Catalog A-Z Index
- About Courses
- Academic Advising & Support Services
- Academic Calendars
- Campus Life
- Graduate & Professional Education
- Policies, Procedures, & Regulations
- Student Life
- Undergraduate Education
- About Courses
- Academic Advising & Support Services
- Academic Credit
- Academic Standing
- Accounting, Minor
- Adding & Dropping Courses
- Additional Education Opportunities
- Advanced Placement (AP) Credit & Chart
- Aerospace Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Aerospace Science & Engineering (EAE)
- African American & African Studies
- African American & African Studies (AAS)
- African American & African Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- African American & African Studies, Minor
- Aging & Adult Development, Minor
- Agricultural Education (AED)
- Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (AGC)
- Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy
- Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (Graduate Group)
- Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry, Master of Science
- Agricultural & Environmental Education, Bachelor of Science
- Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
- Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Bachelor of Science, Individual
- Agricultural & Environmental Technology, Bachelor of Science
- Agricultural & Environmental Technology (TAE)
- Agricultural Pest Management, Minor
- Agricultural & Resource Econ (ARE)
- Agricultural & Resource Economics
- Agricultural & Resource Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Agricultural & Resource Economics, Master of Science
- Agricultural & Resource Economics, Master of Science/Master of Business Administration
- Agricultural Systems & Environment, Minor
- American History & Institutions Requirement
- American Studies
- American Studies (AMS)
- American Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- American Studies, Minor
- Anatomy, Physiology, & Cell Biology (APC)
- Anesthesiology (ANE)
- Animal Behavior (ANB)
- Animal Behavior, Doctor of Philosophy
- Animal Behavior (Graduate Group)
- Animal Behavior, Master of Science
- Animal Biology (ABI)
- Animal Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Animal Biology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Animal Biology Graduate (ABG)
- Animal Biology (Graduate Group)
- Animal Biology, Master of Science
- Animal Genetics (ANG)
- Animal Science
- Animal Science (ANS)
- Animal Science, Bachelor of Science
- Animal Science & Management, Bachelor of Science
- Animal Science, Minor
- Anthropology
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Anthropology, Bachelor of Arts
- Anthropology, Bachelor of Science
- Anthropology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Anthropology, Master of Arts
- Anthropology, Minor
- AP & IB Charts Archive
- Applied Biological Systems Technology (ABT)
- Applied Chemistry, Bachelor of Science
- Applied Mathematics, Bachelor of Science
- Applied Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Applied Mathematics (Graduate Group)
- Applied Mathematics, Master of Science
- Applied Physics, Bachelor of Science
- Applied Science Engineering-Davis (EAD)
- Arabic (ARB)
- Arabic, Minor
- Arab Studies, Minor
- Art History (AHI)
- Art History & Art Studio
- Art History, Bachelor of Arts
- Art History, Master of Arts
- Art History, Minor
- Art Studio (ART)
- Art Studio, Bachelor of Arts
- Art Studio, Master of Fine Arts
- Art Studio, Minor
- Asian American Studies
- Asian American Studies (ASA)
- Asian American Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Asian American Studies, Minor
- Astronomy (AST)
- Atmospheric Science (ATM)
- Atmospheric Science, Bachelor of Science
- Atmospheric Science, Doctor of Philosophy
- Atmospheric Science (Graduate Group)
- Atmospheric Science, Master of Science
- Atmospheric Science, Minor
- Avian Sciences (AVS)
- Avian Sciences (Graduate Group)
- Avian Sciences, Master of Science
- Avian Sciences, Minor
- Bachelor’s Degree Requirements Archive
- Biochemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology (BCB)
- Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (Graduate Group)
- Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Master of Science
- Biological & Agricultural Engineering
- Biological Chemistry (BCM)
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Arts
- Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Arts, Individual
- Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Science
- Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Science, Individual
- Biological Sciences (BIS)
- Biological Sciences, Minor
- Biological Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Biological Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Science/Master of Science Integrated
- Biological Systems Engineering, Doctor of Engineering
