Plant Sciences, Bachelor of Science College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

The Plant Sciences major is designed for students who are interested in a scientific understanding of how plants grow and develop in managed agricultural ecosystems and how plant products are utilized for food, fiber and environmental enhancement. Advances in science and technology have provided new insights and options for using plants to address the issues associated with providing renewable food, fiber and energy resources for a growing global population while minimizing adverse impacts on the natural environment. Graduates in Plant Sciences are able to apply their skills and knowledge to a diverse range of agricultural and environmental goals or pursue advanced degrees in plant sciences.

The Program

The curriculum provides depth in the biological and physical sciences and a sound understanding of how plants obtain and utilize resources from their environment to sustain their growth and development. The influences of genetics, management systems and environmental inputs on crop development and productivity are emphasized along with the postharvest preservation and marketing of plant products. Students will develop an area of specialization with options in Crop Production, Plant Genetics & Breeding, or Postharvest Biology & Technology. An Individual option is also available to match specific subject matter or career goal interests in the plant sciences. All students gain practical experience through a combination of practical laboratory courses and internships. Students may also pursue an Honors thesis in their senior year.

Lead Faculty Advisor

Daniel Potter

Advising for the major is located in 1220 Plant & Environmental Sciences; For more information, see Undergraduate Advising.

Career Alternatives

Graduates from this program are prepared to pursue a wide range of careers, including various technical and management positions in agricultural & business enterprises, farming, or consulting; public, private & non-profit agencies; Cooperative Extension; international development; teaching; or agricultural & environmental journalism and communication services. Graduates are qualified to pursue graduate studies in the natural and agricultural sciences, such as plant biology, genetics, breeding, horticulture, agronomy, biotechnology, ecology, environmental studies, pest management, education, or business management.

The major requirements below are in addition to meeting University Degree Requirements & College Degree Requirements; unless otherwise noted. The minimum number of units required for the Plant Sciences Bachelor of Science is 116.

Preparatory Subject Matter
Biological Science10
Introduction to Biology: Essentials of Life on Earth
Introduction to Biology: Principles of Ecology & Evolution
Plant Sciences & Statistics12
Botany & Physiology of Cultivated Plants
Seminar: Overview of the Plant Sciences Major
Application of Computers in Technology
Application of Computers in Technology
Applied Statistics in Agricultural Sciences
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Choose a series:
Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
Organic Chemistry: Brief Course
Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
Organic Chemistry for Health & Life Sciences
General Physics
General Physics
General Physics
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Biology & Medicine
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Calculus for Data-Driven Applications
Preparatory Subject Matter Subtotal58-64
Depth Subject Matter
Soil Science5
Principles of Soil Science
Plant Science25
Metabolic Processes of Cultivated Plants
Growth & Yield of Cultivated Plants
Environmental Interactions of Cultivated Plants
Metabolic Processes of Cultivated Plants Laboratory
Growth & Yield of Cultivated Plants Laboratory
Environmental Interactions of Cultivated Plants Laboratory
Agriculture & the Environment
Plant Genetics
Internship (Capstone Experience: Internship/Research Report)
Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates
Restricted electives; choose at least two from two different categories:7-10
Plant Diversity/Evolution/Taxonomy
Taxonomy & Ecology of Environmental Plant Families
Introduction to Evolution
Systematics of Vascular Plants
Systematics of Vascular Plants
Systematics of Vascular Plants
Evolution of Crop Plants
Plant Morphology & Evolution
ENH 160 series:
Restoration Ecology
Restoration Ecology Laboratory
Plant Ecology
Introduction to Plant Pathology
Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management
PLS 147 series:
California Plant Communities
California Plant Communities Field Study
Pest Management
Arthropod Pest Management
Plant Nematology
Population Biology of Invasive Plants & Weeds
Concepts in Pest Management
Introduction to Weed Science
Depth Subject Matter Subtotal37-40
Areas of Specialization; choose one:21-34
In consultation with an advisor, a student may complete requirements for more than one specialization, which can be noted on the student’s transcript.
Total Units116-138

