledge of German required. Interdisciplinary study of German society and culture during the Third Reich (1933-45); readings in aesthetics, history, and philosophy; study of Fascist culture in literature, film, architecture, and the graphic arts; focus on everyday life in Hitler's Germany.
Prerequisite(s): Background in Modern European History; GER 118B recommended.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 118E — Contemporary German Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Political, economic, social and cultural scene of Germany today.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 119 — From German Fiction to German Film (4 units)
Course Description: Examines a number of film adaptations of major German prose works and plays to ascertain the types of changes involved in the shift in medium and the positive and negative effects achieved by such transferences.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC).
GER 120 — Survey of German Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Major developments in German arts, philosophical thought, social institutions, and political history.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 121 — The Medieval Period in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Literary-philosophical profile of the Mittelhochdeutsche Blütezeit in terms of the significant epics, romances, and lyric poetry. Readings in German.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).
GER 122 — Reformation & Baroque (4 units)
Course Description: Exemplary literary works of the 16th and 17th centuries tracing the principal lines of development and showing the reflection in literature of the social, as well as religious, scenes.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 123 — Literature of the Classical Age (4 units)
Course Description: Critical assessment of principal works of Goethe and Schiller within the historical and philosophical context of their times.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 124 — Major Movements in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Significant movements and schools in German literary history (e.g., the medieval troubadours, Storm and Stress, the romanticists, the George Circle, the expressionists), with emphasis on the broader cultural dynamics and ideologies as these apply to individual literary works.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
GER 125 — Short Fiction: 1880-1914 (4 units)
Course Description: Reading of short German fiction from the fin-de-siècle period and representative of various prose styles and cultural currents.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 126 — Modern German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Selections from significant works of major contemporary writers, such as Hesse, Mann, Kafka, Rilke, Brecht, Grass.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) with consent of advisor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) with consent of advisor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 127 — Major Writers in German (4 units)
Course Description: Examination of representative works by a major writer, set in the broader cultural context of the relevant period or movement.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s) when topic differs.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 129 — Postwar Women Writers (4 units)
Course Description: Major writers in both Germanies, Austria, and Switzerland since 1945. Topics include the concept of a feminist aesthetics, East vs. West German writers, and the status of minority women writers in Germany (Jewish, Turkish-German, Afro-German).
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 131 — German Lyric Poetry (4 units)
Course Description: Study of the genre of lyric poety from the late Middle Ages through Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern periods in correlation with other literary forms and the social climate of each period.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 132 — The German Novelle (4 units)
Course Description: Inquiry into the art of the "Novelle" through analysis of the materials and formal devices of representative authors from Goethe to Kafka.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 133 — The German Drama (4 units)
Course Description: Readings in the works of Germany's leading dramatists from the 18th century to the present day, such as Lessing, Goethe, Schiller, Kleist, Büchner, Hauptmann, Brecht.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 134 — Topics in German Intellectual History (4 units)
Course Description: Topics in German intellectual history with materials from a number of periods, genres, and disciplines.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) when topic differs.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 141 — The Holocaust & its Literary Representation (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. Aesthetic representation and metaphorical transformation of the Holocaust in its human and historical perspectives.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 142 — New German Cinema (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of German not required. German filmmakers of the 1960s-1980s such as Fassbinder, Herzog, Syberberg, Brückner, Schlöndorf, Kluge, Wenders.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor and when content differs.
- Cross Listing: FMS 142.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor and when content differs.
Cross Listing: FMS 142.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 143 — Language Through Media (4 units)
Course Description: Study of contemporary German-language news media (press, video, film, CD-ROM, Internet) for insight into political and cultural developments in the German-speaking countries.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 144 — Marx, Nietzsche, Freud (4 units)
Course Description: Study of major texts of Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, selected with an eye to their impact on 20th-century economics, ethics, and attitudes toward eros. Particular focus on conceptions of the self and the individual's relation to society.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Cross Listing: HUM 144.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Cross Listing: HUM 144.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
GER 160 — Love in the Middle Ages (4 units)
Starting Fall Quarter 2024, this course is no longer offered.
Course Description: Analysis of the phenomenon of love in selected medieval lyrical poems and romances of the 12th- and 13th-century Blütezeit. Origins of courtly love, love & individualism, love & the Church, love & adultery.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 165E — Nazi & Fascist Cinema: Film & other Visual Media (4 units)
Course Description: Analysis of nefarious and noxious cultural products in history: films made under the Nazis and other fascists, 1933-1945. Questions at heart of humanistic studies: relationship of culture to propaganda, politics, and even unfathomable crime.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s), Discussion 1 hour(s), Film Viewing.