- Biological Systems Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Biological Systems Engineering (EBS)
- Biological Systems Engineering, Master of Engineering
- Biological Systems Engineering, Master of Science
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Biomedical Engineering (BIM)
- Biomedical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Biomedical Engineering (Graduate Group)
- Biomedical Engineering, Master of Science
- Biomedical Engineering, Minor
- Biophotonics (BPT)
- Biophysics (BPH)
- Biophysics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Biophysics (Graduate Group)
- Biostatistics (BST)
- Biostatistics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Biostatistics (Graduate Group)
- Biostatistics, Master of Science
- Biotechnology, Bachelor of Science
- Biotechnology (BIT)
- Biotechnology, Designated Emphasis
- Bodega Marine Laboratory Program
- Business Administration, Master of Business Administration
- Business Administration Online, Master of Business Administration Online
- Business Analytics (BAX)
- Business Analytics, Master of Science
- Business, Bachelor of Science
- Cardiology (CAR)
- Cell Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Cell Biology & Human Anatomy (CHA)
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Chemical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Chemical Engineering (ECH)
- Chemical Engineering, Master of Engineering
- Chemical Engineering, Master of Science
- Chemical Physics, Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Arts
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry (CHE)
- Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Master of Science
- Chemistry, Minor
- Chicana/Chicano Studies
- Chicana/Chicano Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Chicana/Chicano Studies, Minor
- Chicano Studies (CHI)
- Child Development (Graduate Group)
- Child Development, Master of Science
- Chinese, Bachelor of Arts
- Chinese (CHN)
- Chinese, Minor
- Cinema & Digital Media
- Cinema & Digital Media, Bachelor of Arts
- Cinema & Digital Media (CDM)
- Cinema & Technocultural Studies (CTS)
- Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Civil & Environmental Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Civil & Environmental Engineering (ECI)
- Civil & Environmental Engineering, Master of Science
- Classical Civilization, Bachelor of Arts
- Classical Civilization, Minor
- Classics
- Classics (CLA)
- Climate Science & Policy, Minor
- Clinical Nutrition, Bachelor of Science
- Clinical Research (CLH)
- Clinical Research (Graduate Group)
- Clinical Research, Master of Advanced Studies
- Cognitive Science
- Cognitive Science, Bachelor of Arts
- Cognitive Science, Bachelor of Science
- Cognitive Science (CGS)
- College Degree Requirements
- College of Letters & Science (LTS)
- Communication
- Communication, Bachelor of Arts
- Communication (CMN)
- Communication, Doctor of Philosophy
- Communication, Master of Arts
- Communication, Minor
- Community Development, Master of Science
- Community Development, Minor
- Community Nutrition, Minor
- Community & Regional Development, Bachelor of Science
- Community & Regional Development (CRD)
- Comparative Literature
- Comparative Literature, Bachelor of Arts
- Comparative Literature (COM)
- Comparative Literature, Doctor of Philosophy
- Comparative Literature, Master of Arts
- Comparative Literature, Minor
- Completing Your Degree
- Computational Biology, Minor
- Computational Social Science, Designated Emphasis
- Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science
- Computer Science, Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science, Doctor of Philosophy
- Computer Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science Engineering (ECS)
- Computer Science (Graduate Group)
- Computer Science, Master of Science
- Computer Science, Minor
- Construction Engineering & Management, Minor
- Consumer Sciences (CNS)
- Contemporary Leadership, Minor
- Course Materials & Service Fees
- Courses by Subject Code
- Creative Writing, Master of Fine Arts
- Critical Theory (CRI)
- Critical Theory, Designated Emphasis
- Cultural Studies (CST)
- Cultural Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
- Cultural Studies (Graduate Group)
- Cultural Studies, Master of Arts
- Data in Society, Minor
- Data Science, Bachelor of Science
- Data Science (DSC)
- Degree Explorer
- Departments, Programs, & Degrees
- Dermatology (DER)
- Design
- Designated Emphasis, Biotechnology (DEB)
- Designated Emphasis, Ph.D
- Design, Bachelor of Arts
- Design (DES)
- Design, Master of Fine Arts
- Doctor of Jurisprudence
- Doctor of Medicine
- Doctor of Nursing Practice—Family Nurse Practitioner Degree Program
- Dramatic Art (DRA)
- Dramatic Art, Master of Fine Arts
- Drop for Non-Payment & Student Payment Deadline
- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Earth & Planetary Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
- Earth & Planetary Sciences, Master of Science
- East Asian Languages & Cultures
- East Asian Studies
- East Asian Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- East Asian Studies (EAS)
- East Asian Studies, Minor
- Ecological Management & Restoration, Bachelor of Science
- Ecology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Ecology, Doctor of Philosophy (Joint Doctorate with SDSU)
- Ecology (ECL)
- Ecology (Graduate Group)
- Ecology, Master of Science
- Economics
- Economics, Bachelor of Arts
- Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Economics (ECN)
- Economics, Master of Arts
- Economics, Minor
- Education Abroad Program (EAP)
- Education, Doctor of Philosophy
- Education (EDU)
- Education Leadership, Doctorate in Education (CANDEL)
- Education, Master of Arts
- Education, Minor
- Education, School of
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science/Master of Science Integrated Degree Programs (IDP)
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Electrical & Computer Engineering (EEC)
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, Master of Science
- Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Electrical Engineering, Minor
- Emergency Medicine (EMR)
- Endocrinology & Metabolism (ENM)
- Energy Efficiency, Minor
- Energy Policy, Minor
- Energy Science & Technology, Minor
- Energy Systems, Doctor of Philosophy
- Energy Systems (EGG)
- Energy Systems (Graduate Group)
- Energy Systems, Master of Science
- Engineering
- Engineering, College of
- Engineering (ENG)
- English
- English, Bachelor of Arts
- English, Doctor of Philosophy
- English (ENL)
- English, Master of Arts
- English, Minor
- Entomology, Bachelor of Science
- Entomology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Entomology (ENT)
- Entomology, Master of Science
- Entomology & Nematology
- Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)
- Environmental Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Environmental Geology, Minor
- Environmental Horticulture (ENH)
- Environmental Horticulture, Minor
- Environmental Horticulture & Urban Forestry, Bachelor of Science
- Environmental Humanities (EVH)
- Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning, Bachelor of Science
- Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning, Minor
- Environmental Policy & Management (ENV)
- Environmental Policy & Management (Graduate Group)
- Environmental Policy & Management, Master of Science
- Environmental Science & Management, Bachelor of Science
- Environmental Science & Management (ESM)
- Environmental Science & Policy
- Environmental Science & Policy (ESP)
- Environmental Toxicology
- Environmental Toxicology, Bachelor of Science
- Environmental Toxicology (ETX)
- Environmental Toxicology, Minor
- Epidemiology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Epidemiology (EPI)
- Epidemiology (Graduate Group)
- Epidemiology, Master of Science
- Evolution & Ecology
- Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Bachelor of Arts
- Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Bachelor of Science
- Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity, Minor
- Evolution & Ecology (EVE)
- Examinations
- Exercise Biology (EXB)
- Exercise Biology, Minor
- Exercise Science (EXS)
- Family Practice (FAP)
- Fee Refunds
- Fees, Costs, & Financial Aid
- Feminist Theory & Research, Designated Emphasis
- Fiber & Polymer Science (FPS)
- Film Studies (FMS)
- Film Studies, Minor
- Fine Arts & Humanities (FAH)
- First-Year Seminar Program
- Food Science, Bachelor of Science
- Food Science, Doctor of Philosophy
- Food Science (Graduate Group)
- Food Science, Master of Science
- Food Science & Technology
- Food Science & Technology (FST)
- Food Service Management (FSM)
- Forensic Entomology, Minor
- Forensic Science (FOR)
- Forensic Science (Graduate Group)
- Forensic Science, Master of Science
- French, Bachelor of Arts
- French & Francophone Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
- French & Francophone Studies, Master of Arts
- French (FRE)
- French & Italian
- French, Minor
- Freshman Seminar (FRS)
- Fungal Biology & Ecology, Minor
- Future Undergraduate Science Educators (FSE)
- Gastroenterology (GAS)
- Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies
- Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies (GSW)
- Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Minor
- General Appeal
- General Education (GE) Requirements
- General Medicine (GMD)
- Genetics & Genomics, Bachelor of Science
- Genetics (GGG)
- Geographic Information Systems, Minor
- Geographic Studies, Minor
- Geography, Doctor of Philosophy
- Geography (GEO)
- Geography (Graduate Group)
- Geography, Master of Arts