Areas of Specialization

Crop Production & Agroecology Option

Required Major Electives; not included in AOS unit count:
Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management
Required courses:8
Plant-Water-Soil Relationships
Mineral Nutrition of Plants
Production; choose two:4-9
Management of Container Media
Greenhouse & Nursery Crop Production
Just Coffee: The Biology, Ecology & Socioeconomic Impacts of the World’s Favorite Drink
Just Coffee: The Biology, Ecology & Socioeconomic Impacts of the World's Favorite Drink
Organic Crop Production Practices
Crop Management Systems for Vegetable Production
Principles of Agronomic Crop Production Systems
Forage Crop Production
Biological Applications in Fruit Tree Management
Biological Applications in Fruit Production
Agroforestry: Global & Local Perspectives
Trees & Forests
Fruit & Nut Cropping Systems
Fruit & Nut Cropping Systems
Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation
Advanced Soil Science; choose one:3-4
Soil Microbiology
Environmental Soil Chemistry
Soil Ecology
Sustainable Nutrient Management
Global Food Systems; choose one:4
Population, Environment & World Agriculture
Food Systems
Introduction to International Agricultural Development
Pest Management; choose one in addition to core:3-5
Arthropod Pest Management
Plant Nematology
Introduction to Weed Science
Introduction to Plant Pathology
Concepts in Pest Management
Population Biology of Invasive Plants & Weeds
Grapevine Pests, Diseases & Disorders
Outreach & Communication; choose one:4
Introduction to Environmental Education
Total Units26-34

Crop Quality & Safety Option

Required Courses:14
Biology and Quality of Harvested Crops
PLS 173
Microbiology & Safety of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
PLS 196
Depth; choose 8 units:8
Intermediate Microeconomics: Theory of Production & Consumption
Principles of Quality Assurance in Food Processing
Design & Analysis for Sensory Food Science
Food Packaging
Flower Power; Art & Science of Flowers & Their Uses
Flower Power; Art & Science of Flowers & Their Uses
Just Coffee: The Biology, Ecology & Socioeconomic Impacts of the World’s Favorite Drink
Just Coffee: The Biology, Ecology & Socioeconomic Impacts of the World's Favorite Drink
Biological Applications in Fruit Tree Management
Biological Applications in Fruit Production
Total Units22

Ecological Management & Restoration Option

Required Major Electives (not included in AOS unit count):
Systematics of Vascular Plants
Systematics of Vascular Plants
Systematics of Vascular Plants
Ecological Management & Restoration; choose at least four:12-17
Management of Container Media
Restoration Ecology
and Restoration Ecology Laboratory
Role of Fire in Natural Ecosystems
Wetland Ecology
Population Biology of Invasive Plants & Weeds
Grassland Ecology
PLS 135
Trees & Forests
California Plant Communities
and California Plant Communities Field Study
Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management
Urban Ecology
Ecosystem & Landscape Ecology
Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation
Environmental Analysis, Monitoring, & Policy; choose at least two:7-9
Environmental Monitoring
The Policy Process
Public Lands Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Outreach & Communication; choose one:3-4
Introduction to Environmental Education
PLS 164
Total Units24-32

Environmental Horticulture & Urban Landscape Management Option

Required Major Electives; not included in AOS unit count:
Taxonomy & Ecology of Environmental Plant Families
Concepts in Pest Management
Required Courses: 8
Physiology of Environmental Stresses in Plants
Urban Ecology
Choose at least three of the following:9-13
Urban Forests are Nature-Based Solutions
Management of Container Media
Greenhouse & Nursery Crop Production
Woody Plants in the Landscape: Growth, Ecology & Management
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Plant & Crop Systems Modeling
Mineral Nutrition of Plants
Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation
Soil Ecology
Choose one:4
Urban & Regional Planning
Environmental Impact Assessment
Total Units21-25

Individual Option

Choose a minimum of 23 upper division units, with approval from the master advisor, to form a coherent program of study resulting in expertise and competence in a sub-discipline of plant sciences.23
Total Units23

Plant Breeding, Genetics, & Genomics Option

Required courses:18
Genes & Gene Expression
Genes & Gene Expression
Principles of Plant Biotechnology
Plant Genetics & Biotechnology Laboratory
Professionalism & Ethics in Genomics & Biotechnology
Introduction to Plant Breeding
Production; choose one:2-5
Management of Container Media
Greenhouse & Nursery Crop Production
Just Coffee: The Biology, Ecology & Socioeconomic Impacts of the World’s Favorite Drink
Just Coffee: The Biology, Ecology & Socioeconomic Impacts of the World's Favorite Drink
Organic Crop Production Practices
Crop Management Systems for Vegetable Production
Principles of Agronomic Crop Production Systems
Forage Crop Production
Biological Applications in Fruit Tree Management
Biological Applications in Fruit Production
Trees & Forests
Agroforestry: Global & Local Perspectives
Fruit & Nut Cropping Systems
Fruit & Nut Cropping Systems
Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation
Restricted Elective; choose one:3-5
Choose one additional course from either Production or Depth Subject Matter.
Total Units23-28

Plant Informatics Option

Required courses:15
Applied Bioinformatics
Introduction to Plant & Crop Systems Modeling
Introduction to Digital Agriculture
Proximal & Remote Sensing of Plants
Depth; choose three:11-12
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Plant-Water-Soil Relationships
Concepts in Pest Management
Sustainability & Agroecosystem Management
Physiology of Environmental Stresses in Plants
Mineral Nutrition of Plants
Total Units26-27