- Cross Listing: CDM 165E.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Cross Listing: CDM 165E.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 168 — Multiculturalism in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Examples of German literature from the High Middle Ages to the present that explore the "encounter with the other" (people of color, different beliefs and cultures, and inner-German minorities).
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper/Discussion 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 176A — Classic Weimar Cinema (4 units)
Course Description: German Weimar (1919-1933) cinema; Fritz Lang, F.W. Murnau, and G.W. Pabst among others. Influence on worldwide (especially Hollywood) film genres such as film noir, horror, science fiction, and melodrama.
Prerequisite(s): HUM 001.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Film Viewing 3 hour(s).
- Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed HUM 176.
- Cross Listing: FMS 176A.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have completed HUM 176.
Cross Listing: FMS 176A.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 185 — The Age of Bismarck (4 units)
Course Description: Notable literary repercussions of the zenith of Germany's international status at the time of Bismarck's Chancellorship. The poetry of Storm, the prose of Fontane, the drama of Hauptmann.
Prerequisite(s): GER 022; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
GER 192 — Field Work in German (1-12 units)
Course Description: Total immersion program in Germany or a German speaking setting in the U.S. to further develop student proficiency in the German language.
Prerequisite(s): GER 109A; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Internship 3-36 hour(s).
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) or up to 12 units of credit with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 2 time(s) or up to 12 units of credit with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 194HA — Honors Program (3 units)
Course Description: Research of an integrative nature (in either "General" or "Area Studies Emphasis" fields of major), guided by thesis advisor chosen by student.
Prerequisite(s): Open only to majors with a 3.500 minimum GPA in at least 135 graduation units.
- Learning Activities: Independent Study 2 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 194HB — Honors Program (3 units)
Course Description: Writing of Honors Thesis on topic selected by student in consultation with thesis advisor.
Prerequisite(s): Open only to majors with a 3.500 minimum GPA in at least 135 graduation units.
- Learning Activities: Independent Study 2 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 197T — Tutoring in German (1-4 units)
Course Description: Tutoring in undergraduate courses including leadership in small voluntary discussion groups affiliated with department courses.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of German Program Director.
- Learning Activities: Tutorial 3-12 hour(s).
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 8 unit(s).
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 8 unit(s).
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)
Course Description: Directed group study.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)
Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 202 — Middle High German (4 units)
Course Description: Outline of grammar; selections from Middle High German epic, romance, and lyric poetry.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Lecture 1 hour(s).
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 206 — Cognitive Grammar for Applied Linguists (4 units)
Course Description: Analysis of grammar and application of cognitive grammar to language instruction. Syntactical problems and analyses relevant to the language which the student will teach.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 210 — Techniques of Literary Scholarship (4 units)
Course Description: Bibliographical, organizational, and methodological tools and resources for advanced, independent research.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 211 — Concepts in Literary Theory (4 units)
Course Description: Advanced course in concepts of literary theory and criticism. Discussion of the emergence of theoretical concepts and their impact on the understanding and appreciation of literary works. Discussion in German and English, readings in German.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 212 — Contemporary Approaches to Literary Theory (4 units)
Course Description: Study of contemporary theoretical approaches such as structuralism, deconstruction, feminism, Marxism/Frankfurt School, and reception theory in conjunction with the works of major authors.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 239 — Narrative & Narrative Theory (4 units)
Course Description: Studies, in a theoretical and literary historical context, major elements of 19th- and 20th-century narrative, such as techniques of framing, refraction, and montage; narrative perspective; mimesis; and self-consciousness. Focuses on paradigmatic prose texts alongside a spectrum of critical approaches.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 240 — Forms of German Verse (4 units)
Course Description: Development of German verse from the Middle Ages to the present, with special emphasis on different techniques of text analysis and interpretation.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 241 — The German Drama (4 units)
Course Description: Major forms of German drama from its origins to the middle of the 20th century.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 242 — The German Novelle (4 units)
Course Description: The major German Novellisten, with particular emphasis on the flowering of this genre in the 19th century.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 243 — Fontane & the Rise of the Modern German Novel (4 units)
Course Description: Fontane, the father of the modern German novel and the chief German representative of the European novel at its greatest, in the context of the 19-century European political and social scene.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 244 — Gender & Comedy (4 units)
Course Description: Studies of genre and gender in German-language comedy by male and female writers from the 18th century to the present. Authors treated include Lessing, Kleist, Büchner, Ebner-Eschenbach, Hauptmann, Hofmannsthal, Frisch, Langner, and Jelinek.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 252 — The Writing of Lessing (4 units)
Course Description: Study of Lessing's theory of literature with particular emphasis upon his critical attacks on French drama.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 253 — Goethe (4 units)
Course Description: Study of the origins of Goethe's thought in German Pietism, and his principal artistic, autobiographical, scientific, and philosophical works.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 254 — Schiller (4 units)