- Geology, Bachelor of Arts
- Geology, Bachelor of Science
- Geology (GEL)
- Geology, Minor
- Geophysics, Minor
- German, Bachelor of Arts
- German, Doctor of Philosophy
- German (GER)
- German, Master of Arts
- German, Minor
- German & Russian
- Global Disease Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Global Disease Biology (GDB)
- Global Disease Biology, Minor
- Global Learning Hub
- Global Learning Hub
- Global Nutrition, Designated Emphasis
- Global Studies (GLO)
- Global Studies, Minor
- Grades & Grading
- Graduate Education
- Graduate Education (GRD)
- Greek (GRK)
- Greek, Minor
- Health Informatics (Graduate Group)
- Health Informatics, Master of Science
- Health Informatics (MHI)
- Hebrew (HEB)
- Hematology & Oncology (HON)
- Hemispheric Institute of the Americas
- Hindi (HND)
- Hindi/Urdu (HIN)
- History
- History, Bachelor of Arts
- History, Doctor of Philosophy
- History (HIS)
- History, Master of Arts
- History, Minor
- History & Philosophy of Science, Minor
- Honors & Awards
- Honors Challenge (HNR)
- Horticulture & Agronomy, Doctor of Philosophy
- Horticulture & Agronomy (Graduate Group)
- Horticulture & Agronomy, Master of Science
- Horticulture (HRT)
- Human Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Human Development, Bachelor of Science
- Human Development, Doctor of Philosophy
- Human Development (Graduate Group)
- Human Development (HDE)
- Human Development, Minor
- Human Ecology
- Humanities
- Humanities (HUM)
- Human Physiology (HPH)
- Human Physiology, Minor
- Human Rights (HMR)
- Human Rights Studies
- Human Right Studies, Minor
- Hydrologic Science (HYD)
- Hydrologic Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
- Hydrologic Sciences (Graduate Group)
- Hydrologic Sciences, Master of Science
- Hydrology, Bachelor of Science
- Hydrology, Minor
- Immunology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Immunology (Graduate Group)
- Immunology (IMM)
- Immunology, Master of Science
- Independent Study Program
- India & South Asia Studies, Minor
- Individual Major
- Infectious Diseases (IDI)
- Insect Biology, Minor
- Insect Ecology & Evolution, Minor
- Integrated Studies (IST)
- Integrated Teaching Credential, Teaching Credential, Master of Arts
- Integrative Genetics & Genomics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Integrative Genetics & Genomics (Graduate Group)
- Integrative Genetics & Genomics, Master of Science
- Integrative Pathobiology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Integrative Pathobiology (Graduate Group)
- Integrative Pathobiology, Master of Science
- Internal Medicine (IMD)
- International Agricultural Development, Bachelor of Science
- International Agricultural Development (Graduate Group)
- International Agricultural Development (IAD)
- International Agricultural Development, Master of Science
- International Agricultural Development, Minor
- International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit & Chart
- International Commercial Law (ICL)
- International Relations, Bachelor of Arts
- International Relations (IRE)
- International Science Studies, Minor
- Internship Program
- Iran & Persian Studies, Minor
- Italian, Bachelor of Arts
- Italian (ITA)
- Italian, Minor
- Japanese, Bachelor of Arts
- Japanese (JPN)
- Japanese, Minor
- Jewish Studies (JST)
- Jewish Studies, Minor
- Land, Air, & Water Resources
- Landscape Architecture, Bachelor of Science
- Landscape Architecture (LDA)
- Landscape & Environmental Design (LED)
- Landscape Restoration, Minor
- Late Actions
- Latin American & Hemispheric Studies, Minor
- Latin (LAT)
- Latin, Minor
- Law (LAW)
- Law, School of
- Leaving UC Davis
- Letters & Science
- Letters & Science, Bachelor of Arts, Individual
- Letters & Science, Bachelor of Science, Individual
- Linguistics
- Linguistics, Bachelor of Arts
- Linguistics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Linguistics for Language Teachers, Minor
- Linguistics (LIN)
- Linguistics, Master of Arts
- Linguistics, Minor
- Luso-Brazilian Studies, Minor
- Management, Graduate School of
- Management (MGT)
- Management; Online (MGV)
- Management; Working Professional Bay Area (MGB)
- Management; Working Professional (MGP)
- Managerial Economics, Bachelor of Science
- Managerial Economics, Minor
- Marine & Coastal Science, Bachelor of Science
- Master of Laws
- Master of Management, Online Master of Management
- Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
- Master of Public Health
- Master's Entry Program in Nursing
- Masters Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPM)
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Materials Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Materials Science & Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Materials Science Engineering (EMS)
- Materials Science & Engineering, Master of Engineering
