Community & Regional Development, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Department of Human Ecology; 1303 Hart Hall; 530-752-1805; Community & Regional Development;Faculty

The Community & Regional Development major aims to provide a broad comparative understanding of theories, methodologies, and issues relevant to the study of communities and the people in them. The program focuses on the ways that economic, political and socio-cultural forces are transforming the world, countries, regions, and local communities, and it considers how knowledge can be used to improve the quality of community life.

The Program

Principal subjects of study within the major are community, regional, and organizational development; social change processes; community and regional research methodologies; the role of class, ethnicity, gender, and race in shaping social life; the impacts of innovation and technology on communities, and the effects of social, economic and political systems on regions. The major is organized to allow students to develop fields of concentration that meet their career goals.

Major Advisor

J. London

Internships & Career Alternatives

Community & Regional Development students are required to complete an internship in their field before graduation. Internships have been arranged with local, county, and state planning units, health departments, schools, housing offices, businesses, and education programs, among others. Community and Regional Development graduates are prepared for occupations in community development, social research, program evaluation, organizational and educational consulting, city and regional planning, and for-profit organizations. The major also provides effective preparation for graduate or professional study in the social and behavioral sciences or for professional degrees.

Honors Program

An Honors Program is available to Human & Community Development majors who have demonstrated excellence in their field of study. Entrance into the honors program requires that a student completes at least 135 units with a minimum grade point average of 3.500 in upper division courses counted toward the major. The program consists of a project whose specific nature is determined in consultation with the student's Honors Advisor. It may involve completing a research project, a scholarly paper, a senior thesis, or some comparable assignment. The project will have a minimum duration of two quarters and will be noted on the student's record by a variable unit course number or special honors course designation. Successful completion of the honors program requires that a minimum of 8 units of credit be earned in course work for the project. It is expected that a student participating in the Honors Program of the Community & Regional Development major will participate in the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference. Additionally, students participating in the Honors Program will be required to give a public presentation of their work in a departmental seminar program.

Honors Program Advisor

J. London

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Requirements & College Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Community & Regional Development Bachelor of Science major is 97.

Preparatory Subject Matter
Community & Regional Development4
The Community
Computer Science3
Application of Computers in Technology
Application of Computers in Technology
Economics; choose one:4
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Social Science Theory; choose one:5
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Sociology
or SOC 001V
Elementary Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal20
Depth Subject Matter
Comparative Community Change; choose three:12-13
Rural Change in the Industrialized World
Community Development
International Community Development: Asia
International Community Development: Europe
International Community Development: Africa
Theories of Organizations & Their Role in Community Change
Social Inequality: Issues & Innovations
Comparative Ethnicity
Transnational Community Development
Economics of Community Change; choose two:8-9
Technology & Society
Dynamics of Regional Development
Organization of Economic Space
People, Work & Technology
Political Processes & Community Change; choose two:8
Community Youth Development
Community Development Perspectives on Environmental Justice
Social Theory & Community Change
Politics & Community Development
Community Governance
Housing & Social Policy
Methods for Community Research; CRD 151 & one additional course:9-10
Quantitative Methods in Community Research
Community Field Research: Theory & Analysis
Community Economic Development
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal41-44
Areas of Specialization24
Choose one area of specialization from three options listed below for 24 units, including at least one CRD course from the option. These courses cannot overlap with the depth subject. Students may consult with a faculty advisor to identify an emphasis within the option and to select suitable courses.
Students may consult with a faculty advisor to identify an emphasis within the option and to select suitable courses which is on the approved form but listed for each track.
Community & Regional Development English Coursework Requirement12
Choose three courses in English Composition; at least one must be upper division:
Introduction to Public Speaking
Major Works of the Ancient World
Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Major Works of the Modern World
Major Works of the Contemporary World
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Native American Literature
Introduction to Academic Literacies
Introduction to Academic Literacies: Online
Introduction to Academic Literacies
Choose at least one:
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Advanced Composition
Writing in the Disciplines: Special Topics
Writing in the Disciplines: Biology
Writing in the Disciplines: History
Writing in the Disciplines: International Relations
Writing in the Disciplines: Engineering
Writing in the Disciplines: Food Science & Technology
Writing in the Disciplines: Environmental Writing
Writing in the Disciplines: Human Development & Psychology
Writing in the Disciplines: Fine Arts
Writing in the Disciplines: Sociology
Writing in the Disciplines: Film Studies
Writing in the Disciplines: Community & Regional Development
Writing in the Disciplines: Anthropology
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Business Writing
Writing in the Professions: Law
Writing in the Professions: Journalism
Writing in the Professions: Elementary & Secondary Education
Writing in the Professions: Science
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Health
Writing in the Professions: Internships
The Upper Division Composition Exam does not satisfy the requirement
Advanced Placement English score of 4 or 5 which satisfies ENL 003 and/or UWP 001 will satisfy one of the three required courses.
Total Units97-100