Course Description: Critical analysis of Schiller's major works and his impact on the intellectual climate in Germany during the late-18th and early-19th centuries.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 255 — Aesthetics in the Age of Goethe (4 units)
Course Description: Emergence of aesthetic autonomy from 18th-century normative poetics during the Age of Goethe. The shift from a model based on the imitation of nature (and the Ancients) to a new concept grounded in the individuality of aesthetic experience.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 257 — Heinrich von Kleist (4 units)
Course Description: Kleist's important dramatic and prose works; special attention will be given to the peculiar hermeneutic problems in modern German, French, and Anglo-American Kleist criticism.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 258 — The Novels of Thomas Mann (4 units)
Course Description: Reading of selected novels with emphasis on aesthetic techniques, originality, ethical and political views, and influence on the contemporary literary scene in Germany.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 259 — Studies in Kafka (4 units)
Course Description: Study of Kafkas narrative techniques with special emphasis in the shorter works on the existential development from its roots in Expressionism.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 260 — The Poetry of Rilke (4 units)
Course Description: Study of the principal motifs, myths, images, and problems in the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 261 — Brecht & the Epic Theater (4 units)
Course Description: Reading of Brechts works with emphasis on the ideas which impelled the development of new literary forms and concepts.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 262 — Studies in Turn-of-the-Century Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Investigates literary currents in turn-of-the-century Germany and Austria against the background of contemporaneous developments in psychology, the visual arts, philosophy, and music. Authors treated include Hauptmann, Holz and Schlaf, Schnitzler, T. Mann, Wedekind, Musil, Hofmannsthal.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 285 — Middle High German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Extensive reading of Middle High German texts in the original language. Examines linguistic and literary problems.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 288 — Renaissance & Reformation in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Parabolic and didactic style in Germany's literature during the 16th century.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate standing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate standing.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 289 — German Literature of the Baroque (4 units)
Course Description: The "Elegantiaideal" and the varying methods used to portray it in 17th-century German literature.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Graduate standing.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 290 — The Enlightenment in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Revolt against the concept of the Elegantiaideal, and evolution of a new literature based on reason and wit.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 291 — Foreign Language Learning in the Classroom (4 units)
Course Description: Overview of approaches to university-level foreign language instruction and the theoretical notions underlying current trends in classroom practices across commonly taught foreign languages.
GER 292 — Sentimentality & Sturm und Drang in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Reaction to overemphasis on Reason: theories of Hamann and Herder and works of poets such as Lenz, Leisewitz, the early Goethe and Schiller.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s).
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 293 — The Classical Age of German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Inquiry into the aesthetic and humanistic qualities of Germany's greatest literary epoch.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 294 — The Romantic Period in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Survey of the works of early 19th-century authors in reaction against the age of classicism.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 295 — Poetic Realism in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Outstanding figures in German literature between 1840 and 1890. Important phases in their developments will be treated.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 296 — 20th-Century German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Considers the revolt of the Hauptmann generation, Symbolism, Expressionism, and the chief currents of the contemporary scene.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated with consent of instructor.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 297 — Special Topics in German Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Various special topics in German literature, which may cut across the more usual period and genre rubrics.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated when topic differs.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 298 — Group Study (1-5 units)
Course Description: Group study.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
GER 299 — Individual Study (1-12 units)
Course Description: Individual study.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
GER 299D — Special Study for the Doctoral Dissertation (1-12 units)
Course Description: Special study for doctoral dissertation.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
GER 390A — The Teaching of German (2 units)
Course Description: Theoretical instruction in modern teaching methods and demonstration of their practical application. Required of new teaching assistants.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
GER 390B — The Teaching of German (2 units)
Course Description: Theoretical instruction in modern teaching methods and demonstration of their practical application. Required of new teaching assistants.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
GER 390C — The Teaching of German (2 units)
Course Description: Theoretical instruction in modern teaching methods and demonstration of their practical application. Required of new teaching assistants.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 2 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
GER 396 — Teaching Assistant Training Practicum (1-4 units)
Course Description: Teaching assistant training.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
GER 400 — Tutorial & Instructional Internship (1-3 units)
Course Description: Apprentice training in ongoing undergraduate literature courses taught by regular staff, with supplementary weekly critique sessions; intern leadership of discussion sections under staff supervision.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 1-3 hour(s).