- Materials Science & Engineering, Master of Science
- Materials Science, Minor
- Maternal & Child Nutrition, Master of Advanced Study
- Maternal & Child Nutrition (MCN)
- Mathematical Analytics & Operations Research, Bachelor of Science
- Mathematical & Scientific Computation, Bachelor of Science
- Mathematics
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science
- Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Mathematics, Master of Arts
- Mathematics (MAT)
- Mathematics, Minor
- Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (MAE)
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science
- Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science
- Mechanical Engineering (EME)
- Medical Device Development (MDD)
- Medical Humanities, Minor
- Medical Microbiology (MMI)
- Medical Pharmacology & Toxicology (PHA)
- Medical Sciences (MDS)
- Medical-Veterinary Entomology, Minor
- Medicine & Epidemiology (VME)
- Medicine, School of
- Medieval & Early Modern Studies
- Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Minor
- Medieval Studies (MST)
- Microbiology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Microbiology (Graduate Group)
- Microbiology, Master of Science
- Microbiology (MIB)
- Microbiology (MIC)
- Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
- Microbiology & Molecular Genetics (MMG)
- Middle East/South Asian Studies (MSA)
- Middle East/South Asia Studies
- Middle East/South Asia Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Middle East/South Asia Studies, Minor
- Military Science
- Military Science (MSC)
- Molecular Biosciences (VMB)
- Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Molecular & Cellular Biology (MCB)
- Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology (Graduate Group)
- Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology, Master of Science
- Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology (MCP)
- Molecular & Medical Microbiology, Bachelor of Arts
- Molecular & Medical Microbiology, Bachelor of Science
- Museum Studies, Minor
- Music
- Music, Bachelor of Arts
- Music, Doctor of Philosophy
- Music, Master of Arts
- Music, Minor
- Music (MUS)
- Native American Studies
- Native American Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Native American Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
- Native American Studies, Master of Arts
- Native American Studies, Minor
- Native American Studies (NAS)
- Nematology, Minor
- Nematology (NEM)
- Nephrology (NEP)
- Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior
- Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, Bachelor of Science
- Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior (NPB)
- Neurology (NEU)
- Neuroscience, Doctor of Philosophy
- Neuroscience (Graduate Group)
- Neuroscience, Minor
- Neuroscience (NSC)
- Neurosurgery (NSU)
- Nursing (NRS)
- Nursing Science & Health-Care Leadership
- Nursing Science & Health-Care Leadership, Doctor of Philosophy
- Nutrition
- Nutritional Biology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Nutritional Biology (Graduate Group)
- Nutritional Biology, Master of Science
- Nutritional Biology (NUB)
- Nutrition & Food, Minor
- Nutrition (NUT)
- Nutrition Science, Bachelor of Science
- Nutrition Science, Minor
- Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBG)
- Oceanography, Minor
- Ophthalmology (OPT)
- Orthopaedic Surgery (OSU)
- Otolaryngology (OTO)
- Part-Time & Employee Students Fees
- Pathology, Microbiology, & Immunology (PMI)
- Pathology (PMD)
- Pediatrics (PED)
- Performance Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
- Performance Studies (Graduate Group)
- Performance Studies (PFS)
- Persian (PER)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bachelor of Science
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Master of Science
- Pharmacology & Toxicology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Pharmacology & Toxicology (Graduate Group)
- Pharmacology & Toxicology, Master of Science
- Pharmacology & Toxicology (PTX)
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts
- Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy
- Philosophy, Master of Arts
- Philosophy, Minor
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR)
- Physician Assistant Studies, Master of Health Services
- Physician Assistant Studies (PAS)
- Physics & Astronomy
- Physics, Bachelor of Arts
- Physics, Bachelor of Science
- Physics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Physics, Master of Science
- Physics, Minor
- Physics (PHY)
- Plant Biology
- Plant Biology, Bachelor of Arts
- Plant Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Plant Biology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Plant Biology (Graduate Group)
- Plant Biology (Graduate Group) (PBI)
- Plant Biology, Master of Science