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
Grade Mode: Letter.
Russian (RUS)
RUS 001 — Elementary Russian (5 units)
Course Description: Introduction to Russian grammar and development of all language skills in a cultural context with special emphasis on communication.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 5 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 001A — Accelerated Intensive Elementary Russian (15 units)
Course Description: Special 12-week accelerated, summer session intensive combining the work of RUS 001, RUS 002, and RUS 003. Introduction to Russian grammar and development of all language skills in a cultural context with emphasis on communication.
RUS 002 — Elementary Russian (5 units)
Course Description: Continuation of grammar and language skills developed in RUS 001.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 001.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 5 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 003 — Elementary Russian (5 units)
Course Description: Continuation of grammar and language skills developed in RUS 002.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 002.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 5 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 004 — Intermediate Russian (4 units)
Course Description: Grammar review and conversational practice in Russian.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 003.
- Learning Activities: Discussion/Laboratory 4 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 005 — Intermediate Russian (4 units)
Course Description: Grammar review. Introduction to literature in its sociopolitical context. Conversational practice.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 004.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 4 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 006 — Intermediate Russian (4 units)
Course Description: Grammar review. Intermediate conversation and continued reading of literature. Social and cultural practices in contemporary Russia; introduction to Russian history.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 005.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 4 hour(s), Laboratory 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 098 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)
Course Description: Directed group study.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 1-5 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
RUS 099 — Special Study for Undergraduates (1-5 units)
Course Description: Special study for undergraduates.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
RUS 101A — Advanced Russian (4 units)
Course Description: Topics in Russian. Grammar for the advanced student. Reading and discussion of journalistic texts and classic and contemporary literature. Conversation exercises utilizing literary and colloquial variants of current Russian speech.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 006; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 101B — Advanced Russian (4 units)
Course Description: Continuation of RUS 101A. Topics in Russian grammar for the advanced student. Reading and discussion of journalistic texts and classic and contemporary literature. Conversational exercises utilizing literary and colloquial variants of current Russian speech.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101A; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 101C — Advanced Russian (4 units)
Course Description: Continuation of RUS 101B. Topics in Russian grammar for the advanced student. Reading and discussion of journalistic texts and classic and contemporary literature. Conversational exercises utilizing literary and colloquial variants of current Russian speech.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101B.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 102 — Russian Composition (4 units)
Course Description: Practice in writing Russian. One composition on a different topic each week. Topics include: history, geography, politics, and literature of Russia; comparison of Russian and American lifestyles; current events. Conducted in Russian.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 006; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Tutorial 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 103 — Literary Translation (4 units)
Course Description: Translation of Russian literary texts into stylistically equivalent idiomatic English.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101C.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
RUS 105 — Advanced Russian Conversation (4 units)
Course Description: Intensive conversational practice and discussion based on current events and contemporary texts.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 006.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Practice 1 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC).
RUS 120 — Topics in Russian Literature & Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Knowledge of Russian not required. Investigation of significant themes and issues of Russian literature and culture within their European context.
Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 1 time(s).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 122 — 19th-Century Russian Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Study of Russian literature (prose fiction, drama, poetry) from the period between 1800 and the end of the 19th century. May include authors like Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov. Offered alternately in English or Russian.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101C when offered in Russian; no prerequisite when offered in English.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken RUS 121 and RUS 127.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Enrollment Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken RUS 121 and RUS 127.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 124 — 20th-Century Russian Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Study of Russian literature (prose, drama, poetry) from the period between 1900 and the end of the 20th century. Authors like Y. Olesha, M. Bulgakov, D. Kharms, and L. Petrushevskaia. Taught in Russian.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101C when offered in Russian; no prerequisite when offered in English (every other year).
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken RUS 123 or RUS 128.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Credit Limitation(s): Not open for credit to students who have taken RUS 123 or RUS 128.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 126 — The Russian Theater (4 units)
Course Description: The main works of Russian dramatists from Fonvizin to the present, including Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, Chekhov, Blok, Mayakovsky, Kharms. Conducted in Russian.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101C; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 129 — Russian Film (4 units)
Course Description: History of Russian film; film & social revolution, the cult of Stalin, dissident visions; film & the collapse of the Soviet empire; gender and the nation in Russian film. Taught in English; Russian films with English subtitles.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Subject A requirements.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Film Viewing 3 hour(s).