- Plant Biology, Minor
- Plant Biology (PLB)
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Pathology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Plant Pathology, Master of Science
- Plant Pathology (PLP)
- Plant Science (PLS)
- Plant Sciences
- Plant Sciences, Bachelor of Science
- Plastic Surgery (PSU)
- Policies, Procedures, & Regulations
- Political Science
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts
- Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
- Political Science, Master of Arts
- Political Science, Master of Arts/Doctor of Jurisprudence
- Political Science, Minor
- Political Science (POL)
- Political Science—Public Service, Bachelor of Arts
- Population Biology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Population Biology (Graduate Group)
- Population Biology, Master of Science
- Population Biology (PBG)
- Population Health & Reproduction (PHR)
- Portuguese (POR)
- Precision Agriculture, Minor
- Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Group)
- Professional Accountancy (ACC)
- Professional Accountancy, Master of Professional Accountancy
- Professional Writing, Minor
- Psychiatry (PSY)
- Psychology
- Psychology, Bachelor of Arts
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science
- Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Psychology, Master of Arts
- Psychology, Minor
- Psychology (PSC)
- Public Health Sciences
- Public Health Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
- Public Health Sciences, Minor
- Public Health Sciences (SPH)
- Pulmonary Medicine (PUL)
- Punjabi (PUN)
- Radiation Oncology (RON)
- Radiology-Diagnostic (RDI)
- Radiology-Nuclear Medicine (RNU)
- Register for Classes
- Registration & Course Load
- Registration Pass Times
- Religious Studies
- Religious Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Religious Studies, Minor
- Religious Studies (RST)
- Retroactive Changes
- Returning to UC Davis
- Rheumatology & Allergy (RAL)
- Russian, Bachelor of Arts
- Russian, Minor
- Russian (RUS)
- Scholarship Requirement
- School of Veterinary Medicine (VET)
- Science & Society
- Science & Society, Minor
- Science & Society (SAS)
- Science & Technology Studies
- Science & Technology Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Science & Technology Studies, Designated Emphasis
- Science & Technology Studies (STS)
- Search Courses
- Senior Residence Requirements
- Sexuality Studies, Minor
- Simultaneous Enrollment
- Social, Ethnic & Gender Relations, Minor
- Social Theory & Comparative History (STH)
- Sociology
- Sociology, Bachelor of Arts
- Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
- Sociology, Master of Arts
- Sociology, Minor
- Sociology—Organizational Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Sociology (SOC)
- Soils & Biogeochemistry, Doctor of Philosophy
- Soils & Biogeochemistry (Graduate Group)
- Soils & Biogeochemistry, Master of Science
- Soil Science, Minor
- Soil Science (SSC)
- Spanish, Bachelor of Arts
- Spanish, Doctor of Philosophy
- Spanish, Master of Arts
- Spanish, Minor
- Spanish & Portuguese
- Spanish (SPA)
- Statistics
- Statistics, Bachelor of Arts
- Statistics, Bachelor of Science
- Statistics, Doctor of Philosophy
- Statistics, Master of Science
- Statistics, Minor
- Statistics (STA)
- Student Conduct & Responsibilities
- Student Support Services
- Study of Religion, Doctor of Philosophy
- Study of Religion, Master of Arts
- Study of Religion (REL)
- Summer Sessions
- Surgery (SUR)
- Surgical & Radiological Sciences (VSR)
- Sustainability in the Built Environment, Minor
- Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems, Bachelor of Science
- Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems (SAF)
- Sustainable Environmental Design, Bachelor of Science
- Systems & Synthetic Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Systems & Synthetic Biology (SSB)
- Technocultural Studies (TCS)
- Technology Management, Minor
- Textiles & Clothing (TXC)
- Theatre & Dance
- Theatre & Dance, Bachelor of Arts
- Theatre & Dance, Minor
- Transportation Technology & Policy, Doctor of Philosophy
- Transportation Technology & Policy (Graduate Group)
- Transportation Technology & Policy, Master of Science
- Transportation Technology & Policy (TTP)
- Tuition & Residence
- UC Center Sacramento
- UC Davis Washington Center (WAS)
- UC Washington Program (UCDC)
- Undergraduate Education
- Unit Requirements & Limitations
- University Degree Requirements
- University Honors Program
- University Writing Program
- University Writing Program (UWP)
- Urdu (URD)
- Urology (URO)
- Veterinary Clinical Rotation (DVM)
- Veterinary Medicine, School of
- Viticulture & Enology
- Viticulture & Enology, Bachelor of Science
- Viticulture & Enology (Graduate Group)
- Viticulture & Enology, Master of Science
- Viticulture & Enology (VEN)