- Cross Listing: FMS 129.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Cross Listing: FMS 129.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 130 — Contemporary Russian Culture (4 units)
This version has ended; see updated course, below.
Course Description: Trends in Russian culture and the relationship between artists and the government. Topics: recent changes in the cultural scene, postmodernist trends in literature, visual art, film, and theater.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 130 — Contemporary Russian Culture & Media (4 units)
- Course Description: Contemporary Russian culture, with a particular focus on film and digital media made since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. Films and texts supplemented by historical and sociological readings.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
- This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 130 — Contemporary Russian Culture & Media (4 units)
Course Description: Contemporary Russian culture, with a particular focus on film and digital media made since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. Films and texts supplemented by historical and sociological readings.
Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
This course version is effective from, and including: Winter Quarter 2025.
RUS 133 — Post-Soviet Literature (4 units)
Course Description: Major authors and trends in Russian literature in post-1991 period. Discussion of impact of economic, social, and cultural turmoil of post-Soviet period on literary marketplace. Analysis of development of literary postmodernism in Russia.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 139 — Pushkin (4 units)
Course Description: Three major periods of Pushkin's poetical works: his early Lyceum verse; his poetry of the early 1820s; and the mature period. Further study of Pushkin's prose fiction, drama, and journalism.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 101C; or consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 140 — Dostoevsky (in English) (4 units)
Course Description: Reading and analysis of Dostoevskys principal works such as Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, and The Diary. Study of social and political views as reflected in Dostoevskys works.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 141 — Tolstoy (in English) (4 units)
Course Description: Study of Leo Tolstoy's literary evolution and moral quest. Readings include his Confession, a major novel such as War and Peace or Anna Karenina, and representative shorter fiction.
- Learning Activities: Lecture 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 142 — Women in Russian Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Study of the representation of women in contemporary Russian fiction and film. Exploration of issues such as family dynamics/motherhood, sexuality, work, and women's relationship to the state. Offered in English.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 143 — Chekhov (in English) (4 units)
Course Description: Examination of Chekhov's short stories and major plays, such as The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, The Three Sisters, The Cherry Orchard, and Ivanov, in the broader cultural context of European and Russian fin de siecle.
- Learning Activities: Lecture/Discussion 3 hour(s), Extensive Writing.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 150 — Russian Culture (4 units)
Course Description: Study of Russian culture in 19th and 20th centuries. Brief introduction of the beginnings up to 19th century. Russian art, music, philosophy, church, traditions, and daily life. Knowledge of Russian not required.
- Learning Activities: Discussion 3 hour(s), Term Paper.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Oral Skills (OL); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 192 — Research Essay (2 units)
Course Description: Research essay, based on primary and secondary sources, dealing in depth with a topic arising from or related to the prerequisite literature course.
Prerequisite(s): A Russian literature course; may be taken concurrently.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
- Grade Mode: Letter.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
Grade Mode: Letter.
General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).
RUS 194H — Special Study for Honors Students (4 units)
Course Description: Guided research, under the direction of a faculty member, leading to a senior honors thesis on a topic in Russian studies.
Prerequisite(s): Open only to majors of senior standing who qualify for honors program.
- Learning Activities: Independent Study 4 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
RUS 195H — Honors Thesis (4 units)
Course Description: Writing an honors thesis, under the direction of a faculty member, on a topic in Russian studies.
Prerequisite(s): RUS 194H.
- Learning Activities: Independent Study 4 hour(s).
- Grade Mode: Letter.
Grade Mode: Letter.
RUS 197T — Tutoring in Russian (1-4 units)
Course Description: Tutoring in undergraduate courses, including leadership in small voluntary discussion groups affiliated with departmental courses.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; upper division standing.
- Learning Activities: Seminar 1-2 hour(s), Laboratory 1-2 hour(s).
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated 6 unit(s).
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated 6 unit(s).
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
RUS 198 — Directed Group Study (1-5 units)
Course Description: Directed group study.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
RUS 199 — Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5 units)
Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass only.
RUS 299 — Individual Study (1-12 units)
Course Description: Individual study.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; graduate standing.
- Learning Activities: Variable.
- Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate students.
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Enrollment Restriction(s): Restricted to graduate students.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
RUS 396 — Teaching Assistant Training Practicum (1-4 units)
Course Description: Teaching assistant training practicum.
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
- Learning Activities: Variable 3-20 hour(s).
- Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
- Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Repeat Credit: May be repeated.
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.